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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Well your positivity didn’t last long only one week after mega gargants eh!? 😘
  2. http://tools.druchii.net/AoS-Combat-Calculator.php Yeah it’s super good. Only thing it doesn’t do is ‘x happens on sixes’. Well my happiness with them might be match up related. I don’t know. I just always find myself going for the tricksy utility units in AoS. And leadbelchers and the hunter are about the most tricksy thing we get 😂
  3. That’s a good point. I do expect it to happen though. Why else the separate boards?
  4. I can think of at least one more logical conclusion. the big heroes are loss leaders. Expensive to make, produce and store. Less sales to compensate it. But it does drive people to an army and collect the smaller models which actually make the profit. would explain why sons of behemat need to be more expensive. As there are no boxes with a bigger margin in the army for them to function as a loss leader to. same for the Warcry box. First starter a loss leader. Make the profit on the expansions and warbands. Now I’m not saying one or the other is the truth. I’m speculating as well We don’t know all the facts and we definitely don’t know the arguments used to decide the price and strategy. That’s why I asked is this an assumption or is there some source to this. (Just for context. PlayStation and Xbox famously did/do sell their consoles beneath production prices. While Nintendo refused to. Because Sony and Microsoft will make a profit on the games and side products as long as enough players buy into their system. This was the case for the ps3 and 4. Haven’t followed the news with the next console. So don’t know if they still do it. The big difference is that if Microsoft stops selling their console as a loss leader, players will switch to PlayStation. GW has no competition like that, for better or worse. )
  5. That’s what I keep telling myself as well... and then I realise that the discount would also be on a more reasonably priced box 😂
  6. Is that a fact or an assumption? because it sounds nice, but while you present it as fact, it sounds to me like an assumption if you claim to know the decision making proces regarding price, I would love to see some sources. 😁
  7. Oh that’s cool! I might just do this! First I’ll try it on a gryph hound I think. thank you.
  8. I managed to procrastinate building the final vanguard raptor to such an extent that I finished painting the raptor prime and now I’m working on the lord arcanum and lord aquilor. i originally wanted to paint the dracolines like panthers but now that I’m looking at it. Black beast with a black armoured rider doesn’t seem so good. My gryph chargers are chocobo yellow, so I’m not doing that. I am leaning towards a warmer color. Maybe tiger orange with stripes or spots? Maybe faded yellow orange like a jaguar? don’t really like the blueish grey from the stock models. (painted both rims black in the meantime.)
  9. Haha elven models being frail and delicate? Who would have thought? although the blood sacrifice usually is more of an DoK thing.
  10. oh I wish I was already that supportive. But my salt will need to wash a way for a few more days i'm afraid 😂 But after that i'm there with you converting and painting stuff up before I probably finally succumb and buy it anyway.... probably around the time the next one is announced
  11. Your day will come, especially now that we are surely on the cusp of exploring Ulgu 😁 Well to reply to the not happening battle report 😂, What happened to your Tyrant is what I find so hard with the model. I can build him to do decent damage. But I can't get him in reliably, and I always want to choose some other unit to go first. In smaller games, different story. Then giving him the Destructive bulk trait and an offensive artefact goes a long way comparatively. How many wounds did they do together with the combat? Because they always perform for me. Although I do try to get the Ironguts into the hard things. But you where facing 5 of those so that's close to impossible in a 5 turn game 😅 I use them a bit as a 'second wave' kind of thing. So the Gluttons and Ironguts preferably go into respectively hordes and elites. Big unit of Gluttons grabbing an objective. They Leadbelchers then go in where I need them. Attacking or grabbing an objective. So there might be a bit of discrepancy in how I experience them because that means it's usually not target priority one they are attacking. But they do solid work or me. Shoot, charge damage, combat. Going by absolute averages that means: 3,5 mw + This is vs 5+ save with everybody in range. Should be a bit less because usually I can't get everyone in . But occasionally a bit more shots because you don't need the move before the charge or are already in combat.
