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Grim Beasties

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Everything posted by Grim Beasties

  1. For what I remember for some species of lizard females will be bigger, or may have different scale patterns. But this can vary between species. (Male on the left vs female on right) so this might help if you want to make that model.
  2. I am very excited to see what's next for the mortal realms, and if I had to have a guess as to when we'll see more stuff is after the holidays. Something nice to cap off 2020 : THE END TIMES
  3. Or the Fimir models that never happened. But seeing as the gargants have points and have been shown much more by GW in articles, I don't think they'll disappear.
  4. 100%, part of the appeal of AoS in the first place is having the freedom to create your own lore and forge your narrative. So if I want my female Orruks, grots, ogors, beasts of chaos or whatever, I'm going to make them.
  5. Maybe some ancestor spirits ready to enact some vengeance of grudges passed
  6. Oh no meat or gold required, just provide us enough blasting powder and point out the enemy/meat/loot. And we have a special offer in October if you want a realy GARGANTUAN Merc, just provide the siege armour.
  7. Don't know how many people consider these models "canon with Orruk lore" but they look awesome so that's all the excuse I need to use them for converting.
  8. My Maneaters worked for a Fyreslayer lodge during the season of war, really nice group. They know how to flame broil Slaven just the way I like it.
  9. I think we will be seeing more female representation throughout all GW systems, especially in the troops choices and the specialist games. In the BL books we are getting better female representation and actually some see non human and Aelf a Female characters, such as a Mournfang rider in the short story Strong Bones, an Icebrow Huntress and female Beasts of Chaos in the beast grave book.
  10. So how would all of you feel about Destruction Duardin?
  11. A bit of a small observation regarding orruks, the female Orc models for bloodbowl are actually bigger than Ironjaws. Seeing as the orkoid species use height as a sign of status it would be reasonable to suggest that they are the ones who truly rule their society.
  12. It still feels awful that Fimir had a chance to be a full army and never did. I really loved their design and lore (excluding a certain part of the lore), was glad I got the FW models though. But who knows, there's always Underworlds to give Fimir a chance again.
  13. I still have no idea how I want to theme my SoB, super excited for their lore and that audio drama
  14. Something I hope the SoB get, but doubt they will have, is the ability to throw terrain at the enemy, especially if it's faction terrain.
  15. Has there been any actual info on a vampire coast for AoS outside of the Wraith Fleet from Firestorm, or is it just wish listing?
  16. I'm going to leave judgment for when we have more information, but the trailer is a little bland. Still want to see more about that AoS game made by the Elite Dangerous devs.
  17. Thank you all very much for the responses, as I hope to post more on Narrative in future it is good to know it is welcome here.
  18. Interesting, maybe this topic would merit a post of it's own
  19. I'd say that I'm in agreement with most of what you say, my disagreements are mainly subjective in nature of the use of nuance. But I would like to know what you feel destructions role in the grand narrative should be or how it can be improved.
  20. So I've been on the tga community for some time now and I've seen an unfortunately trend towards narrative and narrative play being pushed to the side line on the forum. Now I understand this is mostly a matched play forum and narrative has its own section (witch has the problem of lack of visibility and thus having less people posting) but I'm even seeing people use narrative play as a pejorative for "bad and unbalanced" and other such elitists attitudes. I love narrative and it is one of the biggest reasons I love this hobby, but their seems to be some underling hostility towards it and I just want to know why?
  21. Part of me thinks it might be cygors but that implies that ancient SoB/sky Titans used magic, and it could be likely. I hope the race is Fimir because gives them a bit of that Albion/Celtic mythology and that's the best. The rest is also 100% correct
  22. I have to disagree that the destruction line up would fit chaos thematically, and their mythology and the gods they worship is a big part of it. Chaos is a primeval power that seeks corruption of all things into it's being. It will take the hope, honour, intelligence, passion and twist them into a darker truth. Destruction is animalistic in nature, the primal need for violence and desire to crush, stomp, stab, and to tear down the refined works of civilization into rubble. While each of the destruction factions have there own beliefs, gods, and reasons, they are all tide to Gorkamorka and the great WAAAGH!
  23. Does anyone remember the Sleeper from the Orcslayer book? Honestly think that would work for an insectoid faction or even the bug people hinted at in the beastgrave lore. One thing I would want them to avoid though is making them too similar to Tyranids.
  24. Been a big fan of the setting from the beginning, I have always had a fascination for mythology and with that AoS definitely caters to me. There hasn't been a book or short story I've read from the setting that I have read that I didn't get some enjoyment from. The ongoing nature of the narrative is a much needed breath of fresh air from the constant stagnancy of WFB and to a slightly lesser degree of it 40k now. It's open to great characterisation of your armies and the creation of your own narrative.
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