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Everything posted by Trav

  1. Thanks! Pretty happy with the snow too, great gw effects paint
  2. And 1000 point army ready for tournament next week. All about the knights, hopefully i can pull off some charges with them or im stuffed!
  3. Full unit of knights done for another doubles tournament next week. 5 didnt quite cut it, 10 look badass
  4. Have another doubles tournament in two weeks with my mates brass stampede list with 3 korgoraths. I loved my seeker knights last time so doubling them to a unit of 10 and adding a lord daemonic mount to help make the knights hit even better. one question- sorcerer lord for daemonic power on double piling in knights or a daemon prince?? lord of slaanesh on mount allure of slaanesh, relic blade lord on daemonic mount sorcerer lord or daemon prince 10 knights glaives 5 hellstriders 5 warriors extra command point 1000 points Obviously all about the buffed knights smashing in. Played a game last week with my list and they easily accounted for archaon. Just need to decide between the buffs of the sorcerer or the killing power of a daemon prince. Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated
  5. Hi all. Any ideas for an effective 1000 point list that wont be too hard to put together? cheers!
  6. Yep, nice early night for me before tournament!
  7. Finished my summoning pool for a tournament this weekend. Should be fun. 750 point doubles, my partner is running khorne with bloodcrusher and daemon prince. No idea how we will go!
  8. Ah yeah, a different style would be better. Skin easy- palid whych flesh and nuln oil
  9. I went with snow bases as i think they work well with my pink/purple scheme. Quick and easy too.
  10. Now working on some daemons to summon. Should be fun in game.
  11. Pumped for a 750 point doubles tournament. My mate is running a jugger list with daemon prince and karanak. Khorne summoning has been crazy in our small practice games. i am running a seeker host lord on slaanesh steed, allure of slaanesh, rune blade (-3 rend). daemon prince 10 warriors, great weapons 5 hellstriders, rapturous banner 5 knights hoping we can hit hard and fast, then summon reinforcements. I gave lord the rune blade so he can actually cause some damage and generate dp’s. might be able to get lord, daemon prince and double piling in knights to charge first turn, then the units of juggernauts, khorne prince and general on jugger can get stuck in. hopefully i have chosen the right artefact and trait, such a hard choice! Either way should be a fine time, just got some daemons to finish painting.
  12. Breathtaker looked good, but i cant get past the idea that it doesnt work that way as if your opponent only has one unit in combat then you dont get to attack with all of your units first as they dont have other elegible units to choose first and it can still get selected to fight. Still good if there are multiple enemy units in combat though. I am hoping i am wrong as i would love to beat up on a big monster without it hitting back
  13. Am i right in that mortal wounds caused by my heroes do not generate depravity points but when my characters suffer mortal wounds depravity points are generated? or do mortal wounds not contribute whatsoever? thanks!
  14. Thanks for that. Yeah -3 rend does sound good, even on the lord on steed as his combat weapon lacks rend. I usually make him -2 to hit and with -3 he might actually cause damage and gain depravity points and hang around for a while
  15. And what realm artefacts are proving to be good- particularly on a daemon prince or lord on steed of slaanesh?
  16. Hi. what slaanesh artefact is best in people’s opinion? also, would the ghorgon be too big to use as a keeper of secrets? What size base would he need to go on? thanks!
  17. Thanks. Yeah i think the snow is good with the pink. The blue does jump out a bit, but i guess excessive is characterful. I love the giant too, sadly he doesnt see a lot of action though
  18. Interesting to see what happens. In the meantime I will paint my remaining warriors and knights and try to actually play some games! i would be down for a chaos dragon
  19. What is the benefit of charging in your hero phase?
  20. I have these units ready to go. I have 10 warriors with sword and shield and 5 knights to finish up. I also need to put the hellstriders onto smaller sized bases as these were the only ones I had at the time. I generall play 1000 point games so this gives me plenty of options.
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