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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. I don't see why they wouldn't update ironguts, all of the infantry ogors literally use the same bodies. If anything they'll just get rolled into a dual kit with the gluttons or leadbelchers. They're basically just gluttons with 2 handers and some shields strapped on.
  2. IIRC the hint was for orruk stuff in general, and was before the maw grunta was announced.
  3. Skaven could do well in a starter set, but I think it would be a skyre, or maybe eshin box unless they introduce a new clan to the table.
  4. I'm sure there's plenty of starter boxes that would sell gangbusters too. Feels like SCE popularity gets propped up by starter boxes and easy access to the models, but stuff like StD, Seraphon, Gitz, Lumineth, Soulblight, and even ironjawz seem to be hugely popular, possibly even rivalling or beating out SCE. I'm sure a starter box with any of those armies would go over really well, and you can bank on old nostalgia with them as well. Seraphon vs FeC harkening back to the old lizardmen vs brettonia, Gitmob vs Lumineth, harkening back to the 4th ed eltharion vs grom. There's so many possibilities.
  5. I do because it looks cool. I think the damage maths out to be roughly the same though. Not taking it to have less profiles to manage is legitimate though.
  6. As much as I want gitmob I doubt they'll show up in book 2 because Gitz are showing up in book 1.
  7. I've only played with it once so far, he failed a 5 inch charge and got destroyed by impact hits. I think the big drawback is needing him to be your general. Clammy Hand is super strong, and so is having a troggboss general to score the GS so its tough to justify taking anything other than those two things for your general. His output is pretty good though, its just a shame its pretty much the only hammer spiderfang have access to, and you need to give up a lot of power to take it.
  8. My bet for an end of edition army is chaos dwarves. We will have had a few revamps over the edition, and there's a possibility of a FeC release as well. Chorfs could find their way into the starter box too, but I'm still putting my money on it being order vs order (Malerion vs Stormcast or Lumineth)
  9. for once they actually targetted the thing most out of line instead of the whole army, whole game, or something else which seems like a first. (See Gitz nerfing rally while barely touching herds or jaws of mork) Doesn't seem like they jumped the gun like with ogors either. But yes hopefully they give it a little time to see where things land before hitting the nerfbat too hard.
  10. Command trait that makes d3 units hit on unmodified 2s if within 3" of the general (bypassing modifier restrictions!) Artefact that gives ethereal (perfect for a VLOZD) Neferata is ridiculous at 390 pts, 14W 3+ save, double caster, Warmaster, aoe -1 to hit debuff, pre-game redeploy 3 units within your territory and a spell that lets you ignore only negative modifiers to save (so you can get a 2+ unrendable save on her, a VLOZD, or blood knights, or make a brick of infantry really tough to shift). Thats before getting to the subfaction ability that gives vampire heroes +1 attack if they're within 3" of an enemy, or +1 to cast/dispel/unbind if outside of 3", alongside heroic actions to turn off ward saves and one that turns off all out defense and inspiring presence. Also all those VLOZD and Neferata have the hunger, which lets the unit heal wounds after it fights equal to the damage it inflicted (up to a max of 6). So you get some super killy, super tanky, fast units with good healing running all over the board. Then ON TOP of that because of what SBGL has in the army you can still put tons of bodies and wounds on the table. It might be the case the whole book is cooked, but LoB is the worst offender.
  11. I kind of hate the ruling myself. Like I get it, but it isn't actually that intuitive. The rule feels like its only there to cover their mistake when they forget to say "but not their mount(s)", which is fine for stuff like "add 1 to the general's attacks", but is weird when we get to auras, because now we have to care about where the aura comes from. It also creates a precedent that applies to older abilities, I'm sure I won't find all of them, but from nurgle the command trait Gift of Febrile Frenzy is a once per game ability that gives +1 attack to nurgle units within 7", this dodged a FAQ but shouldn't apply to mounts based on this ruling, the skullfray gorehorn command trait is the same which means it won't affect tuskgor chariot mounts or disc tzaangors mounts.Gruesome Trophy rack doesn't affect the ironblaster mount. Gitz "Totem of the spider god" barely dodges this since it interacts with an ability on the scroll, which only affects mount attacks, instead of the attacks directly I guess? Its a reasonable nerf to the ability but I just hate the rules around it, and how every ability that works the same way somehow managed to dodge this FAQ. I'd much rather they just start specifying directly if it affects mounts. Edit: also its never clear where companions fall into this stuff, I'm still not sure if the grot companions in kruleboyz get VEW or not, I've always assumed no. I'm biased but I'm not sure gitz were even that OP, it seemed to mostly be squig herd and jaws of mork, which both somehow managed to dodge the targeted nerf to gitz when they nerfed rally for the entire game instead of just nerfing jawz/herds/hoppers Soulblight might be out of line even without LoB but we'll need to wait and see. LoB is just the obvious problem at the moment, but it may turn out the book behind it is also too good. Some of the stuff that book does really pushes the line like being able to deploy units within 9" and the healing combined with all the recycling, and zombies deleting hammers when they get destroyed. Like 40 zombies have a good shot at deleting things like maw-krushas just by taking the hit, and they only cost 230 points. Its hard to tell unless LoB gets reigned in though.
