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Everything posted by RexHavoc

  1. I'm still painting models I brought when I got into warhammer games, back in 1989! It doesn't help that I'm not much of a gamer and prefer the creative side of the hobby. I'm also the only painter, so I have to sometimes paint models for my opponent that I might otherwise not really want to get done or might otherwise have issues with. Which can slow the whole process down. But it's not that much of an issue. I don't play warhammer games because of the endgame, I play them as I enjoy the whole process. If you enjoy it, the time is takes isn't wasted or too long. It can help to have games or competitions planned. If you have deadlines to get things finished by, you'll have more incentive to get models finished quickly (at least in theory) People that play far more regularly than me are able to knock out a set of completed models in the time it takes me to build one or two models. But if you plan ahead or push yourself, you can find ways to make the process faster. If you enjoy glueing models together, it's not a waste if a game never happens. I build so many minis for Inq28 (inquisitor) which I can spend weeks on converting, but I am unlikely to ever finish painting 99% of them and I doubt any I do finish will even see a gaming table. But I find the whole process relaxing even if once in a while, I get a small panic attack when I see the tray full to the brim with no more room to add any more!
  2. There is a fourth G&F collection coming and after that a collected G&F endtimes collection.
  3. Yeah, but that was before the issue that is holding up the current Slyvaneth stuff. It's likely that it will have a knock on affect on the rest of the year. If they are stuck they will be unlikely to push forward to have another battletome done and also risk becoming stuck behind the current one. They will either have to squeeze the releases in to a short space of time, which risks being sold too close together to sell well or push them till the new year slots to make up for time.
  4. Wasn't there an announcement about the open day on the community page a few days ago? I just had a quick look and can't see it on there but there was definitely something up a couple of days ago talking about what was on, I remember reading about it as it said that tickets would sell out quick etc. Maybe it was a facebook post only. /shrug.
  5. Ok, so if we ignore Nagash, Sigmar, archaon, Gorkamorka, Alarielle and grungni (as the game itself was built around them becoming gods) and I'm ignoring things like the named chaos deamons (like the Glottkin). Off the top of my head we have: -Gotrek -Vali -Mannfred -simulacra of the rest of the Von Carsteins - Arkhan -Neferata -Naaima -Morathi -Tyrion -Teclis -Grimnir -Thanquol -Boneripper - Balthasar Gelt -Lord Kroak I've discounted the 'Settra is a stormcast' as that was only ever hinted at as a passing comment and probably just one of those things they threw in there as a joke or to see everyone go nuts over it online. I've ignored one character who pops up in one story as a ghost as it's a spoiler and it's not *really* them, just a dead them. Skarsnik is an odd one, but I do find that his 'return' is a far more fitting reward for him, rather than his Padme Amidala ending in the end times. Again, it was only really hinted at. While I hold my hands up and agree that it's not exactly a HUGE list, it is a largely noticeable list, even more so when we are getting a 2nd set of Gotrek audios and new book and more short stories, where there are AoS stories waiting to be told or finished. I'm also not dead against bringing old characters back or making the realms a more 'old world' friendly place. I just want to see AoS be able to bring new things which can stand on their own, otherwise they might as well just say, you know what it was a mistake to blow the old world up and go back to the WFB setting. Because that's what is currently feels like. I'd like to see what they do with the Von Carstein stuff, that would make a for a brilliant joint reintroduction for the freeguild battletome for instance, and I have the Neferata books to read (and will be buying the new one). The biggest problem is the future. As more characters are brought back, I've noticed more and more people demand other characters to be brought back. GW will go where the money is of course, but people could just play WFB if they wanted too, or even play AoS rules but set in the old world. I think its one of those things were both opinions are both right and both wrong, so I'm going to leave this here and get back to painting lol *Though if we are just bringing back as much WFB as we can to the realms, I'd take a new AoS designed Darkblade model in a heartbeat! *
