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Everything posted by RexHavoc

  1. Wow, love the mushroom hat. The whole model is fantastic.
  2. Couple quick questions: Do the hinterlands gold cost & the Skirmish renown/points work out to be the same? I cant get the skirmish PDF to download to compare. With the 15 models max warband I can see my Grot warband filling up very, very quickly (even from the get go). Should I drop the starting gold for them, as to not have them completely overwhelm my mixed dwarf warband?
  3. I'm getting redirected to an error message/page when trying to look at the PDF in the first post.
  4. Clearly they hobby in a way that differs you. And there is nothing wrong with that. This is the main 'mission statement' for any part of the hobby, and for dark AoS or Inq28, even more so . So what if someone's creativity is limited too primary colours, or using stock minis. If everyone painted and posted nothing but John Blanche inspired (copied) stuff, it would become repetitive and boring. Blanchitsu has its place, but so does every other artist or modeller that has inspired to move away from 'mainstream' AoS or to create warhammer art over the years. Perhaps someone is just starting out, and is not used to painting in the dark grimey style, or perhaps they just cant paint like that. Or, most shocking, maybe just doesn't want to paint like that. Instead of moaning about how other people choose to interpret what is dark (which can be very subjective) or what is 'allowed' to be posted, how about add some positivity. Offer advice to those that ask of it, or even choose to ignore those that post things that dont mesh with your vision of the hobby. If everyone stopped trying to class whether work should be defined as ' AoS28 or Blanchitsu' or not, we have a lot more people showing off cool minis, and lot less people refusing to post here or the facebook group, for fear of being berated for being 'creatively wrong'. Nothing wrong with guiding the style, but the constant negativity on the facebook group is turning people away, to the point they are complaining about it in other groups.
  5. So does this mean the RPG/Expansion to Hinterlands is official dead and gone? I was looking forward to seeing things like items and weather. If its never coming back then its something I would probably house rule myself in at a later date, I'd rather not go through the effort if there is, say a year down the line, a chance you bring it back. I've been working on some warbands for a while now, but gotten behind painting my blasted airship (damn difficult mini, I must say!) The airship, as well as a refuelling station, are being used terrain pieces as part of a massive campaign. I love painting but even with the simplified rules of AoS, I still cant find the time to paint a whole army, or play games. Hinterlands has shaken that out of me, and I've painted more in the last 6 months (till I got stuck on the airship!) than I probably have in the last ten years. I'm setting a huge campaign that is allowing me to paint and try out all the different models I've wanted too but never bothered with, as I just didn't want huge 2k armies, as they would sit there unpainted! I have a huge story line all worked out, and by the time it ends, I should have a couple of fully painted AoS armies, as I intend to paint and replace every change that happens in the warbands! (I'll be running a few larger games as well, using some huge monsters as special scenario models- a good excuse to buy a lot of dragons I Wouldn't have normally touched!)
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