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Everything posted by AdamR

  1. I took my list from last years GT final Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)- Celestine Hammer- Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-wingedLord-Castellant (100)Knight-Heraldor (100)Battleline20 x Sequitors (400)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warblade & Shield- 1x GrandbladesUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of LightningTotal: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 124 Played against Seraphon, Daughters of Khaine and 20 evocator/20 sequitor Garviel bomb.
  2. Congrats! Oddly enough I was also at a 14 player tournament today and managed to get the win with my stardrake list.
  3. I'd keep him just for Azyrite Halo on the space dragon! But also an auto unbind at a key moment can swing a game.
  4. I think Staunch will save you a lot more wounds over the course of the tournament than the extra mortals save. But now I've written that you'll probably just face mortalspam lists all the way! EDIT - I'd also agree with dropping the comet for a Heraldor. He still has the mortal wound output, plus you can keep your Fulminators charging.
  5. That's not a lot of wounds! Is there a reason I'm not seeing that you've gone for Shielded by Faith instead of Staunch? Seeing as he already has a 4+ vs Mortals from Ignax's scales.
  6. No pics of everything together, but this is what I have that's painted for my Stormcast Eternals Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender - Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)- Celestine Hammer- Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-wingedKnight-Heraldor (100)Knight-Incantor (140)- Spell: ThundershockKnight-Venator (120)Knight-Vexillor (120)- Meteoric StandardKnight-Zephyros (100)Lord-Celestant On Dracoth (220)- Tempestos Hammer & ThundershieldLord-Aquilor (200)Lord-Castellant (100)Lord-Celestant (100)Lord-Relictor (100)- Prayer: TranslocationLord-Relictor (100)- Prayer: Bless WeaponsBattleline30 x Liberators (520)- Warhammer & Shield- 6x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warblade & Shield- 1x Grandblades5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows- 1x Shockbolt Bows5 x Judicators (160)- Boltstorm Crossbows- 1x Thunderbolt Crossbows20 x Sequitors (400)- Tempest Blades and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite GreatmacesUnits3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (100)- 1x Grandblades3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)- 1x Stormsurge Tridents3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (100)- 1x Grandhammers3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (100)- 1x Grandhammers3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (100)- 1x Stormsurge Tridents3 x Aetherwings (50)3 x Aetherwings (50)3 x Castigators (80)3 x Castigators (80)5 x Decimators (200)- 2x Starsoul Maces10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning2 x Fulminators (240)5 x Protectors (200)- 2x Starsoul Maces5 x Retributors (220)5 x Vanguard-Hunters (120)- Boltstorm Pistols and Storm Sabres5 x Vanguard-Hunters (120)- Boltstorm Pistols and Shock Handaxes5 x Vanguard-Hunters (120)- Boltstorm Pistols and Shock Handaxes3 x Vanguard-Palladors (200)- Boltstorm Pistols and Starstrike Javelins3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)War MachinesCelestar Ballista (100)Total: 6540 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 416 Still have more sequitors, castigators, evocators and another ballista to paint once I've got through the first 2000 points of my Slaves to Darkness.
  7. The Decimator and Retributor primes like their bling too.
  8. Bonjour For 2019, my new years resolution is to do a "bad guy" army, and see it through to a finished painted 2000 points. It's not going to be a finely honed tournament list, I have my SCE for that, but I'd like it to be fun to play. It has a definite NO DAEMONS theme! I've always had a soft spot for non god specific chaos doods, so the battleforce grabbed my attention as a great value buy. I also love the look of gorebeast chariots so I managed to find a Harbingers of Ruin box as well. It's not going to be a finely honed tournament list, I have my SCE for that, but I'd like it to be fun to play. With some conversions planned, I have 1800 points so far. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140) - General - Trait: Master of Deception - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch Chaos Sorcerer Lord On Manticore (200) Exalted Hero Of Chaos (80) Battleline 10 x Chaos Knights (320) - Chaos Glaives 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Chaos Glaives 10 x Chaos Warriors (180) - Hand Weapon & Shield 5 x Chaos Warriors (90) - Hand Weapon & Shield Units 3 x Chaos Gorebeast Chariots (300) - Greatblade 1 x Chaos Warshrine (160) Battalions Godsworn Champions of Ruin (170) Total: 1800 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 5 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 135 Questions! Unsure what to get for the last 200 points. I really like the look of the BoC Ghorgon, Slaughterpriests, Marauder Horsemen, or just a fat block of 40 Marauders... Open to any other suggestions, the only stipulation is no Daemons. Thoughts? Is it worth taking the Battalion? I'm mainly thinking of drop reduction and the extra cp/artefact. What are the preferred marks of chaos to go for? The only one I'm firm on is Tzeentch on the Lord on Mount for the rerolling non rendable 4+, but the others I'm undecided on. Is it best to go mono mark? or give heroes and units different marks dependant on their role? Hand weapon and shield on the knights? Or great weapon? And unit sizes? 1x10 & 1x5? or 1x15? or 3x5? And the chariots? 1 big unit to maximize command point use? That's all for now, I'll probably think of some more soon!
