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Everything posted by Oldhat

  1. Looks like I wasn't too far off from how the faction is shaping up for 3.0 with my recent lists. What are y'all thinking on that broadaxe vs poleaxe comment? I was doing a half and half split so I still had access to mortal wounds. Are broadaxes actually looking that much better?
  2. The list I'm tinkering with features two Ghorgons and has both a Bloodsecrator and a unit of Wrathmongers. It gives the list two big critters. It's pretty slim on bodies though. So next question I guess is how many flesh hounds is about right to screen with? I think I have one unit of five. Seems ...slim. List, for context: Allegiance: Khorne - Slaughterhost: The Skullfiend Tribe - Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Leaders Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (155) in Warlord - General - Command Trait: Master Decapitator - Artefact: Crowncleaver Bloodstoker (85) in Vanguard Bloodsecrator (125) in Warlord - Banner of Khorne (Artefact): Banner of Blood Slaughterpriest (110) in Warlord - Prayer: Killing Frenzy Battleline 3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170) in Warlord - Bloodglaives 3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170) in Warlord - Bloodglaives 3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (170) in Vanguard - Bloodglaives 5 x Flesh Hounds (105) in Hunters of the Heartlands Units 10 x Wrathmongers (310) in Vanguard - Reinforced x 1 1 x Khorgoraths (110) in Hunters of the Heartlands 1 x Khorgoraths (110) in Hunters of the Heartlands Behemoths Ghorgon of Khorne (160) Ghorgon of Khorne (160) Endless Spells & Invocations Hexgorger Skulls (60) Core Battalions Vanguard Warlord Hunters of the Heartlands Additional Enhancements Artefact Total: 2000 / 2000 Reinforced Units: 1 / 4 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 153 I feel like list building is way harder now too.
  3. What are folks thoughts on Khorne Ghorgons in a mortals-centric list?
  4. Zerks are 16ppm. HGB are 25ppm. As for the +1 that's fine because my plan was to go tunnelling with the foot Smiter and not necessarily be tethered to the Bsmith anyhow. I do concede the coherency rule really hurts a unit of 20, but they'll be tough to shift with so many bodies... In theory.
  5. Hermdar LodgeTriumph - BloodthirstyWarlord (+1 Enhancement, +1 CP once)Auric Runefather on Magmadroth 285- Coal-heart Ancient- Tyrantslayer- Warrior IndominateAuric Runesmiter 120Battlesmith 125(5) Auric HG 125Battle RegimentAuric Runesmiter on Magmadroth 275(10) HGB w/ Poles 250(10) HGB w/ Poles 250(10) HGB w/ Axe 250(20) Vulkite Berserkers 320- Horn, Pick & ShieldMagmic Battleforge 02000For Grand Strategies, I'll likely opt for Hold he Line & Dominating Presence. For Battle Tactics, I'm thinking the Runesmiter + Berserkers for Aggressive Expansion via Tunnel & Savage Spearhead too potentially. Monstrous Takeover for Droths. Debating on Nulsidian as the extra enhancement for running the Warlord battalion... or perhaps Salamander Cloak for the Droth Smiter. The idea with the 20 dudes is to make it an unmovable brick. But is that too many? It is points I could put into more AHG. I'm so new and there's so much to consider it's making this all a bit daunting. So excuse any errors or misunderstood concepts. Trying to get my bearings! Also, an aside, I'm not sure Hermdar is my final choice. Vostarg have a solid bit of movement options and that also lends to Ferocious Advance, I think. Just a random thought.
  6. Adding Beasts has me excited even if just for fun variety. What are folks planning on adding from them?
  7. Fyreslayers weren't the only ones that lost stuff, though. Most stuff went up in price, all units changed how they size up and warscroll battalions went away for everyone. So I just wonder if this is a proportional debuff that won't too heavily change their standings. Also, we haven't seen the updated warscrolls yet, right? Curious if there will be any shakeups there.
  8. Oopsie. Still getting used to the changes. Oh well, easy enough to reorganize it into two Battle Regiments or a Regiment and an Entourage. Also, why is the consensus that they're in bad shape? Especially before we see the GH21? I mean, I'm a total noob so I may be missing the obvious.
  9. Working within model constraints, I think I can drop one unit of Gluttons for a unit of four Ironguts, which then let's me grab Soulscream Bridge (which I have done thematically as my dudes tunnelling). That puts me at 2k on the nose. I think I'll start there and see how it shakes out.
  10. Fair point. Wish they had better reach on their weapons. Glaives should be 2". Looking at those bases, is a unit size of three really the best bet for them just to guarantee they all fight? At least WM are 2" reach. A back row of them can swing over the front row. 10 might be viable, but yeah 15 is unlikely in most scenarios. I was trying to get the most from the freebie boost so they can get into combat as fast as possible, hence the blobs. Shame that won't really work.
  11. I have had most of this army built in a box for years and years and I am only now missing the Skull Altar for this list. I am still crunching rules and stuff and lord knows there are likely many errors - but this was my first swing at a pure-mortal list. Unsure which tribe I will go with. Goretide has the likely best perk for the LoK+SC missile. Vanguard LoK Juggernaut (9) Mighty Skullcrushers Vanguard Bloodstoker (15) Wrathmongers Battle Regiment Bloodsecrator Slaughterpriest (10) Bloodreavers (10) Bloodreavers (10) Bloodreavers Khorgorath Khorgorath Hexgorger Skulls Burning Head Skull Altar [1990] Not sure if it is legal or whatnot. Just kicking list ideas around and considering model needs/options. Definitely wanting to stay pure mortals, though I would consider flesh hounds if only because the new models are actually good looking. Any thoughts on it for this noob?
  12. Hermdar Linebreaker Auric Runefather on Magmadroth Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth Battle Regiment Battlesmith Auric Runemaster (10) HGB w/ Axe (10) HGB w/ Axe (5) Auric HG (10) HGB w/ Poles (10) HGB w/ Poles Runic Fyrewall Magmic Battleforge 2k on the nose. Not that we have an expansive range, but this is pretty much what I own/have assembled. Just need to put together some AHG and another 'Droth. I am a complete AoS noob and I was gonna jump on board and I guess I picked a wild time with it going to 3.0 and having built a list for 2.0. C'est la vie! How does this look?
  13. Here is what I am brainstorming currently and I am a total noob so it could be awful, but it is essentially what I own at the moment. Underguts Grand Battery Butcher 3x Ironblasters Vanguard Tyrant (6) Gluttons (6) Gluttons (4) Ironguts Battle Regiment Butcher (4) Leadbelchers (4) Leadbelchers Suffocating Gravetide Mawpot Vanguard for the freebie movement boost. Battery because Ironblasters. Leadbelchers drop with the Butcher probably last to ensure they can be in the best position to support via Unleash Hell as they move up the board. Gravetide because it can go in front of a unit and I had some leftover points because listbuilding with Ogors is extra tough. Not a lot of wiggle room. Thoughts on that for someone trying to jump into AoS 3?
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