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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. I'm hoping that new moonclan somehow affects the existing spiderfang line. It seems as though moonclan is going more towards mushroom inebriated grots with insect and squig buddies as opposed to cult of the bad moon type of feel. I hope a battletome rolls spiderfang into that as well because I have 60-70 spiders and several arachnarok I bought on a whim.
  2. @Domowoj Re-rolling all wounds is pretty sick on blightkings when you get a bunch of sixes. And its no slouch in combat with 6 attacks 4/3/-/2. The 6+ is noticeable and DEF helps. but I can say it does get disheartening to get an additional save roll but save so few.. but over the course of the game I do probably save close to 15. A few times it has meant the death of a hero or not. Or saving Glottkin from dropping to a lower tier. Its also good protection against alpha strikes if I cant get my harbinger to apply the command ability beforehand. Im worried about adding another 5 kings that Im piling on both my strength and weakness. As opposed to diversifying. If I run up against nighthaunt with blight cyst it is a headache for sure.. but having the warshrine gives me a better chance then more blightkings that arent effective. I rarely find myself saying... 20 kings just wasnt enough....Im sorry for rambling. Im a neurotic person and ALLERGIC to decision making.
  3. Thats actually a good point! Rotbringer sorc has 6, lord of plagues/blights and gutrot have 7 and lets take horticulous as the monster example (even though he doesnt have the monster keyword but does have a comparable statline and points cost for ghurk if broken down) has 8. Thats 21... WHY doesnt glotty have 21 wounds?! lol so nurgly! And I would tend to agree.. 400 OR 21 wounds would make him PERFECTLY costed. Im ok with the 18 and 420 as it is not that egregious. What was your list? I am having SERIOUS cold feet about my list going into NOVA. And Im kind of upset about it. is 20 kings enough in blight cyst? I could build and paint 5 more in the next couple days if I NEEDED to. Perhaps I should dump the shrine? But RR all wounds is so good. And the 6++ combined with harbinger 5++ is dope. Maybe shouldnt even go blight cyst at all.. GAH. This is the list that I'm defaulting to. LeadersThe Glottkin (420)- Lore of Malignance: Gift of ContagionHarbinger of Decay (160)- General- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact: The Witherstave Lord of Blights (140)- Artefact: Rustfang Gutrot Spume (140)Battleline10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)20 x Chaos Marauders (120)- Axes & ShieldsUnits1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)BattalionsBlight Cyst (220)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Wounds: 151
  4. Sounds like bad rolling or good dispells on your opponents part. Spells with a casting value of 7 have a 54% chance of success. The glottkin is really good. I think of them this way. For 420 points you get a caster with a dope ass unique spell and two casts (120 - similar to rotbringer sorcerer in points plus an artifact), an elite hero melee profile (otto.. another 120 points), and another monster level melee profile and hit debuff aura (260 - similar to Bloab rotspawned maggoth lord), plus impact hits on the charge, and an AMAZING command ability. Thats 500 points PLUS the command ability, PLUS the extra cast PLUS auto healing.. for 420. You cant rely on magic to be your primary source of damage or buffs because of the increased dispel range and magic heavy meta in second edition. Everyone here was exciting about the 30" dispel range.. I made the argument that the rich are going to get richer.. as magic heavy armies have better and more dispelling then nurgle. One trick is to place the glotkins base against the edge of the table on deployment if there is 24" between you and your opponents deployment on that particular scenario (some are 18"). Since he is on a 5.5" base, there will be 30.5" to any enemy units that are on their front line. If you are getting first turn, this gives you one turn without the enemy being able to dispel.
  5. Not necessarily. Horticulous is a bit slow but when he runs he is fine. Just needs to be within 7”. He has not shooting attack and most likely have a tree nearby if he needs a charge.
  6. I'm not having great luck with blight cyst but taking one to nova. Any tricks or hints you can share?
  7. I would trade the sorc, plague priest and vernin lord corruptor for the glottkin.
  8. put the carrion dirge on the CLoDM for another bravery debuff. bonus points if you put hideous visage command trait for another -2 plus the natural -1 from the knights. I would put the glaives on the alpha striking unit for max damage. Combine with bravery bomb and its lots of fun.