  9. Heraldor will give your Evocators a greater threat range. Vexxilor is good for redeployment. Relictor also good for redeployment with Translocation, plus he can heal or debuff.
  10. +1 for flying over what you want to shoot with a Tauralon.
  11. This basically. Stick it on a really resilient unit you expect to make a bucketload of saves. Sequitors are good for this, as is LCoSD. Anything with a reroll really for max effect (hence Talisman of the Watcher in the above list, so you can make the Evocators 2+ rerolling 1's).
  12. I used the Blade of Symmetry on the Zephyros in my Vanguard army, just making her a straight 2 damage vs everything. Not quite as good as Naeve vs hero's, but almost twice as good vs everything else.
  13. How about 4 ballista's + all those things? Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: UlguLeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender - Artefact: Talisman of the Watcher - Spell: Azyrite Halo- Mount Trait: Wind RunnerLord-Castellant (100)Knight-Heraldor (100)Lord-Ordinator (140)Battleline20 x Sequitors (400)- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x GrandhammersUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of LightningWar MachinesCelestar Ballista (100)Celestar Ballista (100)Celestar Ballista (100)Celestar Ballista (100)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 141 You could swap out the Heraldor for an Azyros if you wanted to make your Ballista's even shootier.
  14. Depends what you're fighting. Dais gives you a second unbind + 2+ armour + flying, so it's pretty good on an incantor. 10 libs should be able to lock down an objective more securely. QFT!
  15. I find that 10 Evocators and a Celestant on Drake combine really well - it's two horrendous things your opponent has to deal with leading to either one or the other being unmolested, or they split their attentions and don't do much to either. EDIT - if no realm artifacts, I'd probably go either Armour of Destiny or Armour of Silvered Sigmarite instead. Probably Destiny, as vs hordes you kinda want to be hit with the azyrite halo and thundershield combo.
  16. I'm sorely tempted to buy 9 dracolines now, just on general principle.
  17. How about Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersLord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)- General- Celestine Hammer- Trait: Staunch Defender - Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-wingedKnight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Castellant (100)Knight-Heraldor (100)Battleline10 x Liberators (200)- Warhammer & Shield- 2x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x GrandhammersUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of LightningEndless SpellsDais Arcanum (40)Total: 1740 / 1750Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 102
  18. If you look back a page you'll see my actual list, which does in fact feature 10 Evocators... This is purely hypothetical. But I disagree about not getting everything in. Hordes are popular, big monsters are popular. I bet your one of those players that says 20 sequitors can't fight too aintcha! :p
  19. I think if I was going to do Dracolines, I'd go big - unit of 9 with Arcanum on Dracoline, Castellant and Heraldor to buff and just run at the enemy screaming for a T1 charge! EDIT Something like this Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsLeadersLord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender - Spell: Azyrite Halo- Mount Trait: Pride LeaderKnight-Heraldor (100)Lord-Castellant (100)Battleline20 x Sequitors (400)- Tempest Blades and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces5 x Judicators (160)- Skybolt Bows- 1x Shockbolt Bows5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x GrandhammersUnits9 x Evocators on Dracolines (900)- 6x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Celestial BladesTotal: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 123 Add artefact of choice.
  20. Nice models! The extra attacks are great. The rerolling to charge is great, as is the extra damage. The synergy with the Arcanum on Dracoline is great. What's not great is having only 60% of the MW output for 50% more points!
  21. Thats a lot of battleline! I'd be tempted to stick the sequitors in one big unit of 20 - all the better for buffing. And saving you 80 points. I think you points are off a little also, as I only get your list to 1960. So now you've got 120 extra points to play with. That's enough points for a Lord Castellant to buff the Sequitors. Or maybe another Ballista? For the Evocators maybe go 10 and 5? cut another drop. Or even 15! 30 dice of 4+ MW in one activation is enough to scare anybody! As far as stormhost goes, I'm a big fan of regular vanilla with Staunch Defender on your big blob units. Or maybe Anvils if you can get a double turn with Evocators still in combat... potential for a lot of ouch. HTH
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