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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. So I have been working on the lore of my army during the down time at work and I am really interested in using it to explore the varied faiths of chaos unified into an undivided force. However, in doing so I am fascinated in using some of the subfactions as Godspecific worshipers. So my question from a purely thematic level how would you divide the marks between Ravagers, Cabalists, Despoilers and Idolators? If I ever get Archaon (or a decent proxy) or Varanguard, I would use Host of the Everchosen or Knights of the Empty Throne as Undivided. Currently I am using Ravagers as my main Undivided list but I will make an alternate list for a marked list. I am leaning towards: Ravagers - Khorne Idolators - Slaanesh Cabalists - Tzeentch Despoilers - Nurgle
  2. I completely agree, I think they are such a fun and cool part of Ogors lore and history. I am still tempted to use the best ogres as Maneaters: But I keep holding off in case they make a cool unit of Maneaters for AOS or Firebellies get a full subfaction. I feel like Maneaters will be like Varanguard a unit I desperately want but never can justify purchasing. 😢
  3. I am really excited about the prospect of Ogor Maneater Pirate but I am concerned about Maneaters in a broader sense. Namely will they retain their identity and flavour as unique models making up a unit or will they become more generic with a plastic kit? I hope they get sculpts based on the different realms and get released via Underworlds/Warcy but I am starting to worry they will disappear alongside the rest of the resin sculpts.
  4. Interesting, I really hope it is a new plastic Doombull! I feel like most of the other things I am hoping for are a little too large for Underworlds. I wonder if we might get a Chaos Duardin Demon engine or would that step on the toes of the Skaven?
  5. I love this idea of using the warband like a bodyguard unit! It will make the warscrolls cleaner and easier to write and like with the Warcry warbands can rather simply be given a fairly standard warscroll to help mitigate some of the more eclectic warbands. I think it is a simple enough way of making the characters stand out without making the warscrolls too complicated. I also want to echo the sentiments from earlier in the thread that giving them a niche within warcry will also make the underworlds warbands much more desirable for purchase. But I love underworlds models even if I do not play the game.
  6. I am curious if Warhammer+ fails, if we will see a return of free warscrolls ? I feel so conflicted with the company as the rules, lore and models have really appealed to my sensibilities lately... but every corporate choice has been so negative and resulted in such a massive backlash. I think if they are going to hide warscrolls behind paywalls give us cheaper options for the battletomes. Also, I thought this Forum was pro pirates?
  7. Idoneth getting some representation, oh heck yeah!
  8. I think that we can assume that the AoS equivalent would be Stormcast and Orruk Warclans. However, these are not just the contents of the starter set so maybe if we get an AOS version it will be Vanguard/Sacrosanct and Iron Jawz? I could imagine the Stormcast half being the Soul Wars pieces but bulked out to be full units and the Orruk Warclans being an Iron Jawz Start Collecting box, Brutes and a Mawcrusher. As much as I hate Space Marines I am kind of tempted as I have been playing around with the idea of creating my own chapter of Fallen Angels to run as Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marines, but I am not blown away by the prices of these sets. Especially since as the starter armies the second hand rate for them both is pretty decent.
  9. Oh please, please, please, be a new Pirate Ogor! Also please have little pirate Gnoblar assistants!
  10. I would hate to see a Space Marine treatment, but Lord Commander Bastian Carthalos is such a fantastic model. I was hoping for more like him but filling different roles. But I guess I hadn't considered that it would bleed over into the weird subdivisions based on colour schemes. I also wish every named character had an unnamed equivalent ruleswise for people who want to develop their own lore 😕 The sad part is there is probably more than enough named characters already but they made them all boring Hammers of Sigmar already.
  11. Are we likely to get the Lord-Commanders for the other Stormhosts and do we have any info on any of them? I feel like narratively and in terms of Sculpt they would be easier to implement than the Primarchs in 40k.
  12. Personal Theory Time: Old World is just going to be a Blood Bowl expansion game!
  13. That is why you pair bad news with positive news and announce Chaos Dwarves and see your stocks go up tenfold.
  14. Sorry I keep seeing references to problems with the dragon molds. What are the problems is it a production or sculpt issue?