  9. @RoostmanuvaI like maggoth lords in 1k. You could drop the priest, the ten stinkbois, and drop sorc lord to rotbringer sorc and add in bloab rotspwned!
  10. One of your "drops" would be you saying to your opponent, gutrot spume and a unit of blightkings are in his slime fleet...much the same way a death player would tell you one of his skeleton units in being set up in the grave. If you dont like the marauder models..make your own! LOTS of options.
  11. I depends on the mission. I just played a tournament where my opponent placed 3 mournfangs on an objective in scorched earth. I put 5 kings with gutrot because that's all I needed to burn it down. Also @Havek Take the witherstave on the poxbringer. Its bordering on broken.
  12. I’ve never had a problem getting ten Kings in combat. Sure maybe 1-3 don’t. Rarely 4.. but with new pile in rules.. if you’re judicious with your moves and positioning most will. The others take causualties. marauders can attack “from two ranks” so a 40 block is stupid easy to get all in. At least in my experience. ———— Came in 5th/25 at the tournament. Went 2-1. Two major wins and major loss. Won best painted though. People flipped for the glottkin! First game was against bcr. I mean it was honestly over by turn 2. I took first turn. Gutrot and 5 kings charged 3 mournfangs which we’re sitting on right objective. I killed one I think. Burned it. One stone horn diverted to help the mournfangs and when he did I knew I won. People get so tempted and take the bait. Sure gutot and those kings died after another 1-2 turns of combat but ok. I tied down that whole side of the broad with 300 points. And got vp’s. Huskgard and stonehorn charged maruaders and 10 kings. But with them rerolling 6s to hit and wound and the blightkings 4+/5++/6++ it was a grind for them. With some disease mortal wounds and rend in kings I got all three monsters. Summoned plague bois on weak objectives and burned em. Major win. But dudes...frostlord on stonehorn with an artefact where he can’t be rend or rustfanged...??! No modifiers to 3+ save... whoa. Thanks to maruaders for putrefying him though!! second was against kaleb Walters and his tzeentch army. He had a huge block of enlightened, acolytes, kairos, loc. Focal points. Enlightened charged blightkings but tried to dance around them..keeping me from piling in to many...but forcing me to chase him or retreat. Very smart. I figured I just keep getting that 3” and hit with as many as I could. Frigging fold reality (spell to get d6 enlightened back - on a 1 they all disappear though) kept bringing them back. One time he did roll the 1!!!! But he Kairos’d that dice roll hahah. I managed to get a decent early lead. He came back to tie it up. Won priority on PIVITOL turn 4 to basically seal it for me. Glottkin got a clean charge in on kairos and killed him. Hard fought major win. Kaleb is such a masterful mauever/positioning player. No room for error. To be fair my dice rolls (particularly harbinger rolls and getting 6s on kings were kind of ridiculous) last game against ironjaws. 18 gore gruntas, gordrakk, 3 warchantas. Some battalion that lets them move 15” free first turn. Ok I get fleshy and blades on maruaders (arcane scenery ftw) so I turtled. He charged in 18 gruntas and goredrak. Lol I took it all. He killed 4/5 kings. And some of the maruaders...but 8 kings got 8 sixes paired with rustfang and rerolling wounds from shrine...I wiped out an entire squad of piggies. One had a couple wounds left. It was friggin awesome. I eventually killed all piggies and goredrak (turn three I believe)..problem was his warchantas took objectives after piggies boxed me in my own deployment zone. I should have rushed forward to limit him locking me so far away from objectives. Major loss...even though he got 120 kill points ?? Good fun. Great practice. That’s last game is going to bug me for a few days though ?
