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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. THEY’RE SPECIAL CHARACTERS????? WITH NO RIDERS???? That’s so unbelievably epic!!!!!!!
  2. I’d be surprised if the Kurnothi weren’t lumped into the Sylvaneth, since the Oak of Ages is back and the “Lifequake” seems to be a thing this edition. My guess is about 4 or 5 army update tomes in we’ll get a hear something about them. As for Malerion… pssht, idk. I don’t think DoK would get lumped into them but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if they were. I think they will be coming this edition (just so that GW finally has all the armies they’ve hinted to since the start out) but no clue when. Probably near the backend, like the Lumineth.
  3. I will be genuinely surprised if the Hobgrots aren’t Battleline in the actual Battletome. They’re a chaff unit by name and nature, so there’s no reason for them not to be imo
  4. I reckon it’ll be -Stormcast (Thunderstrike, of course) -Warclans (Either Kruleboyz or Ironjawz) -Lumineth (They’ve been shilled a lot recently) -Gravelords (Maybe an Avengorii monster mash type deal?)
  5. The big vulture is lovely! I like that so far every named character has also had a generic Killaboss counterpart as well, because one of my biggest pet peeves is when a special character gets a unique Mount that nobody else can use *cough dread abyssal Mortarchs cough Horticulus and his snail cough cough*
  6. An absolute legend of the hobby. It’s a shame to see him go, but I wish the best of luck to him in future.
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/11/sunday-preview-launch-your-beast-snagga-waaagh-next-week/ As expected, it’s just the Beast Snagga box. I reckon if you’re skilled enough at conversion, it might be worth picking this up if you want a load of Ironjawz/Bonesplitterzto go with the KB.
  8. That’s perfectly understandable! I think the goal of this range refresh was less to make something wholly new than to add in stuff that has been a long time coming, ie Squig cavalry and the new Deffkopter and Boyz, so I can see why they went relatively vanilla. What’s great about AoS is that we don’t have that issue, so the designers are free to do more experimental things like the KBs. Oh and on that topic, how likely do y’all think it is that the Kruleboyz are gonna get translated to 40k somehow? I could see the new Codex having a footnote somewhere about a “more gangly and spiteful” subspecies of Ork somewhere, but not much else.
  9. Counterpoint: a good portion of the community here uses one of the words in the faction name (Lumineth, Bonereapers, Soulblight) or the initials of the faction (OWC, NH, FEC, DOK). Cause it’s harder to do both of those with Chaos Dwarfs (Duardin?) it’s easier to simply contract
  10. Oooooh that’d be ideal. Means we could finally get stuff like the Rogue Idol and Dreadmaw in plastic.
  11. But aside from Chaos Undivided there’s literally no similarity between the two armies. One’s a load of bestial animal people and the other’s are massive armoured knights and marauders. When I say “fleshed out” I mean that they have their own distinct themes, aesthetics, and rulesets that would otherwise be diluted if they were smashed together. And yeah they are? The recent story with the Turnskin and the focus on Ghur indicates to me at least that the Beasts are gonna get SOMETHING at least imo
  12. Yeah but… why though? They’re two perfectly functional and fleshed out armies that have no need to be in the same book. Just throw in some extra coalition rules and boom, no soup needed. Plus if the trend set by the 40k Codexes are anything to go off, there is a lot less fluff in there anyway, so the last thing we lore enthusiasts need is anything like that. Has this forum just developed a fixation on wanting factions to be souped together that have no need or reason to be lately? If there’s any STD souping happening at all it’ll probably be Chaos Duardin, not Beasties.
  13. Yup, I think we came to the consensus that it’s gonna be either Nurgle or Chaos Duardin. I do still think it’ll be StD though, and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me.
  14. Yoooo I really hope this is a big FEC expansion. Aside from maybe Ossiarchs, they’re the only Death faction that desperately needs some loving. Plus, there is actual credence to this! I’ve seen a photo from the Core Book that heavily implies that the Carrion King is on the move again.
  15. Oops, I meant to put Bonesplitterz/Ironjaw conversion materials, haha
  16. The Stardrake is…. Well I’m not gonna lie it’s a bit goofy looking imo. Still I think it’s goofiness adds character to the range, so it’d be a shame to see it replaced.
  17. Dude relax, it’s probably just gonna be a singular cavalry unit or something, with maybe a Lord-something-ant on a bigger one. The fact that they were with the Seraphon (and that Kroak banished Kragnos) indicates to me at least that the Lizards are gonna be a lot more prominent as things go on. Also this is the first big release the Stormcast have had since 2018 (discounting the myriad underworlds warbands and Gardus) so it’s not like they’re actively shoving Stormies down your throat or anything
  18. Well honestly, I gotta share your optimism! It’s the new edition after all, and we have no idea what that could possibly bring for us. I doubt our 3e Battletome will come with anything other than some scenery and maybe a new hero, but that’s fine cause we got a lot of love model-wise last edition. For lists, I’m probably gonna try and out something together for the Reikenor’s Condemned subfaction, because I have a lot of Glaivewraiths and Grimghasts that I would like to put to use lol
  19. GSG can take all of Orruk Warclans as allies (to my knowledge), so yeah probably
  20. I mean, in terms of writing decent rules, sure. But in terms of model releases? After getting like, 8-9 new kits in the last year alone? When loads of armies haven’t even had one? Like I see your sentiment man but cmon
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/04/sunday-preview-decide-the-fate-of-the-charadon-sector-with-next-weeks-pre-orders/ Here it is
  22. So the pre-orders for next week are the terrible 40k supplement and the epic blood bowl Frankenstein’s monster. Expected, after a release like Dominion GW’s gotta wind down for a week or so. What’s REALLY intriguing is the Saturday preview! Hopefully we’ll be seeing the rest of the new Orks, cause the models they’ve already shown off are great conversion material.
  23. I think the Thunderstrike units are meant to serve a similar role to Veteran units in Space Marine armies - similar to the baseline unit, only a bit more tough and elite. Ie, the Vigilors shown today and the new Chariot seems to be apart of the same conclave as the Judicators, and the Annihilators seem to be more evolved versions of the Paladin units. Heck, if the rumours - and my personal suspicions - end up being correct, the new Dragon cavalry unit will be an expansion to the Extremis chamber.
  24. So because GW have decided to pull a GW, we still haven’t seen all the Kruleboy kits. My guess is that there’s still: A Hobgrot hero Gnarltoof cavalry Swamp Wyvern Now the Swamp Wyvern is all but confirmed (I mean, just look at the BT cover), but honestly I can see the other two being up in the air.
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