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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. If I was a betting man, I'd say Eldar after black library then idk and Fyreslayers in march followed by more Eldar and then Killteam. That would take us up to Adepticon where gw will switch focus to 40k Chaos and maybe a new model or two for AoS.
  2. It does pretty much align with other similar polls though. Fyreslayers are way down at the bottom despite being an ok army competitively. Nighthaunt and Gloomspite are the opposite. Factions with older minis need good rules to keep them popular. This is all the same as the Warhammer weekly survey and the one a user here did. When you have 3 different surveys all posting similar results, you can start to draw some conclusions.
  3. Someone did a calculation and it's about 50% not counting the paints, brushes etc that are usually sprinkled into the collection.
  4. It's hard to pick a favourite. Dan Abnett has one of the best. Reading the Gaunts Ghosts short stories in the original Inferno was the thing that got me into Warhammer fiction. As for AoS, The silver shard by Nick Horth is up there. He also was the lead writer on Broken Realms Morathi which is my favourite campaign book ever in terms of the lore. The Red Hours novella by Evan Dicken was also great. I really hope he gets a chance to do a full novel some time. Despite the naysayers there is plenty of recent work that I'd strongly recommend. Gloomspite by Andy Clark is terrific. Court of the Blind King by David Guymer is great and all the Prince Maesa stories by Guy Haley are awesome, particularly the series of stories in Inferno. Overall I've been impressed by the new Inferno. It captures a lot of the things I liked about the original.
  5. Josh Reynolds said that Soul Wars was one of his best performing books. So it's marines and tie ins that sell. It's still a bummer that Spear of Shadows didn't sell. If that book had been a hit, Josh might not have left. It's also one of the strongest examples that what the community says they want isn't what they buy.
  6. So to get things back on the rumour track, I've been thinking about the upcoming release schedule. There's a whole lot of 40k on the way with Eldar, Tyranids, chaos and chaos Knights, but not much else. The talk about Ash wastes suggests it's not coming out for a while. Horus heresy has long been rumoured but the lack of official info suggests it also is not coming for a while. There's a Killteam box coming soon but that's it. GW could release the 40k stuff back to back but that hasn't been their custom. They usually alternate 40k with something else. This all to say that I think we could be seeing the next battletomes may be coming pretty soon. I think the next release will either be Killteam or Fyreslayers and Idk. I also think we will see the next battle box in March with Nighthaunt and DoK in April. It wouldn't surprise me to see the other two books in June. That would mean 9 books in 12 months. That's actually a good pace and would allow them to release an all new book or two and still get every book updated before the next edition.
  7. Cool to see a roadmap but its kind of crazy that they didn't show these during the preview. It would have bulked out a lacklustre show considerably. The Skaven and Slyvaneth hint from Whitefang seems to be confirmed here. Aside from the odd choice of DoK, GW are doing books that need an update. Hopefully we will see Gloomspite, Khorne and BoC soonish. Give me those books for a nine book year and I'll be pretty happy. Even better if some of them come with new kits.
  8. The most optimistic rumour said Malerion in Summer. Warhammer previews usually cover up to three months of releases so I would never have expected to see anything here. The total lack of book news does suggest that there will be a fee delays though. If they originally planned for Malerion in Summer, I could see the release being pushed quite a way back.
  9. Some nice minis but I think it might be a new low for Warhammer previews. Not a single book announcement for any system. I'm pretty sure that's a first. The new box set is nice especially the new unit for Nighthaunt, but it feels like the IDK and Fyreslayers players have already been forgotten. The Corsair mini is cool but why show off just one? The new Khorne demon is cool but I'm not a fan of resin and they should have sold it as a model for every system. I'm intrigued by ash wastes but no real info is annoying. I still don't really have any idea what the next three months of this hobby is going to look like.
  10. I'm at work and my break finishes just as the show starts.
  11. I love that mini. Shame I can never go to any events. They just need to make it standard policy to do a made to order for all limited minis once the year is over.
  12. That would be an interesting way to go for corsairs. The forgeworld ones aren't like that at all.
  13. That's a great collection. I live in Japan so I'm all digital or audio but I've bought about 50 AoS books. There are still about 10 I haven't listened to or read. End of Enlightenment is next and I just bought the Direchasm and Warcry anthologies. Gloomspite was a recent favourite. I loved how terrifying an enemy the gitz were. Edit Nurgle faq is out. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/GjHi2Ip94TenkORr.pdf
  14. Almost certainly it will be idk, Fyreslayers and perhaps Nighthaunt. The dream would be Malerion's faction and a new Broken Realms style campaign book.
  15. Ok folks. If you want to fill the time before the next AoS release you really should read some AoS black library books. The next few months actually have some pretty exciting stuff in that regard. I've seen a lot of moaning about the lack of recent AoS content but I'm genuinely excited to read Gothghul Hollow. Anna Stephens' non gw books have reviewed extremely well. We could be in for something special. We've got the Harrowdeep collection of Novellas out now, Kragnos in February and Hallowed ground in March. People have been asking for more focus on the era of the beast are here are two novels doing just that. We'll probably have Soulslayer in April. 5 books in 4 months is pretty good going for AoS and I couldn't really keep up with a faster release schedule. I can also recommend the Soulbound books. Even if you don't want to play the game, they contain a lot of cool lore and art. The city guides are particularly cool.