  13. taking this list to a 20-30 person tournament today! Want to try it out and see how the addition of the warshrine does. Allegiance: NurgleLeadersThe Glottkin (420)- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction- Lore of Foulness: undefinedHarbinger of Decay (160)- General- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact: The Witherstave Lord of Blights (140)- Artefact: Rustfang Gutrot Spume (140)Battleline10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)20 x Chaos Marauders (120)- Axes & Shields- Mark of Chaos: NurgleUnits1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)BattalionsBlight Cyst (220)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 151
  14. If I summon a poxbringer, does he get to know any of the demon lores of nurgle?
  15. Yup! turned your blightkings into space marines! +1 save across the board..... And when they went from GHB16 to GHB17 my army dropped in points by exactly his amount. What a time to be alive. I suppose if you were building a summoning army he would fit right in. Maybe a Tallyband as well you would be generating lots of contagion points if you added in maybe lord of plagues, horticulous, and/or used the "living plague" command trait!
  16. If Epidemius still gave out +1 save at 21 kills...he would be worth every point. When they changed to contagion point...he was suddenly worthless.
  17. Same with Lord of Afflictions. He has nurgle, demon, and hero keywords. However, @Fluxlord if it simply said "+1 damage if within x" of Nurgle Demon Hero..." that would mean the ability would only proc if the warscroll titled "Nurgle Demon Hero" (which obviously doesnt exist) is within x". The KEY difference (heh) is the Keyword bold type. If its in all caps and bold (keyword bold) then it's referring to ANY warscroll with those keywords. The HArbinger's Command ability for explane applies to MORTAL NURGLE units. So in order to reciveve the buff, the unit in question must have both the MORTAL and NURGLE keywords Thanks for the kind words on the conversion @Fluxlord
  18. Finally pulled the trigger on the glott conversion! Sculpting is so much more enjoyable when you have actual sculpting tools and not a combination of a gloved finger and drull bladed hobby knife! Splurged for myself on a set of sculpting tools from Michaels. ($16). Really happy how this is coming out! Tried to make it appear as if glott's body is "accepting" the tree as part of its own. So I lubed up the shaper with oil and really pressed hard to get the imprints of the tree to show through.. then I accentuated and embellished them. Ethracc will be standing on the small branch on the side.
  19. I dont think its anything other then the fact that Plague cyst just isnt very competitive. For 200 points, you get re-roll 2s for blightkings (since lop already lets you reroll 1s) and an extra 15% chnace to do d3 mortal wounds 3 times a game..It's simply not a tournament level competitive battalion. That is... if your intention is to be as competitive as possible. blightkings are the backbone of that army.. but the battalion bonuses (boni??) doesnt do much to support the backbone. The Lord of Plagues is such a dope character and model. I absolutley LOVE that he chops people up and mulches his garden with there bodies! But if you want to beat some of these harder matchups... in my opinion.. its blight cyst or no battalion. Blight cyst certainly has its weaknesses. nighthaunt is LOL. seraphon too. But most of the time.. rend -1 on blightkings, and ignore cover are just so so much better of a bonus then plague cyst. Plgue cyst should cost more then 120-140 points imo. WAY over costed.
  20. Hey if you only got 100 points and need a caster then it’s perfect value! There isn’t much better for 100 points! Especially in magic heavy metas
  21. Riiiiight. except for the one time in the FAQ when they said you DONT have to use the most up to date warscroll...
  22. And that is all overridden by the rule I posted. This q and a was an attempt to get rid of ptwb and fates worn warband. They directly killed it with big faq. the question you posted deals with multi-allegiance battalions and if they count as allies. Not entire armies that’s have appropriate keywords. We will have to agree to disagree.
  23. @Tasman Agreed. Again I will post this from our own battletome.
  24. I feel you are all incorrect. The FAQ people were pointing to ("killing ptwb) was dealing with battalions with two different allegiances in them, like the KO battalions with SCE in them. It wasnt clear whether PTWB was effected by this until the FAQ answered the PTWB DIRECTLY. By all means limit your options and dont play rules as written. Pestilens battalions are still ok in a nurgle army.
  25. @5kaven5lave is incorrect. You can absolutely run your foulrain congregation in a nurgle army. No allies. See Maggotkin battletome, page 76 I believe. Middle column last paragraph. "A battalion can still be a part of any ALLEGIANCE that all its units have on their warscrolls." So as long as EVERY unit in a battalion has the nurgle keyword, the battalion (and its units) are ALLEGIANT and dont need ally rules
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