  6. Those things are completely different though. I'm all for bringing back Tomb kings or Bretonnians. Hell, I'd love to see Firmir return. I'm still hoping wood elves finally come back as a battletome. What I dislike is the rehashing of all the old characters, many of which were mortal and most of which had endings to their story during the end times. I can understand that they brought Thanquol & Nagash back, as both had huge new models during the endtimes and they wouldn't want to ditch new kits like that so easily. They are very distinct kits as well, would have been harder to pull off introducing them as new characters, espcailly so close to the end times stuff being released. Nagash being a god made is doubly easy to bring him into the realms. (Lore wise Nagash is a silly model to have though tbh, but that's a different rant lol) But we are a few years into AoS now and they would have had to go through a whole lot of effort and conscious design to bring Gotrek back now, both with the novels and with a new model. They are playing on the sense of nostalgia, trying to bring back some of that WFB cash they drove off by 'destroying the old world' (as the people that hate AoS would say). It might make good business sense right now, a nice easy injection of cash. But there was a reason that after 30 years of WFB standing still and not moving forward, it became stale and unprofitable . AoS is heading in that same direction the more of the old world they bring back into it. The end times showed that GW were finally willing to move the timeline on and that put characters in mortal danger. I have never seen a point in reading or watching stories were there is so much 'sales armour' (like plot armour, where GW won't want to loose model/book sales for a 'dead' character, so they stagnate the story line to protect them) that no one is really in any danger. It removes all tension when a hero is about to be beaten in the big show down, but you already know that he's in no danger because he'll be back next week. (YMMV of course, this isn't true for everyone, otherwise people would have stopped reading Marvel comics decades ago) We have realms of infinite possibility and while many of the old armies should/could be brought back with battletomes (why exclude people from using models they already own or having new models for old lines) bringing back named character after named character is taking away what was special about AoS in the first place. Plus it leads to disappointment from people who didn't see characters brought back- why did Gotrek & Thanquol make the cut to be brought back, but Skarsnik wasn't? Why should any Grot fan care about the plans of the Loonking when we know if we bug GW enough, We can have skarsnik back and the loonking can be forgotten about. (model wise: I don't care what models you want to play, I'm happy to see cool models used from the old world in AoS. They don't have to be the named character they once were. The Gotrek model is stunning. I'll probably pick one up to paint as is and one to add to my chaos Kharadrons. I don't see me being thrilled to seeing him my AoS games as Gotrek though. I still have tons of named Goblin characters being used for things as grots)
  7. That's weird, considering that Reynolds himself posted here only a while ago saying that the 8L trilogy had been put on hold and he didn't know when it would return, if ever. His comment even suggests that he's not written the 2nd book yet. Unless things have changed in two weeks, but they put this together very quickly if the plans did change.
  8. It got too much ages ago. AoS should have remained its own thing and they should have continued to create new characters. Having put the eight lamentations trilogy on the backburner (which pretty much feels like they have killed that series off) was a bad enough mistake, but to replace it with more old world rehashes, at this point they should say, look the old world is coming back and stop having people buy into AoS as a setting, before people are as invested into it as people were the old world when WFB was replaced. They didn't even need to change much with the current Gotrek books to still have them work. Could have been any new dwarven hero, that had the familiarity of the Gotrek stories and left a few hints in the books here and there that he is 'Gotrek reborn' or whatever. But rehashing old world heroes every time there is a release has ruin a big part of what made AoS more open and exciting than WFB in the first place. What makes me laugh even more is the people that get so annoyed when hobbyists use models/characters/ideas from the old world that don't belong or no longer exist in the realms. At this point, it's only a matter of time before said item has found it's way back into the realms anyway. Might as well let people get in on it a bit early.
  9. Ah nice, the article wasn't up when the pictures appeared from the open day with the new books! The new model is great. I'm still leaning to the opinion that the Gotrek audio, whilst great in production value, was the wrong move for AoS but that model is so damn nice. I'm hoping its cheap enough/not limited edition so I can buy a couple. That base is amazing and I want to use it for my own dwarven lord.
  10. New Gotrek audio drama and new book, Ghoulslayer on the way. Warcry is getting an anthology release of the different chaos warbands New neferata book as well and what appears to be a deepkin novel.