  12. I personally have never seen anything as high as the new soulblight tome, although stuff may have been higher in aos1, but don't catastrophize it. Both legion of blood and neferata were way out of line, especially at neferata's point cost. I would be absolutely shocked if SBGL weren't still competitive after these changes, in fact I imagine they still need point increases. But yes, Khorne, slaanesh, and kharadron also need nerfs. Tzeentch is pretty safe in the middle at the moment, but those books didn't explode to this kind of winrate overnight. I'm sure they'll all get hit with the GHB.
  13. -1 to damage is very hard to balance. Against armies that pay a premium for 2 damage, like ironjawz and ogors, you can negate nearly half their value for little cost. against armies that have lots of damage 1 it does nothing. Its the equivalent of a 4+ ward vs damage 2, a 5+ ward vs damage 3/4 and a 6+ ward vs damage 5/6 -1 to wound on the other hand has a pretty flat mathematical effect on the damage. With that said the reason petrifex was problematic was because those units were not at all priced for that kind of buff, and trying to price them for it would make them unplayable elsewhere. In the seraphon book it seems like coalesced were priced with that buff in mind, which is why the coalesced stuff is so overcosted. I do agree that they should change it in seraphon too though, with point decreases on coalesced units. We just shouldn't have -1 damage be something we can get armywide. Its fine if used in limited ways though, like the debuff spell from SBGL or the nighthaunt dude, because the players can play around those abilities. Also I think most of the seraphon hate is going to be directed at starborne and not coalesced, coalesced seem fair, maybe too fair.
  14. My playgroup is probably gonna give old world a shot, we have old WFB armies lying around. I'm hoping the azhag wyvern gets re-released, IMO that model looks great and its super expensive second hand. I wouldn't mind using it as a vulcha in my kruleboyz. I like most of these changes. Targeted nerfs to neferata and Legion of Blood were definitely welcome, although I really don't like how they handled doomed minions. I disagree with the ruling, and now we might end up with other weird edge cases where a command trait gives an aura that won't apply to mounts. I wish they'd just properly errata'd it. OBR changes seem fair, maybe they watched the WH weekly bit on why -1 damage is a bad rule. The gothizzar change is pretty impactful since you can kill the unit outright now, but it also won't apply to shooting or hero phase damage.
  15. I think its more of a design problem than an opportunity to sell old stock. All of those old kits were probably destroyed. You free up warehouse space and might get a tax write off. The real issue old world had to tackle was how to fill out multiple factions model-wise with a smaller budget/design team. The game needs multiple factions to work and capture the old world appeal, but launching 4-6 completely new models lines at the same time is completely unrealistic. I suspect we'll see 1-2 of the armies get a bunch of new models, and the rest getting a few characters to tie into the narrative at the start, and if its successful they'll slowly release more. Heresy didn't really have this issue since its pretty much all space marines. There are some differences, but for the most part the armies tend to share the same core units.
  16. Yeah thats what GW has said definitively. The second book of the campaign will have a heavy destruction theme and the pig releases with that. Not sure if there are any other rumors, heard some folks mentioning it and I wasn't sure if they got mixed up or there were some other rumors. Warclans could certainly do with new rules.
  17. I heard some talk of a new Warclans battletome. Is there any substance to it? or is it just whatever the second book of the narrative campaign will be?
  18. Game 4 loss vs FEC. It was a close game, he got through the gutrippaz on t1, and I failed to take out his unit of 6 flayers despite shooting them with all 12 boltboyz, one survived. On turn 2 he retreated the flayers and i tanked his monsters with the other hobgrots and gutrippaz, I took out both monsters that turn with shooting and the waaagh!. Turn 3 he healed back 5 flayers and got did 11 mortals to the sludgeraker with their shooting, and crippled my boltboyz with their shooting so I couldn't really unleash hell. Normally I don't like to blame the dice, but getting a t2 or t3 double, or finishing those flayers would have really pushed the game in my favor. Game 5 was a win vs bonesplitterz, he came in hard, my sludgeraker did only 1 damage vs the rogue idol then died to laser eyes, but he couldn't threaten the boltboys so I pushed him back. Overall I really liked the 30 block of gutrippaz, it felt like I had way more options tactically and a good way to threaten objectives early game, but the list felt lacking in damage, and Gobsprakk was very disappointing. Everything he does is just so inconsistent, its like a slot machine, i like the arcane tome killaboss way more, but he can't take sneaky miasma anymore. The player wasn't that experienced with them yet, and didn't have katakros. The battleplan didn't help but I think the power level difference is just too big. They get ward saves they can bump up to 5+s and access to tons of healing, so they're pretty resilient even against MW and shooting.
