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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. I'd quite forgotten what a lovely bit of kit that Necrosphinx is. I'm tempted to get one just to paint up for the joy of it (I've got a good technique for marble all ready to go!)
  2. I believe it was confirmed in a Facebook post that they'd be permanent fixtures.
  3. I shudder to think what Aussie prices are going to look like...
  4. That's madness on a whole new scale. Last time I checked you could get custom-made dice for less.
  5. Indeed. It'd be nice to think that GW is bringing these old kits back to combat the exorbitant rip-offs going on all over Ebay. This assumes a level of altruism that I doubt they're capable of, though.
  6. I can't believe they've not made a new Settra model, and instead gone with the blandness of a bone dragon (gee, how long did it take to come up with that?)
  7. OK. I'm going to keep my ambitions modest, and say that I'll manage to paint my remaining three Slickblade Seekers. That might not sound like much, but they're tricksy models and seem to take forever to finish. If I complete them, then I'll make a start on Glutos. He's my big project for the year. I've already practiced a technique for painting marble that I'm quite happy with, and I'm eager to get going!
  8. There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Very sad loss. RIP.
  9. I'm thinking about having a bash at that too. The bigger base sizes should make it doable. I imagine a lot of people will be giving it a go.
  10. Wait, there's people who DON'T find the old skeletons ugly? Should have gone to Specsavers...
  11. Should have guessed it'd be something like that. Typical. A few bad apples ruining things for everyone.
  12. That'd be nice. I can't understand the trend of not crediting individual designers/writers/artists. Very corporate and faceless. Seems a shame.
  13. This geezer here was actually the first model I built and painted towards my collection. I had the old Beastman in my bits-box forever. I kinda liked him, so put together an appropriate banner for him (Khorne is a pansy...)
  14. As an aside, my new year's resolution is to stop buying so much purple paint! Seriously, I must have well over twenty different shades of purple/violet/lilac from various manufacturers, and that's before we even look at Contrasts and inks and whatnot. Slaanesh makes me do it.
  15. 'Gywnael the Brash' is to my liking (as opposed to 'Gywnael le Insert-French-word-for-brash).
  16. True. Actually, perusing the map, I see they might have actually gone for a mix of both.
  17. I see they've reverted to silly cod-French names. I liked it better when Bretonnians had names like Valderic and Talbot and Brangor, not froggy ones like Jacques and Pierre.
  18. I've got about 3,000 points worth of my Hedonites that it'd be nice to finish before 2024 passes by. This includes Glutos, Synessa and Sigvald, all of whom will require many hours of work. If I manage to get that done, I will finally move onto a fresh project. If The Old World catches on, I might start the Orc and Goblin horde I've always fancied.
  19. So true. It isn't really encouraging people to invest in the actual books when they're going to have to cart around two books instead of one, plus the fact that they're going to be carrying a plethora of rules they don't need. Damn silly.
  20. I did all the relevant calculations, and it turns out I've got just over 5,000 points worth of Slaanesh painted up (if we're including quite a few coaltion units and the three endless spells!) There's well over another 3,000 points currently awaiting the tender caress of my paintbrush too.
  21. A slice of fried truth, right there. I'd trade a limb for a generic mounted Hedonites hero.
  22. Indeed. An unnecessary limitation. It's not like any of them are suited to the background of each subfaction.
  23. Both models were meant to be Louen. In fact, in fifth edition (when that original model was produced) I don't think it was possible to have a generic character mounted on a hippogryph.
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