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Everything posted by Hebroseph

  1. This post is just my "hot takes" or what I think is good in our book. I think a big part of our list building will be dropping the bcr or gutbuster mentality. The only thing in the book that requires certain models are our battalions. Everything else is inter-changeable, and in some places actually better. For example, Winter Bite Subclan, this clan gives out -1 to hit with range weapons in your entire territory. That is a huge thing as more and more armies pick up decent shooting. You know what else loves protection as they run down the field, Gluttons. Running 2 big blocks of Gluttons under Winter Bite and sling a firebelly in there for a lucky billowing ash and you have 24 Gluttons rocketing across the field virtually immune behind a -2 to hit bubble ensuring they reach combat at almost peak performance. Your big BCR stuff is virtually immune to damage if they don't get one rounded when run under the blood gullet sub faction. Between thundertusk healing, butcher healing, slaughtermaster pots, and their relic that heals everything around them when dealing unsaved wounds(Put this on frostlord, not butchers) you can run 2-3 big bois who are amazingly resilient. Nevermind all the support they get from said butchers. Buffs to their damage, debuffs to units armor saves, bonus to hit, extra attacks etc etc. Junkmob may be in the running for one of the best battalions in the game. This battalion is so lean and cheap that it can fit into almost any army list. 1-3 Gnoblars, 1-2 Scapapults and a cheap battalion cost of 100 pts. At bare minimum this battalion runs you 320 points, for 20 bodies to hold a back line objective, a catapult to reach out and harrass their objective holders/screens. Not to mention the free CP and extra relic which is needed as sadly most of the clan relics are subpar. I would probably run 40 gnoblars and one launcher for 420 points of bodies. Make those immune to battleshock and run forward gumming up the enemy plans. 12 man block of Gluttons is our best unit option, period, no contest. It pound for pound delivers everything this army needs at a relative low cost(for our army). When you factor in all the easy buffs we have this gets dialed up to 10. Plus attacks, Plus Hits, Bonus damage, Exploding Sixes, Negative saves, etc etc all force multiply very well on these guys. Don't let 4 to hit convince you on sleeping on Leadbelchers. These guys are the same price as Gluttons(i dont think they get a max stack discount), for one less attack, but an extra rend. 12 Gluttons with exploding sixes get 36 attacks hitting on 3/3/-/2, using a dice calculator against a unit with a 4+ armor this results in 30 hits, 20 wounds, they save 10 and take 20 damage. 12 Lead Belchers have 24 attacks at 3/3/-1/2. This dices out to 16 hits, 10.67 wounds 7.11 unsaved for 14.22 dmg. If you add in its d3 shooting, 24 shots(d3 average of 2 shots each) 12 hits, 8 wounds 5.33 wounds. This puts them at 19.55 dmg vs Gluttson 20 damage. If they stand still and shoot d6 before charging in, they average out to 21 hits, 14 wounds 9.33 unsaved damage. So all in all, max gluttons and Max Leadbelchers perform very similar in stats. They both excel in different areas, such as Gluttons pull ahead with +1 to attack coupled with exploding sixes, where leadbelchers can shine against units with better armor, and when standing still before charging. 1 Firebelly is almost auto include at 120 points. Its a wizard so it helps with some scenarios, it benefits from the mawpot, its not overly expensive and its spell lore is AMAZING. If you need anti horde, its got you, if you need anti elite unit, its got you, if you are feeling lucky its got a massive -1 to hit bubble (if you can cast it, best spell hardest to cast of the lore, sad panda) I think Blood gullet tribe, with a butcher slaughter master and firebelly has some legs. Have the slaughtermaster cast cogs and butcher stand on the balewind vortex and the skin apron to give him all the spells lets him sling out 4 spells covering a big chunk of the board. Kinda eggs in the basket type deal and will probably fall flat against any armor with +++ to cast like Nagash or DoT. As I dig into this and get my games in this week, I'm sure ill have more insights. What is everybody else having fun with?
  2. The spell creates the model, the spell doesn't deal any damage. The hero casts the spell, end stop. The model moves by itself and is its own entity.
  3. The rules on the Endless spell say "Set up this model" then that model "does something". Once it's successfully cast, it is now its own entity, and no longer attached to the caster. If it stayed a hero then that has far reaching ramifications for other factions. When the Ogroid Thaumaturge cast his spell Fireblast, which after dealing damages and sets up models equal to the damage dealt, are those now heroes? Does the Skaven Verminlord who creates clanrats when he casts his spell, are they also Heroes? Endless spells have the keywords, "Endless Spells, name of spell, realm" not "spells" or "Heroes" I imagine GW with release an FAQ addressing this situation soon. Maybe they will rule in your favor and that will make slaanesh endless spells auto take.