  11. Trouble is, I'm not interested in this game but I WANT to be, but between poor past experiences with their 'universe' games and them having not shown anything of the game that really grabs my attention (chaos models are nice and all, but there is a limit to how many chaos warbands I will want to buy, not to mention I expect the warbands themselves to be pricey- though the kill team sets are nice and good value, their price point makes in impractical to buy all the releases and I suspect we wil see a similar warband/terrain sets for these chaos chaps as they sold so well for kill team) Juts over a month or so till the games release and we've had nothing of real substance. While GW have gotten better at showing things off, there was a time were we got to see a game designed before it was released. Watching mordheim grow from some rules in white dwarf to become a full game is what they should have done with warcry. The 'get me by' skirmish rules in white dwarf should have been a warcry test rules, allowing for people to play with what they had and GW to make changes to the game as needed (such as adding in the additional non chaos warbands) Yeah, I have never understood there logic in this. I know people do buy each release and flog the last one to pay for the next new thing, which I'm sure GW count on this tactic working on those folks, but for everyone else, most people seem to know what battletomes they are likely to buy long before they are even announced, its only the odd new release that might catch people. I guess they still think that if we knew High elves were due in late summer, we are less likely to buy sylvaneth on release as a 'this will do until my real favourite elven army comes out'. Silly thing is, I'm sure people would still buy it as a get-me-by even if they knew someone else was coming. People know that sisters are battle are coming (and have done for a while) yet they are still selling space marines well enough. At this point of AoS they really should have put a list out of battletomes they are at least working on. I know that this could be risky for them- if they say they are doing a freeguild one, due in 12 months but its canned before release (for what ever reason) they would have to deal with the people shouting online about having spent money on freeguild models during the wait. I'm currently happy to buy 75% of the battletomes they are putting out (the other 25% I'm likely to buy once they become old edition/2nd hand) I made the decision a while back that this would be the last version of warhammer I'd ever buy and therefore happy to spend the additional money buying everything I like for this edition . I've never been a fan of the edition overhalls GW do. I would have been happy to stick with AoS1, but sticking with AoS2 made more sense due to the battletome quality being so good, as well as GW mentioning that they aim to give all factions that will remain in the game a battletome in the next two years or so. I don't think we have ever had an edition where so many battletomes/rules will have lined up to the same edition. I'd mostly like to know when/what is coming out over the next two years so I can plan which order I'm going to paint everything in. I'd also be less likely to spend money with other companies, as I'd need to 'save' for up for the upcoming battletomes.
  12. Still don't see the word failure and can't see anything about it not being a hit. Careful! Who knows what happens if you use both words together! 🤣 The fact he only quoted the first half of the sentence kind of leaves out the bit where I said 'I' (myself) right afterwards. Which would imply (I hope) I am only speaking for myself (though I'd love to be allowed to speak for others, I've not managed to persuade everyone to go along with this yet!😀) Ain't happening 🤣
  13. I didn't say it wasn't a hit and definitely didn't say it had been a failure.
  14. They did the exact same thing with shadow war, advertised it madly and over hyped it and look how that ended up. They want us to buy into it, they need to show the game not more models. After the disappointment of both Kill team & shadow war, I won't be buying into a GW side game, unless it turns out to be a bargain box of terrain for Skirmish. Right now its a bunch of chaos models and a leaked photo of the new terrain (that may or may not be in the main box) I have very little interest so far in the game, which isn't helped as we know so little about it. As for the bird guys, the more notable members of the gang are superb, they will make some great minis for adding to either my skirmish stuff or for my mordhiem project (if I ever get back to that) But the rest of the gang look like a bunch of standard chaos mortals with a few feathers chucked on for good measure. Now I know that's kind of how henchmen models work for the most part, but they just don't feel like part of the same gang to me. I think some of it is too do with the sub par painting scheme. The weird placement of blood in certain areas, the leaders ridiculous knobbly knee, and the dark brooding clothing but with the glowing Irish summer skin. I think they will be (as seems to be per usual with a lot of GW models now) much better models in the communities hands. I'd certainly like to see them in neon bird feather schemes or in a real grim dark style. The chap kneeling with the bird is superb though. Nice to see a mix of poses that isn't all static or all running like they have no control over their limbs. Mostly disappointed nothing for AoS again, but then after the last show I didn't expect much this time round. I wonder if the battletome hold ups are due to the current issue, maybe it's put them behind on several releases but the leaked sylvaneth one forced them to say something. Nice models, overhyped event with little to no previews- all in all another standard event from GW.
