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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. And for 100 points less you can get this same ability for a simple 3+ roll and no CP, but also a 9" bubble of 6++ and a decent combat profile in a chaos warshrine.
  2. I love list building. And I kind of want to try spamming blightkings. Most Nurgle lists have 5, MAYBE 10. I want 30 and see how that works 😊
  3. If I just swap out the monks for maruaders they NEED a harbinger. So I need the points and GUO was the only thing I could take out.
  4. Blightkings should be 180 for 5. I wouldn't be surprised to see this increase.
  5. If they dont make the blighted weapons rule an unmodified 6 to hit, I'm going to saw both my arms off.
  6. You declare what spell you are casting. Before rolling the dice, you declare you are going to use "Putrid Offering." Take one mortal wound. Then roll the casting dice,with the +1. Repeat (if wanted) for the second spell. It is unclear whether you can use putrid offering more the once PER SPELL. I have always played it as NO you cant..as that seems to be rules as intended. Although you can use it more then once PER HERO phase.. like once per each of your spell casts. Another GUO FAQ question I have is whether plague wind heals the GUO who is casting it? I have been getting beaten up with my new list strategy of ditching harbinger and running with plague monks and more kings. Last night against Gloomspite I got wrecked. One mangler squig charged GUO, killed him (from full health). He got the double turn, then charged my Glottkin (full health) and killed him. I was slightly out of position, but that was crippling. My reaction: I'm going back to the list that I cheated on LOL Maruaders and Harbinger take me back baby!! Going to run this for a few games and see how it works. 192 wounds. With 33% damage mitigation. Gutrot and ten kings strike team. Glottkin buffing his rotting followers. Harbinger of Decay (160)- General- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact: The Witherstave The Glottkin (420)- Lore of Malignance: Blades of PutrefactionGutrot Spume (140)10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)40 x Chaos Marauders (200)- Axes & ShieldsSoulsnare Shackles (20)Total: 1900 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Wounds: 192
  7. Has to be before. I always play as only once per cast attempt.. but I’m not 100% sure.
  8. Actually I think he isnt as good as he was before. It used to be 8 un-negate-able wounds. Nothing could save it. Now its 8 MW..maybe 16 (on a 6). Which are negate-able. Like If he hit you with 16 MW it may kill one blightlord within harbinger range with Carnage. He is good. Buts still a 400 point model that cant fly with 14 wounds and 4+ save. What scares me more is the tyrant of blood battalion allowing 3 Bloodthirsters to pile in from 6" away and attacking before you get to swing.
  9. Base coats completed on a commissioned Verminlord Corruptor
  10. How do you use them? They cant be a hammer/damage dealer. And for me, 14 wounds with a 4+/5+ isnt much of an anvil. And thats always been my problem with them. They arent good at either role, and they cost to many points. If they are stronger beefier blightkings.. why not give them some rend?
  11. I didnt realize how disgustingly broken the skaven "warp lightning vortex" endless spell is. It casts on an 8.. so a bit high.. but range is 26" and (similar to soul snare shackles) the other two wholly within 7" of the first. When it is set-up and at the end of each movement phase it does d3 mortals to all units within 6" of ONE of them. If within 6" of two you get +1 to the roll. +2 to the roll if within 6" of all three. And on a unmodified roll of 6... thats d6 mortals. Also models that are within 6" cant fly or run. So you can cast turn one, right into there deployment zone, it procs, then it procs at the end of your movement phase. So before the opponent can even take a hero phase (if you go first) it hits them. thats DEVASTATING. Relevant to Nurgle because the Verminlord Corrupter is a nurgle wizard and skaventide wizard. So he can be in our army (not ally - so can have artefacts, command traits if general, and a nurgle demon spell) and also cast this endless spell. Note his unique spell is 13" range, pick a unit and roll a dice for each model within that unit (NOT within the range of the spell) and each 4+ is a mortal wound. 13" range gaunt summoner spell. Verminlord corrupter+warp lightning vortex is only 20 points more then GUO
  12. Sure can. Blightkings are undercosted atm and can surely fit in 1000 with a 160 point hero with plenty to spare. @Fluxlord thanks for critica synopsis. I’m effectively reading buffs and the 5++ save on the blightkings ..for more kings and better chaff. I love the plague monks models in a big block to. I’m going to keep witherstave as it’s a hard counter to gristlegore and a lot of abilities that proc in a six. Leaning to go with cogs after reading your post. I can use IP to keep them in the fight and follow that up with glotts commabd to make up for not getting the bonus attack in the charge turn two. I’ll report on any games I get in.