  19. Game 1 I lost to new OBR. It was battlelines drawn, so the alpha pin wasn't as effective although it seemed to work well. I got the t2 double and couldn't cripple him enough and got smashed on the t3 double. Game 2 I won vs big waaagh!. He threw away his gruntas early for a BT and my boltboyz thrashed them. Then I got the t2 double and pushed hard with the waaagh! And he couldnt recover. Game 3 I gio thrashed by skaven. The list was basically a hard counter. I took the first turn, so I could alpha his stormvermin and between supa sneaky and fastun I got gobsprakk, the gutrippaz, and the sludgeraker within charge range on t1. The sludgeraker charged and took THANQUOL's unleash hell, the gutrippaz got in, but gobsprakk failed on a reroll. I ended up not even killing half of the 30 strong stormvermin and got thrashed on the counter. Also he had ravenak's jaws, which is nigh impossible to zone out but he had it on teleporting wizards. The only spell I unbound all game was arcane bolt on t4, and the only spell I cast was mystic shield on t1. It took me 2 attempts to dispel the jaws, and each of the first two hits did 8 mortals to the boltboyz.
  20. I've got a 2 day event on the weekend and after a bit of agonizing I decided to bring the kruleboyz. I wanted to play orruks and couldn't make a big waaagh lisylt I felt comfortable with, and I don't vibe with the new gitz book for some reason, not sure why. That said I had a dumb idea come to me while trying to listbuild. What if I just supa sneaky 30 gutrippaz? It'll be like dollar store Tzeentch, and its not like the standard KB lists have been doing well. I wasn't too fond of supa sneaky when I first tried it, i always used to go MoM/arcane tome on a vulture, but supa sneaky's value goes way down when you have more drops, since it triggers before turn order is decided. But with a unit of 30 gutrippaz you can just alpha pin. 60 wounds that are sometimes -1 to hit, and are -1 to wound (thanks to noisy racket) can pin my opponent in and maybe let me get an early game lead. Plus if I'm lucky with dissapearin' act I could potentially get in to something juicy. Here's the list. Allegiance: Kruleboyz- Warclan: Grinnin' Blades- Grand Strategy: Krump 'Em All- Triumphs: IndomitableLeadersGobsprakk, The Mouth of Mork (260)**Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (100)*- Lore of the Swamp: Nasty Hex- Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel MasterSwampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (100)*- Lore of the Swamp: Da Black PitSnatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (290)*- General- Command Trait: Supa Sneaky- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Mount Trait: Fast 'UnBattleline30 x Gutrippaz (450)**- Reinforced x 210 x Gutrippaz (150)*10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)**Units6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*- Reinforced x 16 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*- Reinforced x 1Core Battalions*Battle Regiment**Battle RegimentTotal: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 4 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 164Drops: 2 Gobsprakk gives access to spells, and access to krump em all. Not sure how that'll work out but most grand strategies are a struggle for us. Theres potential for a proper alpha strike too, supa sneaky gutrippaz, +fastun/sneaky miasma the vulture and sludgeraker.
  21. to be fair this was wasn't supposed to be released yet, but I feel your pain. I doubt I'll be at any of the events where this guy is available so if I want one its scalper city for me.
  22. Honestly the FW stuff wasn't that far out of line with GW's actual prices. When I bought a bonegrinder, 6 months-ish before gargants came out I paid like 200CAD IIRC, and when megas came out they were 230CAD. Colossal Squig and Hag were like 130-140 each, but plastic versions would probably be priced up there with bloodthirsters. Also the FW keeper was only like 10-20$ off the GW price.
  23. Going to plug Wierdnobz AoS reference sheet, its fantastic. Its frequently updated, and while it has a lot of pages you generally only actually need 1-2, the page for the rules reference, and the current GHB's reference. Its also got a "printer friendly" version at the back that doesn't have the image in the background.
  24. Whats funny is that KB are the weakest part of the warclans book, with the worst written rules in terms of Quality, not just power. Bonesplitterz felt like they just got a bunch of rules removed, with most of the warscrolls feeling boring, and Ironjawz were pretty fantastic. Part of it is probably first book syndrome, but Stormcast made out far better (the internal balance problem in that book is eternal unless they drastically cut scrolls and/or heavily compartmentalize the different chambers). There was probably something else at play that made the warclans turn out that way, maybe time constraints with some poor design choices. The old grand alliance armies were basically what you're asking for, maybe they could come back in the future, but I think they're avoiding it for balance reasons.
  25. looks similar to Skragrott's cloak, the cloak from the great bray shaman, the inside of the wurgogg cloak, kruleboyz cloaks, and gargant patch cloth. the stitches aren't the right scale for gargant stuff though. Swampcalla shaman on Gnashtoof, WITH 10 WOUNDS! exactly what the KB players have been asking for, and what the army needs!
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