  15. Not why I like them though. I like them as they are easy to pick up from GW directly, where as the game inks are a pain in the butt to get where I am (at least not with out spending €25 on postage) and I don't need to mix them, they work direct from the pot. I don't use a lot of them, so they last a while but my water can be pretty damn awful at times, and hard water can split washes and inks. I tend to use bottle water as much as I can to deal with this, but sometimes I've not got any to hand but still have to paint. Not only that but it seems silly to be removing them as I mentioned before, a lot of the contrast previews that I've seen and that have looked pretty decent, have used the glazes to make the contrast paints look really damn good. No glazes means another reason to not bother trying contrast paints. According to the list, the glazes are going and some of (I presume less popular) textures are going for good. Wouldn't surprise me at all, as GW stores are having problems stocking all the new paints before you even add in contrast in their 'offical' sales racks. They are probably going to make room for all the newer colours (like the deepkin paints)
  16. Seems super silly to be removing glazes, some of the better offerings from the new contrast paints have used glazes to bring colour intensity up and to help smooth out the way the paint dries. Oh well. I'm a fan of their glazes but just another reason to keep on moving over to other brands. Will probably move away from the medium as well, I make my own anyway and only really use their medium now for making glazes from their own washes or with their metallics, as it's very slightly better than my own home made stuff. At like €7 a pot it's not longer going to be worth the slight improvement in quality. Oh well. I've enjoyed this range of paints but knew they would trash the range eventually, as they have done with every other range of paints they have done over the years.
  17. Aren't the necromunda kits all standard builds though, even if multipart kits. I thought the instructions show how exactly to build each named model in a set way (I admit to owning a few sets but have chucked them in a box without opening them for when I get back to working on my huge inquisimunda table) Granted, they are plastic- anything plastic is technically easily convertible or kit bash-able. multi-part kits I always took to meaning they could be built any way you wanted, the parts were mostly all interchangeable.
  18. Thanks for the update. That's disappointing news for sure. It's one of the best things to have come out for AoS and to not have the books continue, or at least having been put on hold is a real let down. Another reason I feel that I should wind down my black Library collection. I'll finish off the trilogies that are already part the way through but I can't stand spending time reading books (or watching shows come to that) that have no ending or get cancelled part the way through. Thanks for the great stuff so far, it was a blast while it lasted.
  19. I'm exactly the same. As far as I care right now, it's a big box of terrain and some chaos models to add to my warbands (for skirmish) AT THE MOST. The shadow war fiasco annoyed me and I brought into kill team on their advertising hype and it was nothing like they originally made it out to be (Thankfully the stuff I brought for it was a good deal for terrain and models for my bits collection anyway and it's all usable in other rulesets) and the necromunda rules release put me off buying into it all. I currently don't hold much hope that warcry isn't going to be anything but Kill team with a fantasy skin slapped on top. It might have touch of necromunda rules in there, but other games already give me more than kill team with necromunda leftovers. The first big give away was the tacked on warbands. It's good that they have added them- means more people will be interested. But it does seem like they only intended it to be Chaos Vs Chaos, while that has it own interesting concepts it does also limit what/where they can go with the game. I *want* to be excited for the game. I only play skirmish now and only really want to continue to play skirmish level games at this scale (I prefer other scales & rules for my mass warhammer games now) but I can see warcry being released in the same kill team style or 'buy it now before its gone' and in small pieces. I'd rather stick with the skirmish rules and just pick up the individual releases of warcry models/terrain I want when they releases them separately. I also don't trust that warcry will be well supported and still be receiving new releases 2 years down the line (I stopped believing them when they say this since they promised the same with Epic 3rd edition, and look how that turned out). Kill team has appeared to become a bit of a mess already- too many books, rules spread out over sets, sets/rules going OOP way too quickly. I don't get enough hobby time as it is, let alone wanting to waste what I do chasing down limited releases or having to rush about on a Saturday morning trying to preorder an item that may or may not have already gone out of stock in the time it takes to mess about with their website inadequacies. So much easier just buying models than trying to mess about with GW rulesets now. I buy the models I like, print out a warscroll, (take 12 months- 2 years to) paint them(!), and can get them out on the table. So much less stress. One of them main reasons I've been 'happy' to chase down as much of the new AoS stuff as I have been this past year, as this will be the last edition I ever buy anyway, so I only have to chase all those limited releases this once.
