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Everything posted by Greven

  1. Go idoneth, then one factionmakes your allies use the tides of death table, run and charge etc.. plus for 1 cp u can make him run auto.. Ive ran him on a 1000 pts in a doubles GT, and it massacred just about everything 🥰
  2. Hi, Regarding the new Cities book. Lets say i have an Duardin general, making my Irondrakes battleline, i also have an Gyrocopter as my 3rd unit, and now for my 4th unit, i want an unit of 10 Liberators, since it is allowed that 1 in 4 units is Stormcast. Is this unit of Stormcast now also my 2nd battleline unit, if i would play 1000 points vangaurd rules?
  3. Hi, I've got some doubles coming up, 1000 points per player. Now i am struggling with some lists. 1. Grand alliance: Chaos 1 Exalted hero of chaos - Sword of judgement, Crown of conquest, Dark avenger 6 x 5 Chaos warriors 3 x Chaos spawn Fatesworn warband Total 990 Points. 1 Drop. 2. Grand alliance: Slaanesh 1 Lord of Chaos - Strength of Godhood, True child of slaanesh, Silverlash 1 Chaos Sorcerer lord - Dark delusions 30 x Warriors 480, Mark of Slaanesh 20 x Daemonettes Fane of Slaanesh Total 1000 Points 4 Drops. 3. Grand alliance: Chaos 1 Exalted hero of chaos - Sword of judgement, Dark avenger. 1 Syll'Esske, Named character 10 x Warriors, Slaanesh 10 x Warriors, Slaanesh 3x Flamers of tzeentch 6x Plague Ogors I own mostly Slaves to darkness. Any tips?
  4. -5 bravery tends to be enough i think, every spell has to go off and if not cast the points are just sitting there. Cogs are amazing! Its one of those spells i just love to have, i would just run one of the 2 bravery spells. The tide is easier to cast but needs to have the wizard rather close, the jaws move a little further, but are harder to cast.. It comes down to playstyle i would say.
  5. Ive used bravery bomb also, with tha gnashing jaws that gives -1 bravery to unit and the same artifacts. Worked pretty well this particular game tbh. I will try it again soon. I played Storcast then, and got rid of judis en libis fast. The command point thing is an argument, but not as strong as u might think, u have to make big choices to save up any points.
  6. I would go 10 men javelins as flankers, harassment. They die a little more easy and ten shots on 4’s and 4’s just doesnt add up, so 20 might :). In my personal experience with knights, i use them now per 15 as a squad, but have run them as 3x5 with 2x command. Just depends on what u further have as units.
  7. Why not run it as Khorne then? Use gore pilgrims with filler units and let a 15 man squad of horses go bonkers with glaives go HaM on the field? Ive seen it been done before with the gore pilgrims giving + 1 to hit 2 times and +1 to hit from the general, letting glaives hit on 1+ ...... just a wrecking ball..
  8. Looks better to me, i also meant the lord on mount, it does crazy damage for example with an Ghyrstrike 2/2/-1/2, thats serious. Why not make the switch to tzeentch allegiance though? It makes your cogs better as u generate an extra spell for your wizard, u get destiny dice wich are incredible and everything in your army has permanent mystic shield from your tzeentch heroes. The reason for tzeentch is just that nothing really benefits from having the run and charge in my opinion, i get that the battalion is a thing, but just measure your knights correctly, and keep your opponents average charge range in mind to not get charged yourself. The only unit u want to run amd charge is one unit of glaive knights, i think the switch could potentially be more significant. A thing to notice is the lord on mount with mark of tzeentch re-rolls ALL failed saves, not just ones. Big deal. U can go a lot of ways with a list like this, also greater daemons as allies could be insane, i had the LoC as mortal wound bomb, a thing that fills up the gaps of Slaves in general.
  9. I more or less field the same army on 1250 - the beastmen. It can definitely work as i won already many battles with that list. I would reccomend to probably ditch an endless spell as 120 points with one wizard seems heavy. Im also pretty sure u cant take any spells from the lore of tzeentch as not everything has a tzeentch keyword, thus not being a tzeentch army, unless i missed something. And lastly, i would atleast give 1 unit of knights the glaives, as a flanker hard hitter, put the lord on mount next to them and they are hitting on 3+/3+/-1/2 dmg each, and the lord is not to be underestimated, with the right artifacts he is plowing through everything he sees.
  10. What do people think of gryp-hounds? The always moving out of combat is mildly annoying to say the least!
  11. So, quick one, what dracothian gaurd is everbody putting on the table with the new scrolls?
  12. Anybody looking to use the changeling, since it can dispel enemy endless spells without being revealed?
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