  13. Thoughts on this list. Any and all.. be as critical as you can. Removing Glottkin is NOT an option. Should I go cogs instead of the CP? Two command points allows me to use glottkins +1 attack (mainly for monks) AND inspiring presence. Cogs would GREATLY increase my chnaces of turn 1 charge with both the monks and outflanking blightkings, but I could only use inspiring presence OR Glottkin's command (lords of nurgle) The Glottkin (420)- Lore of Malignance: Blades of PutrefactionGutrot Spume (140)Great Unclean One (340)- General- Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact: The Witherstave - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid BladesTotal: 1940 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 181
  14. It's not your fault, @Dreadmund. Grimghasts being availabel to Legions of Nagash is the single most broken thing about this game right now. Why is this the ONLY nighthaunt unit thats available to them? Yet its the best one in the book. Reapers being nighthaunt only would fix a lot of balance issues with LoN. Sounds like you were playing two opponents per game, the opposing player and your own dice rolls. Even the best players cant do well in that scenario. Nurgle is a 3-2 army right now. So going 0/5 is 100% an outlier. Dont beat yourself up. What glaring mistakes do you think you made? GUO sounds like he might have been out of position. Demons right now are just not in line with proper points costs. And with no viable battalions for demons it also makes things very difficult because if you want extra cp you have to pay for it with no additional buffs via battalions. and no way to get addition relics. I feel they will do right by us come GHB, with hopefully a new book within a year...a quick update to fix a few things and give us endless spells. My theory is since we were the FIRST 2nd edition book..just before "free summoning" was a worry on everyones mind.. they didnt want this book to be the harbinger of power creep and go overboard with a nrand new summoning mechanic.. so their aired on the side of caution. It was ok for about 6 ~monsths but now the book has not aged well. Take advanatage of blightkings low points cost now.. I have a strong feeling they will increase in points. As they stand they are an insane value. They went up 5 wounds per unit but went down 4 points per model.
  15. I generally dont like re-working someones list into something completely different when they come for advice. I try to work within the basic framework they have, although you give sound advice. More blightkings is never NOT a good idea.
  16. I would never take lesser demons in units of 20. They aren't as good as units of 30 in terms of defense as they lose their 2nd tier of debuff by losing one model, and they aren't as good as filling required battleline anymore then a unit of 10. So they are worse at both jobs a unit of 30 or a unit of 10 at either of their respective roles. I dont like the tallyband AT ALL. You are spending 220 points for one cp (which you can just buy), an artefact, and some miniscule healing. If your going for a summoning list I kind of understand it, but you need horticulous to stack with it (free tree), and you need to have 7 units for the extra contagion point per turn. At the very minimum, I would drop the scivener because he is the warscroll embodiment of *LOLwtf* and get a poxbringer with favoured poxes with the witherstave. Favoured poxes is going to give you so much more utility then RR 1s to hit and RR charges on a defensive unit. @peasant
  17. You still have 160 left in that list. AND Instead of oghotts, you could take a chaos warshrine. If you mark it nurgle it will dish out RR all wounds to a unit, and gives ANOTHER 6++ save. Also is 100 points cheaper! Has same number of wounds, but 4+ save rather then 3+. Decent combat profile to! so you would actually have 260 points to spend! Maybe drop festus and grab a GUO at that point.
  18. I have no clue. If you have an extra artefact to waste might as well go for the Tamurkhans sub faction and get +1 to run rolls, and -1 to move and charge rolls for enemy table wide LOL. I dont have my battletome in front of me..I thought foul regen was technically above the heading of Lore of nurgle. Its not like its a big deal!
  19. This is absolutely the case. This includes foul regenesis, mystic shield and arcane bolt as well.
  20. Glott himself isnt optimal. He is about 10-20% overcosted in a world where a GUO is 340 who is worlds better at casting, with only a slightly less good command ability, only 2 less wounds, a natural 5++ that's kicks back mortals. GUO also has the same impact hits, and similar combat prowess..with a slight edge to glottkin. But GUO can be kitted out with a MASSIVE 3" movement buff. I think glottkin would be perfect as a 360-380 model. So I think the GUO is a better fit for blight cyst, simply because he does similar things, is more survivable and is a lot cheaper. The lower points costs is the tipping point because blight cyst is so expensive. It's essentially a 360 point battalion because the LoB is a tax. I also REALLY like the Poxbringer with favoured poxes in a blight cyst to stack -save rolls. AND/OR a rotbringer sorcerer with gift of contagion (I call it the baby favoured poxes). for 40 points give him a balewind and plague squall or muttergrub and he is a dope caster.
