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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. So I finally did it and chomped on Dominion*, now I am more excited about rumours regarding the two principal factions. Are we still stuck with the vague rumours of wolves for Kruel Boyz and something draconic for SCE? I am still holding out hope for the idea of Stormcast Pegasus Knights. Beyond that I have heard more rumours regarding the next series of battle tome releases than I have about the two armies we are getting currently. *Dwarf soup you were too beautiful for my collection 😭
  2. I for one am happy that they were able to meet the demand. I just ordered my box from a local hobby store. It was a pretty big purchase for me financially but it nets me essentially half an army. Still not sure what to do with the other half. I might gift it to a friend for trade bate or to another friend as a promise that if he picks up the eventual starter to give me the Stormcast half... many decisions. Still I am happy to have some Angelic warriors to paint up as opponents for my Chaos and Ogres. I say overproduce as I am not a fan of artificial scarcity. I am not a 40k fan but I would have likely tried 9th edition if I ever actually saw Indomitus in person. Oh well I am happier with wizards and dragons then psykers and tanks.
  3. Hahaha, my excitement over the lore you described made me overlook that it came from Dreadfleet. I know nothing about the game except that the models were utterly beautiful and that it was somewhat of a standalone release? I will say that Age of Sigmar seems to be begging for some degree of Naval/Aerial combat hybrid style. Whether it is an expansion of AOS proper or a side game it just feels like it would work so well. Idoneth and Kharadron require zero design changes to work into a naval/aerial styled game and could function as the poster children of the game/ruleset.
  4. Sooo... every word of what you described speaks to my soul 🤭
  5. I am really hoping that with Old World I can run my Chaos Warriors and Ogres. But I would absolutely get an Araby army in a heart beat.
  6. I am thinking if I run SCE I would forgo cavalry to give them a unique identity among my collection... no idea how I will factor the new Chariot into this equation. However, pegasus knights to back up Yndrasta would be an insta purchase for me.
  7. I think that you bring up wonderful points and as one of the players on the lower end of the financial spectrum many of your points hit close to home. I typically stay away from balancing debates as I am not a great strategist to begin with but it does seem to be a place in which a lot of toxicity seems to creep. Most of the people I play with are locked into their armies for financial reasons and I am one of the few to build multiple small armies. This is largely because I like the play style of elite factions making 2000 points more viable. Even if the term elite seems to be a serious misnomer on the tabletop. My goal in getting back into this hobby was really simple. I simply wanted to build, model and paint two roughly equal armies to play with either my partner or some friends. I actually accomplished that goal and through some trades and a little generosity from a friend my second army was actually significantly cheaper than I anticipated. For this reason I have been thinking of starting a third and likely final army... my goal is to pick up Dominion*. I hoped to repay that friend with half the contents, but he is not interested in either faction so I have been trying thinking about trading the Orruks for some more Death units for his army. The pressure to buy the new hottest thing is always more or less just dreaming for me. A good example is how excited I was for Be'Lakor's new model but it sadly fell beyond my price range. However, I do have a small derpy plastic Demon Prince and in a pinch I can proxy it for Be'Lakor. I am not interested in the competitive side of gaming and just want to share in some fun times with my friends. My small group of fellow players are very generous about not being over competitive. When using my collections, if one of my armies is over powered I will simply let the newer player use them and if I am playing with someone more experienced than we can work out some internal balances. But the reality is that when this hobby becomes unfulfilling to me I know that I will likely sell my pieces and move on. It will be a sad day but I also know it is the reality of someone in such a hobby with limited budget and shelf space. The fact that I have made it this far is a shock but has been entirely based around smart purchases, second hand models and trades. I do like this hobby enough that in selling my armies I will look for a new smaller scale game... just to have some fun models and something to do on rainy nights. I keep wanting to learn more about Frostgrave as it seems like a nice game size and I have heard good things but sadly none of my friends are interested and still haven't found the models that quite click with me aesthetically. Star Wars Legion is another one that has piqued my interest but I also feel like my love of that franchise will stymie my creative process a little to greatly... maybe I could paint a sith version of Luke or a rebel legion of Battle Droids but I would then want their canon equivalents as well. 😅 But wherever life takes you my friend, make sure to enjoy your hobbies and find pleasure in the things that you choose to do. And if ever you wish to return you have a community here to rehash jokes about Choas Dwarf hats and GW's hotly anticipated release of Critters and Keys. *Heck this is only possible entirely thanks to being very cautious with my COVID relief money.
  8. 🤩 If this does not happen I am going to be so sad... maybe Malerion could cheer me up a little but otherwise I am now going in with full expectations of a Chaos Dwarf trailer.
  9. So what type of announcements are we to expect with this launch celebration? I feel I watched the 40k reveal and it was mostly more Necrons and Space Marines. But did they reveal the whole rest of those two lines? I also vaguely remember some army books being shown although I assume those were for Space Marines and Necrons...? Is it safe to assume we will see the rest of the SCE Kruelboyz/Warclans reveals?
  10. Kruleboyz are last week's news we need more Duardin info! Soups, new models, will we get a return of other ancestor gods, will we get chorfs, will they be in S2D or standalone? Also and most importantly can Magmadroths ride in KO ships!?!
