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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. I have to admit, I was pretty keen to get into The Old World, and start the Orc and Goblin horde that I wanted to collect back in the day. But the prices they're charging for old (some of them really old) models has put me right off. I'm as big a sucker for nostalgia as the next chap, but paying top dollar for clunky old kits? Nah. I think I'm sticking with AoS. And that's a decision purely made on price.
  2. The Marauders and Horsemen are expected... but the Sorcerer is a bit of an oddity.
  3. Nice work! That Warsong guy is a lovely model, and you've done a great job with him.
  4. To be honest, I'm still not 100% convinced that making any terrain destructible is the way to go. I'd prefer it to cost points to use faction terrain, and have it indestructible. But that's just me speaking from ignorance, really.... after playing a few games with the new rules I might love having my Daemonettes decimating my enemy's Loonshrine!
  5. True. There's going to have to be more careful consideration about where to set up faction terrain now, knowing that the enemy can always just smash it!
  6. Hah! Devotion to Slaanesh can start with the noblest of intentions.... but the corruption will seep in...
  7. Seems a little bit odd that the faction terrain can be demolished, but generic terrain can't. Hey-ho.
  8. I damn well hope not! I love my Daemons. As for them all getting an update... well, it'd be nice, but that's a huge number of kits that need re-doing. More likely they'll just fill the couple of gaps in the current range, like the Viceleader.
  9. I'd forgotten that the Yhetees were even still around. I semi-regularly play against two different Ogor opponents and neither of them have the models. They're like real-world yetis... sightings of them are incredibly rare!
  10. Indeed, right down to their store staff. I used to work in retail, and once considered applying for a store manager role at GW. The money was dreadful, substantially less than other chain stores (that's here in Australia, no idea what the story is elsewhere).
  11. If you're spending, I dunno, let's say $500 a year on Warhammer stuff, I'll bet you can afford to spend $550 a year. If you're that worried about spending too much money, maybe you've picked the wrong hobby. Sorry if that sounds a bit callous... but is there really much point in getting into a lather about something that's an unavoidable truth?
  12. Well, quite. I was randomly looking at pictures of the current Grave Guard models recently, and they really are quite bland. There's so much more they could do with them. I remember the previous metal ones being a lot fancier (I painted about 25 of them back in a previous life when I flirted with something that wasn't Slaanesh).
  13. Yeah, I do kind of miss the fun of choosing parts and 'posing' models. But I like the dynamism of modern models. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
  14. Some work-in-progress of Glutos' devoted Lashmaster...
  15. I must have picked this up as a back issue, because I distinctly remember the Chaos Lord on Dragon guide! Formative stuff for launching my Chaos obsession.
  16. Hah, same here! Although it was the local toy shop for me, which stocked an incredibly small selection of GW stuff. But they did get the White Dwarf in every month, which was the only Warhammer-related thing I could afford at that stage.
  17. To be honest, I'm just happy that Path to Glory is being kept! I had a vague feeling that it was going to bite the dust. Personally, I've had little success in trying to get my fellow players interested in it, and (prior to this preview) I've not seen a heap of chat about it online. I'm most excited about the faction-specific Anvil of Apotheosis. I've got so many Slaanesh hero models, with all manner of esoteric weapons, mutations and steeds. It'd be wonderful to get them some representation on the battlefield.
  18. Mine was 181... January 1995. I was 12 years old. There was the article on Chaos Spawn (with some truly surreal and inspiring John Blanche artwork) and the release of the old metal Flamers of Tzeentch (the ones that looked like a parrot in a nightdress). But most memorable was the massive battle report using every Orc, Goblin, Chaos Dwarf, Empire and Wood Elf model they had! It gave me a very unreleastic concept of what Warhammer was!
  19. Hooray with big shiny bells on! Sounds brilliant.
  20. That's one of the most insipid titles they've ever come up with. "Damp pile of rocks."
  21. Smashing! They look the business. I've just got two Slaangor Fiendbloods to paint up before I'm Spearhead-ready. I think I can achieve that before the game lands!
  22. I'm assuming that Faction Terrain and Endless Spells aren't used in Spearhead mode. So even less models that you need to turn up with. I'm liking the sound of a game that you can fit everything you require, models wise, into a smallish carry case. To get a game, I typically have to travel a fair distance via public transport, so not hauling loads of toys around suits me perfectly! The shortened time required for a game is also a bonus. Plus I'm rubbish at remembering all the rules! I'll be able to get my head around the streamlined style of Spearhead a lot quicker, I'd wager. Bring it on.
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