  12. Who cares? It’s not disastrous, it’s not unsustainable, it’s just not for you. or for me, for that matter. but if you don’t want to keep adding to an army, if you don’t want to collect 50 plaguebearers, 50 warriors and 30 blight kings etc, than Sons of Behemat are amazing. if I didn’t dislike painting big models I’d might collect them. It would be great. Paint the two mega gargants that I like the most. Then convert up the 2x3 giants to be really individual. and when I finish, after over a year of lovingly painting them, because that how long it would take me at the minimum, I could put them in a display cabinet. And moving on to a next project. and plenty of room for expansions. A mega gargant that goes after hot pockets, ehh magmadroth eggs and developed ways to collaps tunnels and go underground, mega gargants that function as artillery pieces from the plains of hysh. Because those shiny elves hurt your eyes if you get to close. currently you can build three mega gargants from one kit. Nothing stops GW from adding three more with one kit if the army is a hit.
  13. Oh man, that’s a nice finisher. i never tried it but there are brush on primers if the rattle can really lose their mojo. I personally started building just about everything I want to paint to finish this project. Although I must admit I might need to spend some more nights to build other things to get through the next two/three months. The Netherlands don’t get that cold anymore but i can’t let them dry in doors with the kid running around.
  14. Getting close boys, girls and elves. Only seven more days to the month. How's everybody faring? I'm still off by building 1,5 Vanguard Raptor. But I can't figure out a cool reposing for the last. Did start painting on the Lord-Aquilor, Lord Arcanum and the Raptor prime. so swings and roundabouts for me.
  15. haha okay, fair play to you and the Gor herd. You win this one. 😂 (still think it's more efficient for your goatherd to throw themselves on the fire, wait for a jabberslythe to arrive, and then for Alan to stab it and burn himself to death.)
  16. I agree. Except that I don’t have the time to paint, nor money to spend to keep up. So I do the changes through narrative campaigns and scenarios.
  17. I think the point wasn't against shooting. But against shooting being the new big thing. You say it will reach an equilibrium where a mix of elements will be part of each army... I think that the equilibrium will be skipped and it will just go into the next big thing. Which might just be one drop move 40" turn one combat armies, or Shadow/Light armies that block line of sight in some manner, or just crazy minuses to hit vs shooting through the Broken Realm books. Maybe the first Broken Realm book will allow the Khailabron temple, -2 vs shooting and Nurgle with their minuses to hit getting another boost. And then those two might be top dog. Swarm armies that can't be shot of objectives.
  18. Haha you knew that response of his was coming. And if humans had been released it would have been about GW still nog releasing adult toy... oh wait...
  19. define prettier ‘He grumbled in dwarven’
  20. Had the same thing. But just start reading. They fell into place for me. there’s even a short story about a stormcast who falls in love with a fellow warrior, but gets obsessed with something. Saying more would be spoilers. It’s called hourglass something I think. Which humanised stormcast to the point chaos corruption seems absolutely feasible. or the eight lamentations books are very good to get into it as well. Reynolds is a great writer regardless of the setting imo.
  21. Oh that’s where we 180 degrees disagree. it’s so much better in AoS. Yes most chaos warshippers at the low level are forced into the service of the dark gods because it’s the only way to survive. It’s a recurring theme in plenty of books. It’s so much better than good vs evil. just like those stormcast, exact hammers of sigmar, are all a bit dark. They all overdo it. I want the grey. I want the witch hunter who is a cold blooded devil who burns villages of innocents but in the next saved a little dracoline from a tree for its owner. just good vs evil is boring. having read most of the aos books release last three years, the lore is already very strong. But it will always feel thin compared to not only the older brother. But also 40k gets more attention. So aos will never catch up. but if you forget the comparison the narrative is so good. every good guy is a little bad, and plenty of bad guys have sides you can identify with. And of course depending on the story there is always room for the more simple good vs evil
  22. Nope that never happened to castigators. 🤐
  23. yeah my first stormcast where the blight war box models for that reason. but that’s a good sign. I will play it vs my own Ogors and KO mostly. So last three as hurricane crossbows is fine then.
  24. Ehh is that the aos equivalent of castigators when the soul wars box was released? 😅
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