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Everything posted by Archibald

  1. While building your armylist you deside how big your units are. You can not change that afterwards.
  2. I have seen Peach's conversions and they are f***ing awesome. I have 4 unbuild ogors and was already thinking about creating Peach inspired Maneaters. But i also would like to have more Leadbelchers. I guess gameplaywise that would be the better idea.😄 If i go that route i will have to get creative because i just have the gluttons And not the Leadbelcher sprue. Greenstuff is my friend.😅
  3. Would you recommend spaming endless spells in a Bloodgullet list? I have 80 points left and don't want to use it on 2x2 cats. It sounds more fun to cast a lot of endless spells. Balewind is set i guess. So 40p to play with. The jaws and Maelstorm? Or do you have another good idea? If they are not worth it, i will just field my newly painted Gorger.😅
  4. Thanks for the reply.;) My next purchases will be two Stonehorns so i can field an Eurlbad on 1k5 points. MW on exploding 6s is so awesome. I got a taste of it with my FEC Flayer list, but ogors also have the trampling charge. Pure awesomeness! I am still torn between buying just two Stonehorns or two SC-boxes. I don't really need more Mournfangs right now and it already gets kind cramped in here. So available space is an argument.🙈
  5. Just wanted to point out, that the body of the gargant on the left looks like a warstomper but his club is packed wirh canons like the krakeneater ones.
  6. This is just pure fangasm! I love everything about that picture. Look at those dynamicly moving stormcast. Give us these poses for Stormcasts GW so my Gargants can break them.😄
  7. Sounds like a interesting list. It made me think about investing in more Leadbelchers and Ironblasters. Rushing forward while shooting sounds nice. Now i have to deside if i get myself two more Stonehorns or some more guns... Has one of you ever tried to spam Mournfangs? I have read somewhere that they are starting to perform at tournaments? Whould you use Thunderbellies?
  8. Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes- Mawtribe: BloodgulletLeadersSlaughtermaster (140)- General- Command Trait: Nice Drop of the Red Stuff! - Artefact: Wizardflesh Apron - Lore of Gutmagic: Blood Feast- Bloodgullet 2nd Spell: RibcrackerButcher (140)- Cleaver- Artefact: Splatter-cleaver - Lore of Gutmagic: Ribcracker- Bloodgullet 2nd Spell: Greasy DelugeBattleline12 x Ogor Gluttons (400)- Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists4 x Leadbelchers (160)8 x Ironguts (440)BattalionsGoremand (140)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsBalewind Vortex (40)Malevolent Maelstrom (10)Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (30)Total: 1500 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 110 This is my tweaked Bloodgullet list from a few pages back. It is all about having a bloody time with magic while smashing your opponent in the ground. The endless spells are just for fun and because i had the points left. And i will love to see these on the table. Endless magic everywhere while an unstoppable mass of ogors crushes forward.
  9. This paintjob sets it in stone. I will get myself a Gatebreaker gargant!🤟🏻😎
  10. Thanks for the advice Kramer.;) I changed the list a bit to make it more competitive but keep the cool models in. This is what i came up with: Thanquol on Boneripper 390p Warlock Engineer 110p 20x Clanrats 120p 20x Clanrats 120p 3x Stormfiends 260p 1000/1000p What do you think of the changed list?
  11. Thanks.:) It is just Aethermatic blue and the blizzard snow stuff on top. Super easy to do.^^
  12. I don't get what you want to say? The Gorgerdrop needs to happen at the end of your first movement phase...
  13. Just wanted to show of my newly painted Gorger. I hope he will work as a backline anoyer especially against LRL Sentinels.
  14. I guess he wants to play zilfin, so no collector command trait available.
  15. GW should at least create one for you King Brodd as a thank you for keeping the hype train alive singlehandedly through the Corona crisis. You earned it bro!
  16. Argh, sorry i forgot to include 3x Teradonriders for 90p. I absolutely don't like the Saurus Knights models, so they are not an option.🙈 Because of that i don't want to buy the old SC-box. I thought one of each dinosaur type will look dope (1 Carnosaur, 1 Bastiladon, 1 Stegadon, 1unit of Teradon).
