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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. I'm honestly hoping they don't bring back too many old characters. In particular, I don't want Tyrion and Teclis to be in the High Elf Arcane Journal (if they come back later that's fine). Let's create some cool new characters and let them shine a bit. As for Dwarfs, I'm a bit disappointed that they are only getting two. I kinda hoped for the White Dwarf to be included in a similar way to the Green Knight (similar idea to them), and then two normal characters.
  2. If this guy doesn't return, it'll be a grudgin' I am significantly less fond of this chap. I had a nightmare getting him to rank up, and even on 25mm I suspect he'll be a pain.
  3. I just wish they'd come back as fast too. I still want a Bretonnian one, and I only have a Tomb Kings one because someone happened to be returning it when I was in Warhammer World. But yes, I think it's a good sign. People want this stuff.
  4. Oh my bad, for some reason I remembered chariot.
  5. Grom-lite: Goblin Warboss in a chariot.
  6. I think they were doing double duty. They were Dwarf Rangers, but if you added Bugman to the unit they became Bugman's Rangers.
  7. Anyone who's interested: if you search Arcane Journal Orc and Goblin Tribes on GW's webstore you can find it already. Same for the Card Pack (I just searched Card Pack and it was one of the automatic options). Technically they aren't available for a few minutes still.
  8. These ones maybe? They date back to 5th edition I think (maybe even 4th?). In 6th I think you were meant to use Quarrellers too, but there were even fewer options to make them actually look like rangers.
  9. Agreed. Quarrellers with a big axe feel like Quarrellers with a big axe. I think cloaks and perhaps a bunch of travelling gear (backpacks etc.) would sell them as Rangers.
  10. I just looked up the Quarreller kits instructions on r/WarhammerInstructions and you can make them into Rangers by gluing big axes on their backs.
  11. What were the most recent Ranger minis? Were they still the old Bugmans ones*? *I used their champion as my Warhammer Quest Dwarf. Great mini.
  12. It's true, my hands aren't even as big as my head! What sort of nonsense is this!?
  13. I hardly drink anymore. It takes too much out of me when I do. Gone are those halcyon days wren I could drink then pints and be in lectures the next day without any ill effect. But them I'm also 6'6" so I think I already fail at being a dwarf.
  14. I did it twice... well the first one wasn't beer, it was girls (age 14 or so). Then I briefly returned to GW before discovering beer 😄
  15. Sigh, why did I, foolishly, assume there was only one army book released in 6th edition. Notably I went to uni in 2004 and stopped collecting GW soon after. Given their age there holding up fairly well.
  16. I thought that, but they aren't those warriors. Those didn't have sculpted metal shields, but rather flat wooden round ones with icons that could be glued on top.
  17. Warriors are, apparently, 7th edition, so 2010ish? Seem to be at about the point GW were moving over to digital sculpting.
  18. Agreed. If anything, I'd say I'm more convinced they'll include them as an army of infamy now that Ungrim has been released. It's a big project (unless you're happy to buy tonnes of metal slayers), but that's the point.
  19. Good question. I assume it's based on the predicted popularity of factions, but I'm honestly surprised that O&G are considered less popular than Dwarfs. Other possibility is they want each faction to have a plastic generic "leader" kit. O&G already have their Boar/foot orc Warboss/Banner kit, but Dwarfs didn't.
  20. This is so Oldhammer! I'd expect a rewriting if this to make it fit with more modern Warhammer style (Dwarfs taking orcs prisoner? No way) but I think there's a good chance it'll feature given he's missing his dragon cloak.
  21. Are the Questing Knights in FW resin now (rather than finecast)? To be fair, FW does have plenty of really thin parts on some of their minis, which can be absurdly fragile. I sometimes think they were designed more as display pieces than as gaming pieces (new Fulgrim feels way too fragile to play with).
  22. I think my inner dwarf has been awoken by Ungrim. I might have to build a small dwarf army (or maybe not even that small, who knows).
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