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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. Throwing my two cent in the ring, I do think GW have really shot themselves in the foot by being so vague over the Kruleboyz. Just give us some straight up information! Stop dragging things out so much! You’re gonna kill the hype and replace it with fatigue! Please!
  2. I want a big slimy SCP-682 style swamp gator. Unstoppable, ravenous, and strong to the point where it’s a miracle that these weedy Orruks have even managed to tame it without getting munched. In fact, no, I don’t want them to have tamed it, I want them to just direct it. Make it be so indomitable that some KBs literally just hop on, throw some meat in the enemies general direction and let it go ham. Instant kino unit. Fits with Kragnos’ whole thing of redirecting stuff as well.
  3. Called it! Knew that they’d be doing a preview soon. Expect the Battletomes, the rest of the SC and KB ranges. Or heck, if they’re feeling extra GW-y, half the rest of the range. Cause I wouldn’t put it past em to wait til the very last minute.
  4. On the bright side, at least there’s only 5 more days worth of terrible faction focus articles until we get back to actual content. Woo!
  5. He’s a dwarf, being pessimistic is his Grungni-given right!
  6. ...well I dunno what to tell you there man, because that’s just objectively wrong. The old dwarfs didn’t have a steampunk aesthetic, use airships, or forgo religion. Saying that they’re the same army for the reason you gave is an extremely tenuous connection at best. I’m sorry, but they just aren’t a new dispossessed wave. Fyreslayers - as I said in my post - have the same base design and name as the old slayers, sure. But are they doomseeking suicidal maniacs who fight progressively bigger monsters in hopes of dying honourably, to earn forgiveness for a horrific act they committed? No, they’re Grimnir worshipping fire dwarves that hire themselves out as mercenaries so that they can collect magic god gold, that they can in turn hammer into themselves for magic steroids. They are very much not the same thing. ...No idea how to respond to that last part. Go off, ig. Difference is, those factions actually had a reason to be together - the Cities of Sigmar is the best example of soup in AoS, as it did manage to bring these disparate factions together without making any single one lose their identity in lore. With the Dwarf factions, they have already been established as radically different and independent from each other. You can’t have a faction of atheists and theists together unless it involves one of them conceding to the other in some way, and I am not a fan of that idea. I’ve already accepted that the soup is happening, I’m just really not thrilled about it as it means that at least one faction is gonna have to lose a lot of identity, and as a big fan of several factions having distinct identities, it saddens me. Oh and as for the “never care for old lore reasons”, you’re talking to the person that’s still salty the two unit-strong zombie micro-faction from the start of AoS never got expanded on. This one’s going in the book
  7. Sorry, but I really don’t understand your point of view that well. Kharadron didn’t exist before they were an independent army? So they were never together with the others? And the Fyreslayers are the logical continuation of the Slayer design, sure, but I don’t recall the original dwarf armies having Magmadroths or Hearthguard in them. Aside from the orange hair and “slayers” in the name, they literally could not be further apart (as the Gotrek novels point out pretty often, to my knowledge). It didn’t “always had to be”, in fact the ways in which both the Kharadron and Fyreslayers could have logically been expanded have been talked about in this exact thread, as well as others on this forum. Claiming that you “don’t see how you’re losing something” before then going on to acknowledge the flaws of souping - ie, having to lose a ton of lore pages and chances of your preferred side of the army not getting stuff for ages - is a bit odd in my mind. Yeah, the FS players are getting KO units and vice versa (as well as potentially more Grungni-dwarf units), but that doesn’t mean they want them. I think it’s much more likely that most FS players want more FS units, and most KO players want more KO units. By the logic that these completely different factions (both in terms of gameplay and lore) should be together, would it not also make sense for the FEC to be absorbed into Soulblight? The Gloomspite into Orruk Warclans? The Beasts of Chaos into Slaves to Darkness? I get that this is. I get that this is your opinion and all, and that’s totally valid... but I really don’t understand it.
  8. So, it’s been a while since we’ve had a preview stream (thankfully). And because GW seems to have developed a keen interest in them, I reckon we’ll be seeing one announced for next weekend or the one after. My bet is that it’ll announce the remaining OWC and SCE models and Battletomes, maybe(?) a hint to the next faction, and some vaguely uninteresting 40K stuff.
  9. I agree that the Sentinels (and to a certain extent, Teclis) are badly designed units. But. Because that’s a mostly widely agreed on opinion, and because it’s unlikely that GW is going to change it, is there still much of a need for this topic? Sure, I’m fully aware that people aren’t going to stop hating or disliking it - and that is fine, cause it’s an opinion, and a pretty understandable one at that. But, with all due, respect, this topic’s been beaten to death over the past few months. The conversation is just a loop of someone bringing up how LRL are OP, someone saying they aren’t, someone bringing up Sentinels, and so on, with the occasional bad faith take thrown in.
  10. Yeah, as time goes on I have to concede that it’s looking more and more likely that we’re gonna get dwarf soup. Which is... not something I’m particularly happy about, as I’ve said before. However, because there’s no use wallowing around in grudges and throwing recriminations at everyone (or is there? That sounds pretty dwarfy to me...), what do y’all imagine the soup release/faction is gonna be like? I can see something similar to Warclans or the Gloomspite happening, personally - that being, roughly 8-12 new kits for an all-new Grungni-themed subfaction (golems? gyrocopters? artillery?) with the Fyreslayers and Kharadron being lumped on. Then maybe somewhere further along in 3e they’ll get a single new hero model ala what they did with the Loonboss on Squig.