  17. Hey guys, i am thinking about starting my own Jurassic park. Guess i would start with the new start collecting box and do a thunderlizards army. What do you guys say to the following list? 1000p thunderlizards 1x Scar Veteran on Carnosaur 1x Skink Starprist 10x Skinks 1x Bastilodon 1x Stegadon with firethrower 1x extra CP
  18. Hey guys, i am thinking about starting a small Skaven force. My love for ratogors is old and strong, so i would like to field only ratogors aka stormfiends (because new and beautiful skulps). My planned list would look like the following: 1000p list Thanquol on Boneripper 3x Stormfiends 3x Stormfiends 1x Warpfire Thrower 980/1000p So my question would be if this list could do any good or is at least fun to play? What would you change to make it more playable? My meta right now is just LRL and Orks (Mawcrusher). We play on a small 47x23,5 inch table.
  19. It should be in it, because the points for the batallion dropped from 190p (december FAQ) to 180p (warscroll builder atm).
  20. I had my first game with Stormcast and Skyborn Slayers against LRL. We played 1k5 on a 47x23,5 inch table (we have no alternative right now). My list: Celestant (Staunch Defender) Castelant Relictor 15x Liberators 5x Liberators 5x Judicators 5x Judicators 5x Decimators 5x Protectors Skyborn Slayers He played a custom CC hero and: Eltharion 20 Wardens 10 Wardens 20 Sentinels 5 Dawnriders 5 Dawnriders We played the mission where the 3 stars fall. I put everything in the heavens except 5 Libs. Came down in turn three. By then he had screened everything with his riders. The judicators killed a rider unit and the decimators charged another and killed 2. At least my Liberators scored me the middle objective which came down this turn. Next turn he charged my big Lib unit with his two heroes after his Sentinels killed my Celestant. The Liberators could hold their ground quite well. I think six survived.😅 I still had enough Libs on the middle objective to deny it. In my turn i retreated the Liberators and charged his CC hero (a dragon btw) with the Protectors. The did 5-6 wounds but nothing serious. Mostly the Starsoul mases did "the work" aka something. Three Protectors where killed in return. The Decimators destroyed the remaining Dawnriders (again Starsoul Mases). I retreated the Liberators out of combat bit still in range of the objective. I moved my 5 man Liberator unit to the "star" that came down at the begining of turn three. In his turn he killed the Protectors and sniped the Relictor but failed to kill the remaining Liberators because of very bad dice rolls. Decimators where killed by charging Wardens. I moved the Judicators in a Kongaline to contest the middle objective, because he still had only 2 heroes there. In his turn he killed everything except the 5 Liberators, so i could still score some points with them in my turn. 21:20 for Stormcast I played a lot of things wrongly and the table wasn't optimal For a Skyborn Slayers army. Will have to learn a lot to make this work. Everything hit like a pillow except the Starsoul mases, but it was very refreshing to play a totally different game then my Ogors/OBR/FEC. I see some real fun potential there. I had to proxy 10 Liberators and the Castelant but now i am shure that i will purchase them. Actually i will go to my local store after i finish this post.😋 My alternative for the Liberators/Castelant would be 5 more Protectors and some hero (Vexillor?), but after the Paladins did earn any glory i will go for Liberators for now.
  21. Thanks for the reply Kramer.:) I will test that list in a game against LRL or Orruks today and will report back. The Balewind will stay for now because i just got the model (for 40€ on ebay🤪) and it looks just too awesome.
  22. Hey guys, how would you built a list that says "100% bloodgullet". I am looking for a thematic but still competitive list for 1k and 1k5 games. Slaughtermaster, Butcher and Gluttons are set in stone i guess. Bloody Balewind yes please. Bloodmagic Is always nice. Firebellies are a big no go because grilled meat? Yuck! Where is the blood?! BCR doesn't sound right, but maybe a Frostlord found his bloody way to the tribe? (I have one but want to stay on theme. But Frostlords are so damn good...😅) The call for blood isn't only heard by "normal" Ogors, so maybe a Gorger? A Gargant? I would love to hear your ideas.:)
  23. This is the normal reproduction Cycle i guess. Just wait a few weeks and it should be available again.;)
  24. I was thinking about using him wirh skyborne slayers. Run him up first turn (10+D6 movement) and then let the rest come down from the heavens. In my heads this sounds fantastic and looks even better. We normaly play 1k5 points on 48x48 inch boards. So the smaller board plays into my strategy.
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