  20. An undo button 😁 As far as I can also tell, you can add your own assets. Also its drm free and you own your own work you create on it, where as ink *technically* owns all your maps (though I don't see any time that this has been an issue yet.) I'm not sure if it would be worth swapping if you're comfortable with ink, and it does look like ink provides some very good aos stylised assets already. For me the worth is in that undo button and being able to dip in and out of using it with out having to cancel a sub everyone I've ended up not using it in ages. I've not picked it up yet as I'm swamped with real life but hoping to grab it as a summer holiday project and will see what its like then.
  21. The potato has been out and grabbed a shot of warcry. Taken from the book of faces. Love the spikey terrain and what looks to be a watch tower on the statue head. Still not convinced it will be the game for me, but if thats the terrain from the starter set, then my skirmish table is going to look ace.
  22. replace the swordmasters kit with a new duel kit and maybe do one new hero, even if it comes 6 months down the line in a blightwar/looncurse style set. They honestly only need a start collecting set to bundle in a bunch of old models and you have a premade, AoS ready army. Would probably even help bump sales with other older ranges when people see that not all WFB that haven't gotten a battletome yet are not going the way of the dodo. I know GW have said that they are aiming to get battletomes for everything left in the next two years, but until we see them I'd not trust that they were ditching the Empire models or dwarves. I've been fine with the direction choices of AoS but would still love to see more classic armies come back. The gloomspite shows how they can do both incredible well with just a little bit of narrative tweaking.
  23. Love these maps. Are you using Inkarnate? I tried it a couple of times (the free edition at least) and couldn't get on with it. Lack of an undo button and not a fan of subscription software. Been thinking about picking up Wonderdraft, as it seems to be an almost identical program but you only pay once and can add your own assets.
  24. Ouch. €70. Not wanting to moan about pricing but that seems steep for a couple of spells and some rules that will get played once in a while. I'd like that scenery piece, it's damn cool but I think I'll probably pick up another Celestial Hurricanum instead to build the terrain and skip this one.
  25. Same thought I had as soon as I saw that. Even stranger that both are very current armies with brand new tomes. Personally, I always thought it was odd that they got new tomes, being they feel like small forces of only a couple of units. I liked the idea of more battletomes with more unique but smaller forces, but from I've seen from the rest of the community, people prefer the more 'soup' like battletomes with a mix of everything. I do wonder if both these forces, having such a select model count have put people off buying so heavily into them. Even though I like the more unique battletomes, I didn't buy either. I have models from both ranges, but they are all for conversions and I could never see me wanting to paint more than a handful of the models from either range. I think the most interesting thing about the new book is their hint about the stuff to come. I think we all knew that we would see a return of high elves, but I suspect that they won't be the high elves a lot of people will want to see. But they still have a lot of models that are new enough to not be replaced, so we might still see classic high elven armies in some form. Wonder if the hint leads towards freeguild or devoted of sigmar. I don't see them bringing out a battletome for each, but think both ranges have large enough scope to get their own. We will see I guess. I suspect we will get a lot of new troops for the freeguild and only a handful of the newer old kits will remain.
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