  4. Quick clarification, Endless spells do not generate DP when hitting your units, just your heros, even if you cast the spell. Once it's cast it becomes a unit on the table, and is no longer a "hero"
  5. I tried a mix in my godseeker list last night. Sinistrous hand, Progeny of Damnation, Thermal Rider cloak and Speed-Chaser. the 2d3 wounds kept him up and the retreat and charge with fly let me run away from things that could reliably kill me in one turn while getting to the juicy stuff i wanted.
  6. How does the mutilating blades ability on seeker chariots work with units? Do you roll d3 for the whole unit, or d3 per seeker chariot that ends the charge move with in 1"?
  7. Use your heros to generate depravity points to summon blocks of daemonettes to hold objectives.
  8. I voted Tomb Kings, but with the cavat that I don't like the skeletons. I was never a fan of the actual tomb kings and their chariots. That being said I think the golems they had are still some of the coolest idea/models GW has ever had. The tomb scorpions, the ridable death snakes, the walking Sphinx, the Giant Mummies, are all amazing. I'd like to see GW bring back just that aspect of the faction, leaving the skeletons to Nagash.
  9. I think you have to pick and choose your "variation". Pretenders with Silversash will hit harder and more consistent, but get stuck out of place or in bad combats. Godseeker KOS with Thermal rider cloak and their Warlord trait to run and charge will get wherever it wants every turn and ignore screens, but be more swingy on the offense. I don't know how I would build an Invaders KOS, Maybe Skin with hand for 2d3 heals per turn?
  10. I've noticed this as a trend as more channels try and push out content on Battletomes and Codex that are not out yet and with armies they are not familiar with.
  11. Hero/Chariot question is easy. If you take a wound as a hero, do you get to allocate to the chariot for no depravity point, or to the hero to gain a depravity point. If they take damage as a hero, they deal damage as a hero
  12. Before I was running a Creature Caster pincer daemon as my keeper because the old model was so bad. Now ill run it as my exalted and run the new keeper as a KOS
  13. No endless spells are Allegiance locked, only keyword locked. Its fairly regular to use stormcast allies with comet in random order armies. I've used Skaven Plague Lord with the new skaven endless spells in my Chaos Dwarves.
  14. You mean a release that gave Tzeentch and nurgle endless spells? Maybe you mean a release like the one that gave Tzeentch a new terrain piece. Or maybe, a release that gave Skaven zero new models?
  15. thermal rider cloak to make him faster and fly over chaff units.
  16. Isnt that all you need to stop the auto 6 mortal wounds?
  17. It's not a sounds good on paper rule, it IS a good rule. As an avid Daemonette player, this is an amazing rule that will only help the army as a whole. It's so good in its old form, that i often bring daemonettes as allies into my other chaos armies just for the punch they provide. an EKos swinging 11 times, fighting twice, is going to net so much extra damage from that ability its going to be amazing, probably overkill vs most targets.
  18. Yep, at that point it becomes a DP engine, even if slightly inefficient. Generate 7 DP, Summon Enrapturess, regain d3 DP, then hurt itself and generate next turn for 2, if your lucky it pays for itself the next turn and after that, its pure DP profit. Of course you could just of spent the DP on whatever you wanted and not wasted all those turns, but hey somebody needs to stay back in and resummon your KOS after he dies.
  19. I think the terrain piece is great for the low low cost of 0 points. Generating depravity points when summoning is great, and corner case hurting a hero for 1 DP may make a difference in summoning what you need and summoning what you can.
  20. I'm looking forward to a Minotaur heavy Slaanesh list with a couple Keepers to keep them in check.
  21. Well the whip requires the enemy hero to be within 1" of a friendly unit, which seems very easy to play around.
  22. Can you give allies a Relic? I thought they didnt get relics, couldnt be general and don't get thier lore, only the spells on their sheet?
  23. I've never had good luck with him. You will get better mileage out of two Bull Tauruks to spread the inspiring presence and then actually bring the damage in melee. I have brought him to 9 tournament matches and he has never performed anything for me. His spell is hard to get off, and impossible vs some match ups. Daemon smith cast fireball just as well, Tauruks do better damage, the only thing he brings is speed.
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