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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. Thank you too mate, Spain loves you all xd
  2. Slaneesh was 2 years old, lumineth not even 1 year old. A new tome to Lizardmen is neccessary if they want to keep toning down the powercreep and autoplays as they did with wave 2 lumineth, slaneesh and dok.
  3. The biggest problem is that teclis can’t make his aura to ignore the free vortex. I have spell in a bottle, is just unbalanced and full of exploits.
  4. Cavalcade Alpha is one of the worst matchups for LrL, totally countered. For me, shardspeaker and foot infantry (archers, paladins and slangors) are priced to the sky but cavalry are very well costed. Btw you can’t solve the problems that paladins and slangors have just by points, everything that is not playing with keeper in dr or cavalcade battalion will be bad anyway, just the rules are pretty poor, uncohesive and lazy.
  5. Yes, they are meh and I'm not telling you this for free, I have more than 50 matches with lumineth and have tried every new possible build. Everything but Loreseeker and Ballistas are narrative.
  6. Slaneesh mortal heroes are pretty bad, lrl new heroes are all meh but the loreseeker. I imagine they didn’t want to sell those.
  7. He will get everything has now but saving 4+ with FNP 5 (maybe in area like teclis) and with 1 less spell but innate +2 to cast/dispel. Around Teclis price, >600pt
  8. I think kroak will get nerfed Or tell me how you can make a thing that has 4 spells with +3, +12” and dispells everywhere with +2, with fnp 4++, saving on a 3+ with 17 wounds for 600 points.
  9. I think I have explained this somewhere in this forum but not there. LrL are going to stomp every low bravery or slow armies, like, every of them. Is made for that (at leas the BIG list). But, as LrL player, I can tell you some stories about the opposite. I lose in 1 turn vs Tzeentch, Kharadron or Seraphon, even Slaneesh makes me cry with the alpha-pile in 6” strategy. The game is now rock-paper-machinegun. Rocks are low tier armies, they lose vs every other armies and really hard. Khorne is there. Paper wins pretty easy vs rocks, most of paper armies can do it without thinking so much os making tons of mistakes, mostly because the disgusting damage they can put in 1 turn. And then, the machineguns. They crush everyone. That's our current situation. You want to try khorne vs lumineth? You are going to lose 9/10 times. You want to try lumineth vs Kharadron? The same. The balance is so broken that matches are now boring at the most, finished in one turn, or one double turn, filled with crazy strategies (Dr, tp, you can’t see me, free spells, you can’t hide) that have 0 counterplay, most of them without wasting any resource and can change matches alone.
  10. Man that could be one of the best changes we can get. I HATE the drop race we have now in the game. Regardind Broken Realms battalions, they are mostly narrative, so I can't see a problem there.
  11. Br belakor will come with updates on 7 battletomes. Tzeentch, cos, seraphon, ko, nh, sce and?
  12. You are going to need 810 points in the list for doing that (Windmage+spirit+2x windchargers+battalion) almost half your list to just lock down a single unit that most of the time (unless it’s archaon) costs half you had to invest to make this work. When you invest that amount of points in a (elite) list, you need something stronger than just stopping one unit. Teclis+spellportal are 730 points, full Auralan batt is 720 pt (cath+2x 10 wards+2x 10 sents+batt) even alarith batt with the best hammer this army has is 790pt. Hurakan's are too complicated to play them in casual games and too weak for tournament games. At least I think windmage is pretty good, even just for the teleport and sevireth could have some uses, but windchargers are the worst warscroll this second wave has.
  13. The only good source we have is the user that said that December faq's had no point changes (I can’t remember the nick, but he's a SCE player as inremember), that said that 3rd will be in July and the Spanish channel that said CC and BR Belakor dates, but just that.
  14. No, those are different rumors, Belakor and Cursed city dates were leaked by a Spanish youtube channel, LRL were just a guessing and 3rd in July is from another guy But, if you ask me, 3rd in July is a reality
  15. Well, i can't see the "we are getting more and more powercreep", Evocators, Hearthguard, attack Eels and Terrorgheist were there two or more years ago.
  16. Go and play vs idk, alrith or obr without mw and you will know what “unfun” means
  17. Baldemasters will be bad even at 90 points. They just don't have enought damage, just made for bodyguarding.
  18. As you said, you need to spend almost half your list to gain that ability, and honestly, 800-900pt to just move 12” more with weak offensive and defensive stats is terrible. Even in Helon they are not more than “meh”. So much investment, so much situational, forcing combos that most of the time are going to fail and extremely skilled to get something that, honestly, doesn’t deserve that effort.
  19. I did 18 with full charged twinstones+10+zaitrec+arcane. That’s my record
  20. I'm stopping my tests around Hurakans. Maybe I'm not understanding their playstyle, maybe I'm just a bad player but I think both Windmage and Windchargers are not worth in any list or too expensive to get them full portential. I'm going to start trying Alarith+Vanari and full Vanari, they seem to have much potential.
  21. I have tried 4 matches vs Mortis Praetorian and Seraphon with Ymetrica and Hurakan, both lost and the others vs Fyreslayers and Kharadron with Illiatha, both lost I can see potential with Ballistas, Calligrave, Sevireth and Loreseeker is a beast, but the rest... Not very competitive. As you can see I've played vs top tier armies and I don’t have the mechanics from new units, so don’t take this like immovable true.
  22. Tried today a match with my NPE lumineth vs Kharadron. First turn 1/3 my army gone, just throwing dices to save and retiring dudes. Double turn, 1/3 my army left. Hope I could be as NPE as some people claim to be to, at least, compete vs not NPE enemies.
  23. I think that Loreseeker’s abilities are strong enough to not let anyone pick more than one, because that will be pretty unfair (I send you 3 Loreseekers with 3 ObjSecs and you are going to need to focus all army on them to start scoring), but the profiles are not that strong, so the possibilty on putting him some traits or artifacts is not an issue. I can se clear RAIs in the book, like Sevireth moving in opponent's shooting phase or flat 3 damage in a Windmage's artifact (So I will play them not moving and doing D3 MW), but I can’t see the “named” warscroll there that clearly.
  24. 15 potential wounds for cathallar, plus 16 wounds for Teclis both with fnp 5+ ignoring spells (and bouncing back MW) on a 4+ (double ignore in blademasters because of their warscroll) you are basically forcing all those nasty top tier armies (tzeentch/seraphon/Kharadron) to focus elsewhere or waste all their tricks (now teclis can heal 1d3 if neccessary)
  25. Actual teclis-syar with maybe a loreseeker or 5 blademasters will be the competitive Lumineth, that's for sure.
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