  15. Push me out of the company but not the hobby. 😕 Maybe I will join the 40k exodus to Battletech although Bushido: Risen Sun, Infinity, Frostgrave and Kings of War all speak more to my tastes. Marvel Crisis Protocol and Star Wars Legion both pique my interest but as these characters have such highly established looks it dampens the excitement of creating my own colour scheme and lists.
  16. Bandai releases some unbelievably engineered kits and at varied price points resulting in different scales and degrees of engineering. I think the biggest difference is that they are designed with parts separation and decals in mind rather than painting. In a way they are kind of like apples and oranges comparatively as much of the most amazing engineering from Bandai is focused on articulation and model building. Whereas GW is designing statues to be assembled and painted to represent a military force. On this subject I would trade all my Warhammer models for a miniature Gundam game. But then again I did write a paper about Gundam merchandise in University so I am a little biased. Which is strange as I do not typically collect Gundam Merchandise and have no model kits. 😕
  17. As I mentioned earlier, I feel like Warcry will be used for this very purpose.
  18. Awesome they are my favourite of the Skaven Clans but currently have the worst range. 🐀
  19. I mean this thread has shown that there is a range of interesting opinions and great insights on the subjective nature of art. However, Games Workshop objectively put both Giambologna and Michelangelo to shame with this masterpiece:
  20. I really love 3.0! Gameplay: It reminds me of everything I love about AOS with some key influences from WHFB. I think that the balance likely needs fine tuning but I only play friendly non-competitive games and this edition really speaks to my interests. I honestly love what they have done with battalions and I am absolutely fine with what we have seen of the faction specific variants. The emphasis on heroes and monsters makes it feel much more epic and also creates more dynamic list building options in the future for assassins and monster slayers. The return of miscasts and wards are two of my favourite inclusions. Aesthetic: Age of Sigmar is already a beautifully sculpted and designed game with terrific miniatures. But Thunderstrike armour and Kruel Boyz have taken two of the factions that I felt rather indifferent towards and created some of my absolute favourite models in the game! How I will resist the upcoming releases is beyond me, luckily my bank account will hold me at bay. Lore: I really like the direction that the lore has taken since Broken Realms and I am greatly looking forward to seeing things unfold. I am cautiously optimistic that the Dawnbringer Crusades will result in a more scattered position for order as Destruction continues it's push to batterdown the gates of heaven. Path to Glory is really amazing although I am still trying to figure out how to get it to work effectively alongside my prebuilt 2000 point armies. But it has inspired me to really work on the narrative of my factions. I have enjoyed it so much that I have been working on genealogies, maps and social structures for my armies. I was so inspired I thought about trying my hand at submitting some work for the call for submissions for Black Library but I feel I would need to better iron out my ideas and tie them directly to the Dawn Brigades. So yeah, I am really enjoying pretty much every aspect of the game right now.
  21. Dear Games Workshop, Please release Squats, Chaos Dwarves and Unified Duardin in the Summer and call it Big Dwarf Summer! If you do this I promise will subscribe to Warhammer+ for a year as a reward!
  22. Sigmar tries in vain to make Gold the new black. Although, with Grungni's new sliming Thunderstirke line Archaon has finally taken notice of his rival's style. Teclis and Nagash battle in a constantly waging war of hat dominace. But deep in the Shadows Malerion took council with the imprisoned Chaotic God of High Fashion and learned of peoples forgotten in time with raging furnaces and impeccable tastes. Soon he sought them out and created a deadly alliance that would shake the realms to the core. Furnace King Fashion Week has found the Ultimate Runway Model! The Mortal Realms will never be the same:
  23. I hope we continue to get further Subfactions as I feel it is a good way to expand armies while also getting new content. Malerion/Umbraneth--DOK, Kurnothi--Sylvaneth, Chaos Dwarves--S2D, Grotbag Scuttlers--Gloomspite, Firebellies--Ogor Mawtribes, Vampirates--Soulblight, Dawnbringer--Cities. I still do hope we get Silent People as an entirely new army.
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