  11. Intentionally or not it also has a ring of Tolkien to it. As many here know, it was the Valar Aulë the Smith who created the Fathers of the Dwarves*. I am actually really liking the story reason for the Duardin soup. I just hope there is enough impetus narratively for people to run their mono Duardin factions. I want some KO to still think uniting is still a terrible idea and some Fyreslayers to think this new guy is pretty dope but he is no Grimnir. *With help from Iluvatar giving them true life.
  12. I have always felt like Duardin should be represented in Each Grand alliance. KO and Dispossessed (or what ever name they get upon Grungi's return to prominence) could stay as a part of Order. I still think that Grimnir should have become a new God of Destruction a more civilized alternative to Gorkamorka and Kragnos. Closer to a god of war than anything. Chorfs in all their hatty goodness would up Chaos' fashion game and rival Slaanesh. Finally some form of deathly Duardin. I keep imaging them being somewhat akin Qin Shi Huang's Terracotta Army... only with bits of skeleton poking through any cracks.
  13. "The beta will be free to use and includes the all-important army building tool. Eventually, the app will join the wider Warhammer+ offer, and access to paid features (including the army building tool) will be included as part of that subscription" Sounds like I will be list building with pen and paper again 🤨
  14. I must say that all of the Warhammer+ news is really disheartening to me. I am not into a monthly subscription for an already needlessly expensive hobby. I also thought the free warscrolls and army building tools for AOS were a large part of how and why I got invested into the game in the first place. It truly felt like GW had turned over a new and better leaf... Oh well I should have learned along time ago what company I was dealing with. I cannot imagine it last long, but I also imagine them trying to hold out on it much longer than they truly ought to. As for rumours, I am feeling like I need to play a bit of catch up but do we have anything new regarding SCE and Orruk Warbands/Kruel Boyz? It seems like it has been a little silent beyond vague possibly false rumours of drakes and wolves...
  15. Having not read the story yet, I will admit I am liking how Tyrion sounds like he is a good friend of Grungni and wanted to have the Duardin as allies. It still makes me think that he may be the key for brokering a peace with the IDK if ever they wanted to make some High Aelven soup. Then we can get DOK/Malerion's forces, Sylvaneth/Kurnothi and Lumineth/IDK for a somewhat more traditional division of Dark, Wood, High Elves.
  16. I have still yet to pick up Dominion because I am waiting to learn more about Dwarf soup. It would make me pivot very quickly. The only reason I haven't yet is that my friend also plays Duardin and I think he'd be miffed if I did so but still I would do it in a flash.
  17. Yeah it was my understanding that the GHB's contents were all known. That said I do think there is a point that the most recent releases got the biggest points increases. I am thinking that they best reflect what point averages will look like when the older books get updated... It makes me think that the Orruk Warclans and Stormcast players building armies to the tune of the GHB will be sorely disappointed when their books drop... but we will see.
  18. Horray! I may get it yet at my local hobby shop... Those KO I have been eyeing shall fly into someone else's life 😭
  19. I am still risking the Local Game Store purchase route, but they said that they will get a small order followed by a much bigger order in a few weeks... however, if I miss it I might impulse buy the Kharadron Battleforce as some sky dwarves will be mighty tempting...
  20. You can always switch the head for a helmeted option. Sounds like Dominion will have a few options for heads. I really like that Stormcast seem to have gone for a somewhat standard build with additional heroic flair, as it makes kit-bashing them a lot simpler as sizes are generally pretty similar. I personally really like the head but I am a true millennial hipster dirtbag. I think people will appreciate the sculpt more when they see different paint jobs though. Maybe you could trade someone for Astreia Solbright's head?
  21. Welcome on board friend, That is a lovely collection and Sylvaneth are one of the coolest lines in the game. There are constant rumours abuzz about Kurnothi Aelves aka bestial Woodelves to hopefully expand your army. I am also a relic of the old world and I just found my first grey hair two days ago... 😩
  22. Congrats my friend, it is a great feeling cracking that full army milestone. I just finished up my 2000 Slaves to Darkness and have an ogre army in the works. I am excited about hopefully getting my hands on Dominion. But if not I have my eyes on a Kharadron Battleforce, Shadow and Pain and have been mulling over the idea of grabbing a souldrain forest set and start collecting Sylvaneth. I just got a new job and want to celebrate with an approximately 200 dollar start on an order army.
  23. I tend to be careful with my purchases for this exact reason. This is a pricey hobby already and I have seen what new editions can do to a collection. Even now I have to do some conversions and such to meet new unit sizes.
  24. Getting to see the points changes it is not as bad as I feared but it also makes my 2000 points armies quite a bit more expensive. I do not see this as a terrible thing as it lets me change my builds although I do have to change up some unit compositions with the change to Chaos warrior sizes. My ogres are in a much different place but as I am still building them and getting them ready I can more easily course correct. I have 3 start collecting sets some frost sabres and an Icebrow hunter. So my plan of two Frostlords and a Huskard is switching to two Huskards and a Frostlord. Also my plan to add a Stardrake to dominion is seeming slightly untenable... but still doable. I might go with a Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon or Celestant Prime instead? Although, with a new tome in bound these units will likely change the quickest and so I should not put much stock in the GHB points. Still I think that despite the logic not being clear most armies seem to be effected in roughly similar ways. I do think that GW may have thought that the new table size will have more of an impact than we do regarding shooting.
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