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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. Yknow I do hope that the footslogging Akhelian is a sign of things to come for the Idoneth - an elite infantry unit is a niche they’ve been lacking from the start. Maybe give them some Trilobite-shaped shields and some cool Atlantean-style helmets as well.
  2. The moment the words “specialist insight” left Adam’s mouth I felt my Warcry-related hopes shrivel up into a small ball and fall into the deepest darkest depths of Shyish.
  3. That robo-snake looks like a sock puppet. I want 50 of them.
  4. Dang, that’s the end of Direchasm already. Feels like just yesterday we first found out about it.
  5. Now we have Moderately Sized Enemy Crab (MSEC) we can now begin eagerly awaiting the IMPRESSIVELY Sized Enemy Crab (ISEC)
  6. 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
  7. Now THAT. That would be a good army idea. It appeases both the ex-Bretonnia and Empire players, and GW could go ham with AoSifying the old Sigmarite look. Only question is whether it’d be its own thing or a more developed Cities subfaction (tbh I’d prefer the latter)
  8. I pray to the Illuminator for this to be nought but a bitter falsehood whispered by the vile ratmen. It’s an exceptionally pointy hat, too, so there’d be a lot of it to eat.
  9. Yknow how yesterday I said I liked BL day cause nobody could possibly get disappointed? Yeah nah apparently I didn’t anticipate getting disappointed like this lmao. Then again, making books unrelated to the Imperium in some way is like passing a Kidney Stone for GW, so I’m relatively unsurprised. Best we can do is hope all the new AoS book are related to 3.0 and they’ll be revealed on Saturday, hahaha.
  10. It’ll be Orks on Friday, that’s for certain. And if it isn’t 3.0 on Saturday then A. I will be saltier than all the Realms’ seas and B. I will eat my hat.
  11. I like BL day because unlike AoS and 40K days there’s no chance of anyone getting disappointed - it’s Black Library, how disappointing can it get?
  12. Looking back at the Avengorii stuff, I think the the wing things were on the back instead of the waist, it’d look at least a bit less jarring
  13. Today is (probably gonna be) Ork day! All you Destruction/Orruk players are about to get a boatload of conversion material.
  14. “Yo dawg, we heard you like Blood Dragons, so we made them into literal half-Dragons so you can play them alongside your Zombie Dragons and your ACTUAL Blood Dragons.” Jokes aside, the Avengorii are definitely gonna take a lot of getting used to imo. I like the idea of them and that they’re essentially LITERAL blood dragons, but the wings at the hips looks a bit off. The Vyrkos stuff on the other hand looks godly. One thing I will say is that I like how each of these new AoS bloodlines seem to be based around some kind of animal - wolves, dragons, etc. Makes me curious as to what they’ll add in future.
  15. I don't think Kragnos being announced is gonna affect Gordrakk TOO much - Order has several godlike figures, Chaos has Archie and Be'lakor as well as the four named greater daemons, Death has Nagash and the Mortarchs - if anything, his release just means that Destruction is more likely to have even more mega-OP-pls-nerf characters in future imo
  16. All this talk of “Just as Planned” is making me feel very validated in my naming choice
  17. If I had to guess, tomorrow we’ll see: -New caster Vampire lord -New Dire Wolves -New Necromancer maybe? -Some new Zombie related unit we haven’t seen yet - maybe non-Kosargi Nightguard? -Whatever the units in the background of the Wight King reveal are
  18. It’d be a very unwelcome surprise if they souped the Duardin together. I think that aside from all being Duardin, they just don’t share all that much in common, and just lumping them together would be massive waste of design-space both model and ruleswise.
  19. Out of interest, has anyone had a chance to play Alumnia yet? If so, what’re your thoughts on them?
  20. Whilst I’m excited for most news in relation to this army I’m most excited for how much they’re gonna flesh out both the Deadwalkers and Deathrattle lorewise. We’ve already had a tidbit about Wight Kings and their kingdoms the that WHC article, and I’m really hyped to see how they’ll make Deadwalkers unique in comparison to their boney counterparts.
  21. Aw yeah, love it when a new one of these threads drops. As for what I’m expecting - I’m like 95% sure he’s a destruction character, and 5% sure he’s a Kurnothi. I’d PREFER it if he’s a destruction character though.
  22. I’m hesitant to believe that schedule simply due to the inclusion of “new Lumineth model”. I can confidently say that there is no way in all the realms that they would be getting anything this soon. If they do, I will eat my (exceptionally pointy) hat!
  23. There is no way that is not Sylvaneth. The insects on top, the way the base looks like it’s got roots - it’s just a given. What I’m interested in are the pointier ears, which are a staple of the Tree Revenants. A new hero for them maybe?
  24. Yeah I think it was down for everyone for a few days
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