  16. It’s the same thing that caused the 40K delays. Gw chose to release the new editions more or less on time. This meant that dominion effectively jumped the queue. By doing this it left a backlog of 40k releases waiting for a slot. That slot is now. This is all just a theory but it seems the most logical guess especially as this is the second time this had happened. I think most people will agree that gw didn’t choose to abandon 40k last year. The fact remains that there wasn’t a major faction update for 40k until June last year. As for the lack of the roadmap, gw has clearly become a bit gunshy about this. They announced Dragons for September but had to delay. The announced an AoS boom for October but had to delay. They announced Custodes and GSC for December but had to delay. They probably don’t want announce any dates until they absolutely have to.
  17. We know thanks to another mysterious individual that the next Underworlds warband is a necromancer with zombies. The leaf in the picture is definitely a Slyvaneth hint. I'm about 99% sure this is a teaser of a Skaven Slyvaneth box. The only question is whether they are getting more than one kit each.
  18. I know a lot of people are sick of this answer but it's COVID and Brexit. GW's original plan was to ship the dragons in September, Nurgle in October and probably Fyreslayers and IDK by the end of the year. We would've had 5 books in the first six months instead of three. Here in Japan we just got white dwarf 470 and the new Killteam starter is nowhere to be seen. Things are still majorly messed up and you only have to look at the queues of trucks in England to see that this is a problem that isn't going to end soon.
  19. As others have said removing the double turn and changing nothing else would make the game worse. I think gw needs to keep the double turn but make some bigger changes to alleviate the negative effects. The combat phase already has alternating activations. I would be tempted to introduce some form of this into the movement phase. One thought I had was that the movement phase would have alternating activations with the caveat that each unit can only move once per battle round. Obviously this would need to be tracked with warcry style tokens but I think it could be really interesting.
  20. Ok I'll answer in good faith. 1- I think the quality of the figures has been constantly increasing for the last 20 years. Also I have a budget of £200 a year for gw minis. This hasn't changed so I just end up buying fewer minis. I have less free time than I used so kind of works out ok. Rules bloat- needing four books is a rare case. The app has also alleviated a lot of this. Also I buy books for lore first, rules second so it doesn't bother that much. Power creep is a myth. Power fluctuation is more accurate. It is a little annoying but I'm not a competitive gamer and I don't play against people who like to push the rules. Neglected factions. Nothing in AoS is near as bad as the imperial guard or nids for 40k. Every single AoS faction has had something since AoS launched. Models being locked behind big box sets. I don't care. It usually takes me a year to paint an army, so if I start collecting a new faction when the book comes out, the individual minis will be out before I'm done painting the army. FAQ. Yeah it's a tad annoying but I house rule many of my own games so it's not an earth shattering problem. Fomo. I've never felt it, at least not in the way implied. There are always hundreds of models that I want to buy and paint and numerous games I want to play. The thing that prevents me is time. If there are a handful of exclusive items its often something a relief. The models are awesome, the lore is cool and the games are fun. The thing I find most difficult to put up with is the negativity of the community.
  21. He's wrong though. (He said AoS is being ignored in favour of 40k) It's been less than a year since AoS was dominating the release schedule. Last year AoS had 5 big ranges of minis released, 40k had just 3. (Orks, sisters and black Templars) Eldar and Chaos will give them a similar 12 months to AoS. Delays have dampened the hype for AoS somewhat but that's largely out of GW's control. I'm pretty sure that the Fyreslayers idk box was originally intended to be a winter 2021 release, and maybe the battletomes too. Even so it's only been six months since AoS 3 launched. 2nd edition didn't get a narrative advancement until May 2019 with Forbidden Power, almost a year after the launch. I'd expect something similar for AoS 3.
  22. Gw financial report is out. Sales are up, profit is down. Shipping in the second half of 2021 cost an extra £5.6million. This highlighted line may be of particular interest.
  23. So next week's release brings us fully up to for officially previewed AoS releases. Surely that means we should have some kind of preview soon. The last proper preview was on October 30th and the last models to come out from that are the Underworlds warband. I could see a preview show at the end of January to cover the February and March releases before the big Adepticon show which will hopefully feature Malerion.
  24. If gw keep on a three year cycle I think 24 is the magic number. 8 books a year is doable, more than that would be a struggle. This is a big reason why gw might soup things. If I was working for gw and was forced to keep to a three year cycle with the current staff, I would soup Duardin, slaves and beasts. I would add Malerion to DoK, chaos Duardin to slaves, Kurnothi to Slyvaneth and add one all new death and Destruction faction. Personally, I think gw should go to a 4 year cycle. 7 books a year for a total of 28 would let them add 4 new books and avoid soup. It would give them more time to write better books. With Horus and the old world they could still do a major edition change every year.
  25. Honestly I hate the facing rule. Gw are bringing back the old world. They can keep that kind of rule there. I wound change mortal sixes to the wound roll but only for shooting attacks. I would give the megas the same degrading profile as Kragnos. I would make the sentinels bird ability once per battle. I would change Morathi's rule to 4 wounds per phase. I would give all the squigs and spiderfang the moonclan grot keyword. I would give dankhold, mirebrute, sloggoth, and dragon ogors the monster keyword. I would change the combat range rule to directly in range or in range or in range of a model that is directly in range. This would let units fight two ranks deep. I would put the line of sight rule from the Christmas rules in the regular game. This is all pretty reasonable. One the more extreme end I would keep the double turn but with adjustments. Hero phase stays the same, moving and shooting are alternating activation but if you move or shooting in the first turn of the round, you can't in the second. This might need a few tweaks but it increases the interactivity and keeps some of the tactical options that a double turn provides.
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