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Everything posted by DoctorPerils

  1. I agree, the "paraphernalia" won't add anything to the box cost when comparing with the models, plus you'll get the warscrolls. I'm sure you'd be able to use the tiles for DIY terrain, and any other bits I'm sure you'd be able to give to other people in your gaming group if you positively can't find room for what looks like a pretty cool stand alone game. If you're only interested in the antagonists portion, I'm sure you'll be able to ebay the heroes away
  2. Ulgu is also the realm of lies and hidden truths - it would be fitting that its supposed leader is just a mirage. On the other hand, I do hope they put him in a different GA - destruction or chaos would obviously work, but I have a pet wish it would be death, as it would be something entirely different for aelves.
  3. So I've only just started building my army (got shadow and pain, a KoS, and a box of slickblades on their way). However I'm waiting for the FAQ to drop before rounding out my list and buying any more. Any ideas about when it might drop?
  4. Ooh, has mortal realms come out in France then?
  5. It's not actually the same staff, and that rumour engine came out after Shadowspear IIRC
  6. I'm hoping 1., all the while remembering a lot of social insects have different forms and roles (ants in particular). A myrmicean army would be awesome Could still imagine them capturing different kinds of beasts and harnessing them for riding or powering contraptions EDIT: termites may be more likely as a basis then ants as they are seen as more destructive, plus are associated with massive termite mounds, similar to what Beastgrave may be
  7. So, everyone seems to be mentioning SCE as the "protagonists" of the 3.0 starter box, but what if it could be cities of Sigmar Vs greenskins, launching a global campaign for the siege of Excelsis?
  8. While I'd _prefer_ to avoid mirror matches when possible, I've grown to not mind them once in a while. I haven't really got enough local players to be picky for one thing, but also I like the concept (in lore) of civil wars. It makes these super-factions feel less monolithic, and therefore perhaps more grounded? Like a battle for the soul of the faction
  9. I think their point was mainly to do with the fact that underworld Warbands generally don't have more than two models of a "hero" level or up - the others are either fairly direct port-overs of units, or of a comparable level when compared to them. If the soulblight team were the exception, then either they'd be entirely unbalanced compared to the other Warbands, or gravelords' soulblight heroes are going to be way underpowered from what they should be
  10. Hi, new to AoS and the board 👋 Here are some of the ideas I'd like to see. Most aren't that original, but a couple might be out of left field hopefully: Order: Kurnothi and fairies Stone/Crystal Duardin sworn to Valaya Defenders of humanity (Order of Azyr, priests of Sigmar, Deathless Black Guard of Morr, that kind of stuff) Chaos: Chaos Dwarves major skaven revamp undivided Daemons to accompany Be'lakor, expanding on furies and such Daemon princes for the major chaos gods - super-elite daemon prince/counts as troops? Death: cults of Nagash, accompanied by baba yaga-style hags, bog-mummies and hounds of the baskervilles Automata - potentially following the brain-in-a-vat trope Undead black ark malerion aelf liches leading drowned sailors and pirates in the vein of the flying dutchman crew in Pirates of the Carribean... or just simply vampirates ^^' Destruction: Insectoid Silent People Dragonspawn leading an Apocalypse Cult. Also gelatinous cubes because why not Knights following the aesthetics of the Old World White Wolves, sworn to revenge against Chaos and Sigmar. Humans potentially alongside Duardin?
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