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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. I think the new book is a step in the right direction but definitely had a couple big misses. Bosses of the stomp needed to change. They tried to make mancrushers more relevant then just left that battalion alone, when it was a major component of why mega spam was good. New mightier makes rightier is a bad direction. It disincentivizes fighting even more than previously. Overall its a step up though so I'm happy. Smasher tribe and brodd both look like fun to play with, and thankfully the BT & GS aren't trivial like tzeentch's were.
  2. Moving enemy models is abysmal when it comes to infantry, since theres so many models. Its not too bad if its a single model.
  3. Vorthos/Mel aren't really a player type though. Most players are either Vorthos/Mel, since otherwise it means they're not interested in the game. You also don't need to play the game at all if you're a vorthos (we see that in 40k a lot). They describe a different axis. I've never seen them used that way in my circles. Maybe thats just because we're all familiar with the terms.
  4. The fun part is the narrative around the ability, and the rules themselves aren't a terrible representation of those narratives.
  5. Timmy is one of 3 psychographic profiles coined by the magic dev team that describe player types. Timmy likes big creatures and exciting explosive plays. Johnny is the creative type who likes discovering cool combos and interactions and like to win his own way. They like to express themselves through the game. Spike is the power gamer. primarily driven by their competitive nature and desire to win. You can be a mix of the types, but they cover different psychographic profiles in players.
  6. Gargants always should've been a Timmy army. In fact they should've been the most Timmy army in the game, and the previous book mangled that terribly. Honestly Gargants probably could be running around with a 35% winrate and Timmy would be happy as long as his gargants get to smash stuff up every game. These rules aren't that powerful, but they're cool and fun which really appeal to the Timmy archetype. Like the one rampage lets you suplex a monster, sure you could do it to get off an objective, but flipping something like a mawkrusha or archaon into a tag team of 3 baby gargants is awesome. Or you could hold a monster back while the little dudes beat him up. Not every rule needs to be aimed at being competitive.
  7. it does feel early, but we all know its coming summer 2023, and its warhammer 40ks 35th anniversary, plus this reveal show is JUST 40k stuff so there has to be something big to fill the time.
  8. They're probably just continuing to be coy about 40k 10th edition which is 100% getting announced on saturday.
  9. probably means the tomes didn't change much and its like skaven/tzeentch. I hope the battlescroll drops today or tomorrow, I've got an event with the publication cutoff being saturday and I'm thinking of bringing Gitz/Kruleboyz
  10. I think the last set was lumineth. I think it was dropped because they were manufactured in china instead of in the UK but I might be mistaken.
  11. Did a bit of googling on this and found some 40k discussions around it, but nothing for AoS but daemons are mostly the same across the two. Basically it amounted to everyone having a "True name" (even non daemons), which is the name of the soul, and since daemons are all soul thats why it holds power over them, but the "true name" isn't the person's given name its some inherent quality of a soul. Its usually difficult to learn one's own true name but it can be done through stuff like powerful magic or whatever. Does seem like a bit of a cop out, but basically if James becomes a Daemon Prince it doesn't matter if people know his name is james because it was never his "True name".
  12. I'm pretty sure Daemon princes are also bound by the "true name" rules, which is what I think is going on here. Mortal sorcerers granted daemonhood, but it seems like the lore is a bit fuzzy around what gaunt summoners are. Haven't gotten a chance to read through the lore in the new tome though, so maybe its cleaned up now.
  13. Page 24 of the 2.0 Disciples of Tzeentch battletome, under the section "Lords of the Silver Towers" Maybe it was retconned in the new book or they've been inconsistent on them, but thats what the previous battletome says verbatim.
  14. Lorewise Gaunt summoners are the 9 most powerful mortal sorcerers of Tzeentch. They're essentially just a different kind of daemon prince.
  15. We've already seen the table of contents for the new book and they're in. The reason nobody plays them is because the rules are terrible. The models themselves actually had a ton of character, like the pirate who's parrot was a gnoblar cosplaying a parrot.
  16. I don't like it either, honestly I'm pretty done with BT and GS as a whole. I think most players would rather have the power and cool interactions built into the rules rather than the BT/GS. I'd trade all of them for kairics and cult of the transient form to be good options.
  17. I remember WH Weekly talking about that fix and saying it was a poor fix, despite many people suggesting it, and I agreed. Its bad because it creates even more incentive to never fight with your gargants, since they get worse on the objective if they do, and one of the big problems with the old book was that it was often better for gargants to just retreat out of combat to live longer. A better rule would be something like "enemy models within 3" of this model can't contest objectives", since it encourages the gargant player to be aggressive.
  18. The 2e Tzeentch book was incredibly strong when it came out and remained good for its entire lifetime. Sure they werent as strong during 3e, but They still had some good results. Also a lot of the power will come from our new BTs, we get 3-4 autocomplete battle tactics and a couple easy GS. Its not flashy or interesting but it will win games.
  19. I think they screwed up the keywords, since they screwed them up in a bunch of other places in the book too. We'll see in the FAQ
  20. Boltboyz are generally a good unit though, and are absolutely devastating in the right matchups, they just have crippling weaknesses and are our only threat projection. Plus at only 120 points they don't really have much wiggle room until they become cockatrices. Generally if you need to point something down to being meat+bonus its time for a scroll update. Sludgeraker has good(if spiky) output for his points, and a good buff. He could come down a bit sure, but hes in a pretty good spot. Nurgle in general should probably go up, given their performance.
  21. Killbow is too niche to be anything but a tech piece. The only way it sees regular play is in a high wound monster meta or if they point it so low you just spam them. Like if they were 80-90 points you'd just take them as screens that are sometimes amazing. Boltboyz have a scroll issue. Their damage and points are fine, but the way hasty shot works reduces their threat range to 24", or 27 in big yellerz, which is pretty low for a long range unit. Longstrikes have 36" and skyfires have 40". Even sentinels still have 30". Sludgerakers are good for their points but could go down to give KB a boost. Gutrippaz also have a scroll issue, but could be made playable through an aggressive point drop since they're just meant to be meat
  22. Margin of error is a real thing in statistics. Its a measure of how inaccurate your results might be. Aiming for that 45-55% winrate band is the ideal that most games aim for. Doesn't mean you should stop balancing once you get there, but anything that falls out of it should become a high priority to address. We don't need a second wave or a new tome, just some aggressive adjustments and some rewrites that will change the playstyle. The biggest changes that need to happen are: -Gutrippa rewrite: We don't just need them "playable" the army really needs an efficient aggressively costed frontline unit so it can push onto objectives. Give them a 4+ save, have skareshields give a -1 to be hit in melee, and drop them to 150 points. -Allegiance ability rewrite: We barely have allegiance abilities. Two once per games, and a warscroll ability that was moved into the allegiance ability section. Kruleboyz need something that works turn after turn. Make dirty tricks always do something, then also make it once per battle round or introduce another allegiance ability like army-wide retreat & charge or something to generate CP. Theres a bunch of other minor issues like bad artefacts, and the shaman, but I think those 2 are the most important.
  23. Dual weapons do outdamage the greatweapons now don't they... Definitely bad scroll design there.
  24. The fact they lay the blame on bounty hunters is a sign they don't understand whats wrong with KB. The only units even hit by it are boltboyz who die to a stiff breeze, hobgrots who we get killed intentionally, and gutrippaz who everybody avoided playing as much as possible even before bounty hunters. The army needs significant rewrites, but I don't have any faith in them fixing it.
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