  21. Let me re-iterate, that I think both lists are fine. I'm talking strictly optimizing. For the first list, I think you could run Festus as a normal sorcerer and use that extra 20 points to fit gutrot spume in. And being able to make plaguebearers -4 to shooting and -2 to hit in combat is insane. Truly an immovable brick. For the lolz, make then fleshy abundance and you have 60 wounds, -4/-2, with a 5++ save. I think plague cyst needs a re-work. It's bonus are... uninspired. First off, the RR all hits SOUNDS nice until you realize its JUST allowing you to RR 2s... because the LoP already lets you RR 1s. Second, the "horribly contagious" rule is just virulent discharge without the healing capability. Sure now you get 2 dice.. but its not really all that usefull for a 200 point battalion. It does however allow you to go with Blessed sons, which makes the army a one drop, and gives you mystic shield across the army, and a CP, and an artefact for 100 points! The cp is worth 50 points. So for 50 points more you get an artefact, one drop and mystic shield army wide. Thats really good. although now you have 300 points in batalions.. so its a trade off. If you went this route, I would have a squad A be LoP and ten Kings, squad B as Gutrot and 10 kings, squad C as glottkin and the plaguebois, Festus should be directly behind glotty, getting ready to toss him a tasty healing potion. Rememebr its only 1" away in the hero phase!
  22. If there is an opportunity to talk about warhammer I take it. Fire away! I used the poxwalkers from warhammer 40k death guard line for Nurgle marauders! I cut off a couple chem tanks, added some shields and that’s about all the modding that’s necessary! Or kitbash the marauders box with a plaguebearers box! I don’t think he is the most optimal choice for blight cyst. But I include him in every list I make because of the intense and outlandish conversions I have done to my own glottkin. 😆
  23. @ReAnimate Studios lord of blights should have the rustfang to stack with the -1 rend on blightkings given by the battalion. Lord of blights doesn’t have any ability that would proc off the ghryrstrikes +1 hit/wound. Save that for lord of plagues 🤤 Also..either ditch the harbinger for a chaos warshrine OR drop the plaguebearers for 40 marauders which would save you 120 points. The plaguebearers have a natural 5++ and can’t be affected by the harbinger. The marauders can and you get 10 extra bodies. Also they are an attractive candidate for blades..as they have an very easy +1 to hit on whir warscroll. And their icon is natural rr 1s to hit...further procing blades. If you drop the harbinger for he warshrine. It’s only a 6+ save..but longer range, and you can pick a unit of kings to rr all wound rolls!! I also like to make ge warshrine NOTA DEVOTED to Nurgle because you still keep the 6++ but also can pick a unit of kings to rr hit and wound rolls of 1!! those would be my recommendations to OPTIMIZE your list. Please don’t take my comments as gospel. I’m not anyone special 😬. Your list is fine as is if that’s how you want it!!!
  24. Virulent discharge would not have more chances to affect nearby units. the wording is ANY unit, not A unit. So even if one enemy unit is surrounded by 3 different units of blightkings, they are only affected once. Unless that unit is part of a plague cyst. Then they would get two rolls. The main difference for using 10 is that 10 blightkings charging in is more powerful then five. You might not be able to get all 10 in on one combat phase, but probably more then 5. And subsequent pile in's will allow for even more, or to fill the gap where models die. Also... Its very daunting to charge into 10 blightkings and Opponents will think twice. Sometimes go out of the way to avoid them. I also like having gutrot bring ten with him for a shot at a first turn charge. Having ten blightkings in your backfield/your side of the board is NOT something you can ignore. Five is something you can for the most part disregard until it is convenient to deal with them. Rules for capturing objectives are in the core rules. I've pasted them here for your convenience. Beyond that, I'm unsure what specifically you are asking about. Keep in mind some missions have unique ways to capture objectives, or the distance varies, or specific unit types must capture them. So be sure to read that battleplan carefully. Especially at a tournament. Unless otherwise noted, these are the rules for capturing them. OBJECTIVES Battles are sometimes fought to gain control of one or more vitally important locations. In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, these locations are called objectives, and use the following rules. If a battle has any objectives, then the battleplan will say where they are located upon the battlefield. Objectives need to be represented by a suitable marker, such as a coin. Even better, if you have components available, you can model your own objective markers using parts from Citadel Miniatures kits. When measuring distances to and from objectives, always measure to and from the centre of the marker. At the end of each player’s turn, you must check to see if either player has gained control of any objectives. To do so, you and your opponent must count up the number of models you have within 6" of the centre of each objective; you gain control of an objective where your count is higher than your opponent’s count. Once you gain control of an objective, it remains under your control until the enemy is able to gain control of it.
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