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Lich King

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Everything posted by Lich King

  1. Agreed with all - at first I was like “cool but let’s see a full release / blood knights “. But as time goes on I really appreciate all of the detail on him and maybe a future purchase after all ..
  2. True - but Aos usually just keeps the models together and gives them a warscroll. They will be the “elite” unique vampire-on-foot warriors you can use in your SBG army. I don’t see more of that type coming out but as a one thing sure.
  3. Agreed - with the exception that FEC may in fact merge into SBG. I always thought that faction should’ve been just a “Legion of Hunger” or something like that in the LON Tome. Just too few kits to feel like its own thing. They can keep the fluff and all and just be a smaller part of a large faction easily. After all, these were all once under Vampire Counts anyway - which is a force I enjoy most. Multiple different undead creatures fighting under a Death Lord or Vampire.
  4. Games workshop doesn’t care - they will do it and guess what? People will reluctantly buy ...
  5. 20 zombies for 38$ on store. I’m sure you can find cheaper
  6. I think Cursed City models will have warscrolls in Soulblight Gravelords. Much of what was shown today might be a replacement for existing kits ( skeletons/zombies/bat swarms). I do expect a further reveal of that vampire lord we saw last month and potentially new blood knights - as I’m sure GW knows it’s one of the highest requested resculpts. So the rest will have most of the previous legions come back ( probably without Nighthaunt units) and get refreshed keywords and warscrolls. Just like Tzeentch a few years back with classic stuff merging together with Silver Tower.
  7. Zombies feel a bit overdone - could’ve just had half of them be with tombstones- and others just shambling about. Skeletons look great- but again the poses like “haaay” Instagram . Some of the Kossak look doesn’t merge with other stuff but there’s a lot here to enjoy . Probably won’t be till late March or even April until we get the revelation of Soulblight Gravelords. Probably June release which will go right into Aos 3.0
  8. I think the Rat Searms will be a part of that necromancer dude. Warscroll-wise I see a lot of these models getting lobbed together as units. Such as him and the three rat models
  9. Nice looking previews- as usual amazing models. But as someone who already has an LON collection and wants very little of the new stuff - I was really hoping for a Battletome Soulblight Gravelords announcement to just have a birds-eye-view idea of the army. I think they will still merge a lot of old and new together in the tome and there are lots of rumors of FEC joining in. But I still want that confirmation !
  10. Blood knights almost guaranteed. They have to know - it’s the single most desired resculpt. I say this as I prepare to finish painting the original blood knights 😁
  11. I don’t see Nagash not making this battletome. Even Arkhan and Morghasts have a good chance of making it as they are still very distinct from Reapers. Whatever comes I at least expect a makeshift “Legion of Sacrament” towards the back - even if it is just an add-on.
  12. Does anyone think FEC will be merged in with Soulblight Gravelords? I heard some thoughts/rumors.
  13. Just give me Soulblight Gravelords confirmation already ...
  14. Lich King

    New to LON

    I’m a LON only dedicated player. I would hold off on buying some things as we’re about to transition to Soulblight Gravelords most likely. Hold off on the Battletome too since there are going to be huge changes this year for our collection. I would assemble and start to paint the boxes you just bought as they are great values and can go together quite well!! Always go for the look of cool- not the competitive list. After you get many models you like - you can often build lists from the boxes you own
  15. I think the Elite Infantry unit will be the Vampire Warband from underworlds. I mean - it’s 4 badass vampires that are unique and should have a much stronger warscroll than average.
  16. Ever since that teaser last month I really want them to show more. I don’t believe we’ll get anything February but perhaps a new preview of official release next month? I expect cursed city has to come out sometime late March and Vampire warband around April so possibly that time we can get a full reveal .
  17. Agreed. I’ll go even further and suggest we already have about 6 centerpiece warscrolls across 3 kits. Very unlikely for them to add another...,but I’ve been wrong before ...
  18. I felt Vargheists fit the bill as a mixture of gargoyle and werewolf. Will likely not have too many new kits - just blood knights and whatever’s in cursed city. I would like new zombies and skellies/GG however
  19. Getting rid of double turn (initiative roll ) completely and allow scoring at the end of of Battle Round 2. This way the first turn has less relevance ( you can’t score yet) until the battle really starts while also getting rid of the dreaded double .
  20. I would go even further that it’s been this way since day one. Ranged has always been an issue with combination of double turn. They eventually remedied some of it by giving armies abilities and artefacts to reduce shooting etc. - but nothing in the core rules. This needs to stop being abilityhammer and start being warhammer. Less fancy abilities / add-ons and more core rules where choice matters on a universal scale .
  21. Completely remove double turn. Many players ( which I know personally) would flock back to the game. Everything else is up in the air.
  22. It worked .... I’m suffering for a Soulblight / Lon update tome ... maybe it’ll be its own army and Lon will be updated via Broken Realms. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Who knows at this point.
  23. Games workshop leaks their own stuff on purpose
  24. I understand - the problem is that they’ve shown a Vampire Lord release with the bats in her her. She was not talked about in this preview at all. Soulblight Gravelords are coming out, that is for sure. So in other words - why would they show that model with the SGL pack name? Clearly they are ready to put that into our minds. It’s at the tip of everyone’s tongue and if you peered into the chat during the end - everyone was screaming Soulblight Gravelords. So yes the tome will 100% come this year but only after the underworlds and Warhammer quest comes out- because they are a model company and they want to drip - feed you all these products before compiling them into a tome .
  25. Do you think they’ll have time for all of that this year ? I think you and I are largely of the same mindset that it will essentially be Lon 2.0 - but they’re probably waiting for these releases to come out ( Underworlds and possibly Warhammer Quest) so they can fit these models all in the new tome along with majority of classics . This will all be compiled in same book similar to Mawtribes and Orruk Warclans- as you’ve mentioned before.
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