  11. Ok, the initial outrage has developed into a sort of... well, melancholy. It’s just really unimpressive. Everything except the animations you could get on YouTube for free, and arguably at a higher quality (ie, the lore show). And the insinuation that there’s no more ebooks is just a massive pain in the backside as well. I do stand by what I said about “what a market share does to a mfer” though. GW are slowly but surely getting too big for their boots. Anyway, back to rumours ig. About the Kruleboyz flyer, are y’all #TeamBatScorpionThing or #TeamGiantFethingEagle as that new leak from 4chan seemed to claim?
  12. WHAT. THE. HELL. This is what an obscene amount of a market share does to a mfer. Hope it bombs.
  13. Mouth of Mork, eh? Hmm, would’ve thought it would’ve been the Foot of Mork or something (cause Grodrakk’s the fist) but that works well too. The new BR story was really good, I loved the way Mork just randomly decided to posses this rando Shroomancer to talk to Gordrakk
  14. Ok so my guess is that WH+ will give access to the animations the twitch channel stuff all the BT/Codex/Supplemental content and maybe some other perk? exclusive looks at upcoming content earlier? For all this, hopefully it’ll be about £5-7 a month. If it’s any more money for any less content, then it’s a bloody scam that I’d advise against buying into.
  15. Welp, with the coming of 3e, it’s probably a good idea to take the initiative and make a new thread for us. So, what’re y’all’s thoughts on how we’ll do in the new edition? Will there be any substantial changes? Heck, we haven’t had a faction focus article yet (even though they provide about as much insight as a toaster) so anything could be on the table.
  16. Well shucks, sucks to see you go man. Best of luck to ya!
  17. DROGUKH ARMY DROGUKH ARMY EEEEEEEEEEEEEE No but in all seriousness, my best guess for this is that maybe there’ll be a varanguard-sequel unit of mini-Kragnos’ that get a buff from being around him or something.
  18. Everyone loves Battleboxes until they come with a hero exclusive to them that isn’t released separately until like, a year later 😩
  19. Ok, I’m sorry for the thread necro but it’s kinda fitting, given that this wishlist has been living rent free in my head for the past few days - be warned, wall of text incoming. Basically, I want an expansion for the non-Soulblight elements of SBGL: Deadwalkers: A generic version of the Gravekeeper from Cursed City. Make them aging Necromancers that split their soul apart to avoid death, becoming half-zombie liches or something. Maybe have a variant mounted on a palanquin on a broken off chunk off earth, carried around by a load of zombie attendants Generic Nightguard. The Kosargi were hands down one of my favourite parts of Cursed City, so the fact they’re stuck to Radukar hurts. Hell, they don’t even have to be Kosargi specifically, undead Ogors in any kind (although preferably in units of 3 ) would be nice. Zombified vultures carrying around zombies ala Deck Droppers - although these Zombies would probably have some kind of grenade weapon rather than straight up guns. Rat/vermin swarms. Genuinely don’t know why they weren’t ever elaborated on, given that they were in Cursed City. Updated Corpse Cart. Deathmages: A unit of Necromancer acolytes, preferably around 5-10 models in base size. They’d function like the Vanari units in that they’d be wizards but only able to cast a single inherent spell. Fleshy abominations. It’s been said time and time again, but that’s because it’s such a good idea! 20-strong horde units of modified zombie/generic undead with extra arms and limbs and heads, carriages with big lightning rods on top pulled by hulking and brutish ones with no head, stitched together Frankenstein’s monster-esque behemoths - it’s free real estate. On a slightly less exciting note, more mounted Necromancers. Just a Nightmare would do - something to get them across the battlefield and do their job quicker. Some sort of operating table/dug up graveyard scenery. Whilst this might not be Deathmages exclusive, it does fit them best imo. Underworlds warband. A Necromancer with a grab bag of assorted undead minions, think anywhere from Dire Wolves to Zombies to the aforementioned fleshy abominations. Oh, and a lovable mascot of some kind ala the Deepkin Crab. Deathrattle: Bone giant. The Tomb Kings had them, and whilst the OBR might have custody of the golem/catapult side, the average Joe skellies get the rest! New Black Knight and Grave Guard models. The old ones just look a bit decrepit in comparison to the shiny new Wight King and skellies, it’s a bit sad. A Barrow Champion with some kind of shiny big banner. Some kind of Wight King special character. Maybe the “Jade Skull Emperor” mentioned in the Battletome that refuses to ally with any Soulblight? I have some more ideas brewing for the specific Soulblight element, but for now this is it. If you can’t tell, I’m a sucker for more rotting/decayed undead hahaha.
  20. Thing is, new sculpts generally mean new rules and in turn new points costs. Surely if it was true there’d be something more... well, noticeable?
  21. That would definitely be nice, but sadly it probably won’t be happening any time soon. Unless GW have been hiding it from us, that is.
  22. The 4chan rumour is most definitely a pile of Squig-droppings, mainly due to the detail (there is no way anyone high enough up to know that much would go on 4chan of all places) and the fact that it claims the Grey Knights will get “all new stuff”, which has been proven wrong by Chapter Approved.
  23. I reckon the most Nurgle will get for a while is a plastic hero (this could be anything from something new to an updated Harbinger of Decay, Epidemius, Festus, etc) and a Pestigor unit, as well as some Endless Spells. But aside from that, they’re practically complete. I could see them being pitted against another army that hasn’t had an update in a while like the BoC or the Nighthaunt. Just throw in a nice plastic hero for both sides and boom, new release done.
  24. Yeah, no clue why they made the big Archaon-esque figure for Destruction a big centaur, but eh, que sera sera. Maybe there’ll be a new faction later on that fits Kragnos’ aesthetic in the same way the OBR became a thing to fit Nagash’s in 2e.
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