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Everything posted by tupavko

  1. So I watched the full GMG review of the new book, and I'm a bit confused. In the book Everchosen and Beasts of Chaos are shown as "FACTIONS", but at the moment they do not exist in terms of playable warbads. So is GW going to print two more "non native" gangs for Warcry? Or are those gangs ment only for campaign purposes ad NPS warbands?
  2. The only reason I think it's not a throne is that we already have Kurdoss Valentian, another dead king on the throne. Two dead kings seated on thrones is too much. I think he is wearing it in some way, seems almost as a sort of "casing".
  3. I was looking at the rumor and the picture... i though it was a "stele" at first as a Rosetta Stone, but after looking at the picture it seems more as if the guy is actually a walking sarcophagus., and the rumor picmight be actually the back of it
  4. Not really: we know an "Ancient ally of Nagash was awaken" not a servant. In the first video the guy says: "My master raises armies I must lead" but nothing tells us that "master" is refered to Nagash. What if the "master" is refered to this second entity that was freed by Lady Olynder. So The God of dead Bodies is the one raising the armies and it is to him you offer the tithe. All Great Alliences have antagonists within their ranks except Death... What if this was the moment Nagash realized he's not alone...
  5. Maybe it's more appropriate for this discussion:
  6. All this Tithe thing makes me think of only one person: Nekaph, the Tomb herald of Settra - he was born indeed in a similar city - he did fall defending it -he wielded the Flail of Skulls (made of fallen heroes and kings defeated in Settra's name), and in this last video the guy is clearly wearing a stuff of skulls with crowns (as shown in the GW's preview) - he used to roam from city to city asking them to kneel and pay the tithe to Khemri and accept Settra as sole ruler - he was a general in life - he is animated by "duty" "Nekaph rides from city to city, as he did in life, at the head of one of Settra's eternal legions. When they arrive at the enemy's gates, Nekaph halts and demands an audience with the city's rulers. When the cowering leaders come forth, the Emmissary of Settra addresses them and offers them a single chance to surrender. Though his jaw does not move, and no discernable sound ushers from his lipless mouth, Nekaph's trembling foes hear a deep voice echoing in their heads. Rulers of nations quake with fear as Nekaph demands their fealty, and they realise that their doom has arrived. Those that refuse to kneel before the might of Settra, or those that foolishly choose to attack Nekaph's assembled legion, must face the unbridled wrath of Khemri." This is pure spculation but all this thing really smells Tomb Kingish 2.0 AoS style. Then all this "bones" talking, makes me think of a sort of opposied to all the "soul" thing. What if Nagash found himself as not the only God of the Dead. One God for the souls (Nagash) and one God for the body... a Body of Gold!
  7. I still hate the Beastlord's warscroll, but all this on paper looks trully as a great work from GW. it actually seems as a beastmen player's dream. LET THE AGE OF THE BEAST BEGIN!
