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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. It feels like gw just releases things that are finished and ready to ship at the moment. Harrowdeep and red harvest got released out of nowhere. If more things get delayed i think we can expect things like underworld models or warbands and maybe scenery or endless spells ahead of schedule.
  2. All the delays are giving me some time to catch up on painting my pile of shame. (to bad santa is commin soon XD)
  3. U could limit the rules for list building like little cup in pokemon or the different competitive leagues. Restrict all leaders to having a centain number of total wounds (10 or something like that). Or a game where 25% of your army must be from every grand alliance (i actually would like to try this). Could also pick 12 leaders from your collection from any faction with point cost up to 200 points or something and roll 2d6 untill u get 5 leaders and do the same for units with a cost up to 200 points. Should get a random close to 2000 point army. Could even go crazy and do something like a mtg draft with friends. Make a pile of random models/ units and everyone take turns to pick a thing they like until the pile runs out and go play a 2 vs 2. Could do all kinds of crazy things with open play. Could even go crazier and do a capture the flag style game where u can only use leaders to capture the enemy flag and try to bring it home, when carrying the flag halve your movement stat and when defeated the flag drops at the slain model and the leader respawns at the base next turn (could make some crazy unreal tournament/warsong gulch style terrain for this). Time to go back to work now XD. Edit: I think i'll do this Nozlocke thing when my wife decides she wants to restart an old pokemon game again. Sounds like fun. Might even do it in the new one this week.
  4. Guess Whitefang is charging up some kind of spiritbomb and waiting to drop it when the moment is just right.
  5. There is a rumour going around from a while back of a dual army box with fyreslayers and deepkin.
  6. Is this before or after the red harvest + harrowdeep release?
  7. I hope it at will be compatible because i dont want to start collecting another system. Dont care how pretty the kislev models will be. I'll just close my eyes and pretend they dont exist XD.
  8. My wallet is not ready for a kislev army yet XD.
  9. Random work in progress. Finished most of the non metal parts on the squigs. Did some base coats on the riders.
  10. I get the feeling some other releases have been delayed or pushed back and they had Red Harvest ready to go so they released it ahead of schedule. It got released kind of out of nowhere.
  11. In think these are 2 different things u are talking about. All those releases came with a lot of new models and really updated the model range for those armies. U can expect more hype when that happens. Maggotkin just got a battletome because it was one of the older ones. I dont play maggotkin but from what i read it wasnt even needed that much except for some rule updates to 3.0. At least they got a new model and a good nurgle bundle for a few days. If i would ever buy into a new army i might consider maggotkin, i really like the looks of that army. Only downside is that i already own orruk warclans and gloomspite gitz, thats a lot of green paint XD.
  12. This way i would actually like playing ardboyz as i dont like the old black orc sculpts at all. Might have to steal this idea some day.
  13. Does anybody know how many swords are included in the gore gruntas kit? I dont really like the axes or spears i always see on them. the GW store sprue only shows 1. Thanks!
  14. I wont like changes to warscrolls much as it invalidates the battletomes in a big way. I think they way things are now are just fine for casual players like me. I just use the battletome and the free warscroll armybuilder for the recent point costs. I dont play enough games to justify the headache for gathering all the rules updates in faqs/whitedwarfs/general handbook/battletomes and find out what is the most recent change. And i also just like using the awesome looking battletomes and a generals handbook. This is also enough for me to change things up. I've have played many competitive games over the years, mainly pc and console games and they all suffer from the same thing. Any change u make to a faction or character reflects back on all the others. There will always be a favourite army/character of the moment. Nerf one thing and another will rise and be the best. I think the only way people will be happy if gw goes the route of "patch" updates is if they are going to be free as the only ones that will use these are the ones who are into competitive/matched play. But i really think fast updates are a bad thing and doesnt allow for the meta to settle after a major update to battletomes/generals handbook or new edition. The meta will change so fast there wont be any viable specialist armies or fun lists left. The better allround armies will be ranked really high as they can counter most matchups in a fast changing meta. Fast patch updates also needa a team of people micromanaging rules at all times to keep it consistent or it wont work. I do agree things are a mess at the moment for competitive players. I dont think fast patch like changes are they way to go like in pc gaming. All GW games need a better streamlined structure for rules updates and not scatter rules all over the place. One thing i can think of thats being used in a few online games is the ability to ban overpowered characters or rules for competitive/ranked play. The reason for a ban could be that they are so strong it is game breaking or meta shaping. This is a short term solution to give gw time to fix things and wont impact casual play at all. Units could also be limited to a centain number by giving them a unique keyword or something along those lines. Also some allies could be banned for use in another army. This wont result in thing like nighthaunt getting nerfed into nothingness because LoN could abuse some units. Edit: I just read the 40k dataslate thing. I actually think this can be a good thing if they arent put behind a paywall.
  15. I havent tried the gobba yet but i would like to some day. I do think the whole battletome needs an update at the moment.
  16. The discount was untill yesterday if i remember correctly.
  17. I think this is something for 40k. It looks like a big scenic base. Maybe a new model for the 1 year subscription?
  18. If i owned these units i would run something like this just for the fun of it. A tidal wave of squigs. Could drop a mangler for some wizards + boingrot bounderz.
  19. Do we have any rumours about new warcry terrain? I really liked the ravaged lands sets but they are soldout everywhere. I want some new ones!
  20. This time it actually looks like an aos combat patrol box.
  21. What would u cut for a warchanter? It doesnt have many targets in this list to buff up and i dont know if i want to drop a wurrgog prophet or a unit of morboyz for a possible point increase.
  22. I've bumped up the point total to 1500 to make it a bit more fun. How would u rate this? LEADERS Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (560) - General Wurrgog Prophet (150) Wurrgog Prophet (150) UNITS 5 x Orruk Brutes (160) - Jagged Gore-hackas 10 x Savage Orruks (165) - Chompas 10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155) 10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155) TOTAL: 1495/1500 WOUNDS: 109 This way i have 500 points for some kruleboyz goodness in the future.
  23. The rumour is exactly what u said. But i havent read anything to support that statement. I think they are going to do more deals like the nurgle one so they can get rid of their start collecting boxes.
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