  8. That's the point I don't think they need a point reduction! they can cost even less than now, but still I think they are less efficient hard hitters than many other, even bestigors are better in that role. I think GW can even bring them to 200pts if they make them good at what they are supposed to be! I don't like usually to compare different units from different armies, but it still is a sort of a becnhmark. 7A at 4+/3+ rend -2 damage 3 + bloodgreed IS TERRIBLE no matter how you judge it: 7A at 4+ is 3,5 3,5 that wounds on 3s is 2,31 + 1/6th chance of triggering Bloodgreed which is 0,58 (that hits on 4+ and wounds on 3s so 0,2) So we get 2,31 + 0,2 = 2,5 let's suppose our enemy has no armor (yet 4+ is not that uncommon) that's 7,5 wounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no armor, no ward for opponent) THAT IS BAAAAAAAAAAAD for a HtH specialist, not enough attacks, not enough damage, not RELIABLE!!!!! by the way 5 Blightkings (NOT HtH specialists) have 3A each that trigger d6 hits for every 6 so 15A at 3+/3+ you get 9,9 but you trigger 2,5 d6 attacks so 7,5 on avarage so we get 14,9A on 3+ = 9,84 wounds Blightkings have no rend so let's say in this case the adversary has a 4+, that is still 4,92wounds So Blightkins that are a lot more reliable, have almost a double amount of wounds, an armor save, and cost the same are a similar HtH damage specialist, except that that's not what they are. Bullgors need to become a lot more reliable, so I agree with you about 3+ to hit, 3A(at least) need 5 wounds (they are the beefiest monstruous infantry), impact hits (they are mad cows, how is it possible they don't have impact hits... Pamplona anyone?) and they can cost even 200pts but they have to be able to deal damage, a lot of it! The same goes for a Doombull... Come on look at Ogroid, the skinny cousin: he fights better, survives better and is even a mage!!!!! Ogroid deals impact hits, a massive hulking Bull Lord no, he goes around as a happy camper dealing 3A! 3A, what kind of Hero is he supposed to kill with that? He gets eaten even by a Megaboss! I'm not talking here only about meta, or power, it's also about the lore. Bullgors are supposed to be hulking monsters, even in Total War they are the most damaging monstruous infantry, or even in 7th/8th edition Beastmen were rubbish but at least Minos were nasty, and a Doombull was a true Murder Cow! I don't want Beastmen to be the top-tier army, but if I play a mad-cow party, I want to play mad-cows, not badly armored and equipped skaven!
  9. The brutal reality of this game Just kidding, In my opinion the big issue about Bullgors is that they are not what they are supposed to be. I see the logic behind them (glass cannon), but this is a game where "optimizing what you can do well, without compromising too mcuh the rest" is the key. one of the reasons Chaos performs well is that most Chaos armies do good what they are supposed to be good at, without turning into a turbo-spam (40k style): Maggotkin are a tedious army, that really frustrates the enemy with terrain/objective control, Khorne is brutal if he puts your hands on you, tzeentch cna unleash MW hell. it's ok to have Bullgors weak in defence (so no trenchwar for them) but on the impact, they should be like Khorne Crushers, or GoreGruntas, you should fear the idea of 500kg Cow on steroids with a character of a huney badger, but with 7A rend-2 damage 3, they ain't going to break enemy lines at all, and most of the times will end up chewed up by the trench war. Besides that they are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too squishy for a monstuous rank braking bodybuilder: 4W nacked, is simply not enough to bring those guys where they need to get, because 4W are really easy to make and you start loosing their damage output whcih is the only reason why they exist. Think about 5 Blightkings (tough, fighty, super-synergic, 21W total 4+, can cover multiple roles) same cost, which one would you rather have in your army? Or again 10 Tzaangor, it's the same story: ironically a Tzaangor with a great weapon is as good in melee as a Bullgor, in large numbers they are even better, but can run-charge, has a "6 ward save" and 10 of them have 20 wounds. Again, Skin-wolves have the same role as Bullgors but they are better, because they are fast and can chase and hunt down things. If GW doesn't fix this, our play style stays what it was: a game of "throwing bodies" forward in a hope of swarming the enemy, without loosing too many models.
  10. That could be true, if only the Doombull wasn't a wuss himself. Many many ages ago he used to be a Murder Com (back in the Old Day) but now, he's just a mid-lower HtH specialist, with a solid buff for an awful unit (Bullgors), but he's not even close to be a Hero killer, unless we consider wizards, but it's not like you'll see a lot of wizards even close to the fight (especially since the endless spells) i'm not a happy goat at the moment at all... it was really hard to make the Bestlord any worse and yet GW did it! He was a rubbish hero before, and he's even worse now. Was it to complicated to just copy Gorthor's comand ability? Why they always make goats weak?
  11. Beware the BB minotaur is a lot smaller in hight and bulk than a normal AoS Bullgor. So if you go that way start thinking how to make him a lot more imposing!
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