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Everything posted by KhaosSpawn

  1. I actually had quite a hard time fitting the terrain in with the cards, dice, board, and books. I finally managed though and here's the configuration: I think at some stage I'll get some foam sheeting and cut the shapes in so that everything goes in nicely and doesn't bump against each other when painted. Note: the loose little bits on top of things will go in the gaps beneath.
  2. Also, from my limited experience, a balanced warband will help you out with all the different types of Victory (and Twist?) cards. Some favour speed, others strength or toughness.
  3. I don't have much value to add, given I'm still starting with the Starter Set and won't branch out to this for ages (haha!! pun intended 🤣), but my $0.02: I wouldn't make the trees dangerous by default, but make it an option in some scenarios where agreed with your opponent. E.g. when warbands clash on the outskirts of the forest, all is sweet; should they fight deeper in, make them dangerous; or, Khorne forbid, in the deep-dark heart of the forest, give them attack (and move?!?!) stats and allow either player to activate them instead of a fighter (pretty sure I read a similar rule somewhere). The water looks pretty narrow and shallow so I wouldn't have any rules for it except where appropriate in a scenario (as above). Hooray for streams flowing with Nurgle rot!!! My rules are if a model can be placed somewhere and will stay there by themselves, they can climb and horizontally jump there. I'd treat the leaves like doors that beasts can use, they block line-of-sight but can be moved through. Means measuring climbing is simple: move to the trunk, move up the trunk, move out onto a tree platform. Where there are leaves, there are supporting branches, so I would only have fighters fall if they don't end their move action on a platform (as per the rules). Sources: long-term wargamer, rule-breaker, and tree climber. 😋 -- Don't stop throwing out your thoughts and ideas and encouraging others to do the same. You never know what lurkers may appreciate them, even if they don't say. Help keep the ".community" aspect of this site thriving. 👍
  4. If you're just looking to learn, I reckon either will work and don't worry if you lose - remember, "success isn't a very good teacher". If you do have trouble picking it up you can always start simple and add rules incrementally. I did this with my kids (6 and 8 years old). First game was a terrain card, each deployed along one short edge of the board, roll-off to decide who goes first then alternate turns, move and attack, last one standing wins. Next game added climbing, jumping, falling, and initiative rules. Then terrain (dangerous, cover, etc), disengage, and wait rules. Then victory and twist rules. Lastly, I'll introduce abilities. If you're worried about winning against more experienced players with them while you learn, then yeah, as @recoilia said, melee focused might be a tad simpler.
  5. They're not supposed to be glued so that they can be configured in multiple ways. The terrain cards have multiple set-ups which don't have the stairs, platform, or end balustrade attached. For example, see the terrain card pic here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/17/warcry-3-ways-to-playgw-homepage-post-1/ It has the bell tower without stairs and the ruined statue head attached to 2 sets of stair with, I presume, no balustrade.
  6. Apologies for the slow repy, didn't have notifications for this thread turned on (still learning). That's the thing - it's not there at all until you've made 5 or more posts. 😮 This is the comment my hunting turned up: https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22444-so-what-do-we-think-of-the-new-contrast-paints/?page=17&tab=comments#comment-345454 Thanks for looking into it!! 😁
  7. Further to @EMMachine's point, you can get a Gryph-Hound for 12 € in the Castigators with Gryph-hound box so maybe they thought it was already cheap enough to get one? I'd imagine there's a lot of play-testing and balancing that needs to go into the creation of each warband - GW don't seem to release much in the way of errata. Makes sense that, if they've finished 9, they would release them iteratively rather than waiting for the rest to be finalised. Especially if those 9 are "popular" races. 😋
  8. Etsy's a great idea!! I had been looking at some 3D models to get printed, but Etsy is essentially this in one step. As it turns out, I ended up getting lazy and just buying these two sprues off eBay. I will update the main post with a summary of ideas in case anyone else has the same problem.
  9. Good call on the Azyrite Ruined Chapel!! The instructions suggesting to glue the stairs on makes a bit more sense if they were copied from another, less configurable, set. The former: plastic glue. 🙁
  10. Pretty sure they're on there for good. I'm a fastidious gluer and tend to cover all mating surfaces. Normally a good thing, but this time my down-fall. 🙃 Yeah, I'll pick up another set if I can't think of anything faster/cheaper/cooler.
  11. Hey Mods Is it worth putting what permissions members of the site get and when in the Site Rules and Announcements forum? As a relatively new member I wasn't aware of if I could edit posts or not until I went hunting through other posts hoping someone else had asked. Sure enough, I found the answeron page 17 of a painting thread under AoS. 😁 Cheers!!
  12. So yep, I stupidly followed the instructions and glued the bell tower and ruined statue head together completely. Stairs and all. 😅 They're well and truly set so I'm thinking of leaving them as-is and just using something else for reconfigurable stairs on other terrain. Anyone got a line on anything suitable or other bright ideas? Edit: Here's a summary of some potential solutions: Buy a new starter set. PROS: HEAPS of spare stuff, rules, board, terrain, warbands, etc. CONS: Expensive. Buy Azyrite Ruined Chapel. PROS: Extra terrain. CONS: No statue head. Buy individual sprues off eBay. PROS: Relatively inexpensive. Extra terrain. Find a suitable 28/32mm stairs/ladder and get it 3D printed from Thingiverse or Etsy etc. PROS: Inexpensive. CONS: More effort. Might look out-of-place. Make your own 3D model and print it. PROS: Inexpensive. Custom awesomeness. CONS: Significantly more effort.
  13. So over the holidays I finally procured and started building WarCry Golems, Untamed, and Gitz (Seraphon should be arriving any day). Phew!! It's crazy to be getting back into GW tabletop games after more than 20 years, but it didn't take much for the muscle-memory to come back. You know what they say, it's just like despruing, deburring, assembling, and gluing a bicycle. 😋 Anyone else have a productive holiday season? Feel free to post your pics!! Edit: Screen resolution for forum pics is pretty meh. Will upload higher res pics if anyone is interested.
  14. I had a chat with one of the guys at my local and he reckoned the original plan was to bring the warband cards out with the Tome of Champions (makes more sense). He said GW had changed their minds and stepped up the book release to coincide with other things (books?). His call on cards was most likely Q1 2020. All heresay of course, but here's hopin'!!
  15. Wary Fighter - Good thought on disengage being more useful for ranged fighters. I'll definitely have to nerf it. Summon Seraphon - Ahh, yep, I see what you mean now. Will update.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to look and provide feedback, Revlid!! I wasn't aware of universal abilities so I appreciate you including them in your post about creating Abilities. Powerful Jaws - I see what you mean about it not being worthwhile compared to Onslaught. The basic premise was for them to be able to stack on a bit of extra damage even if they aren't in a "cohort". I might look to make it a [Double] +1A, +1S instead. Wary Fighter - This is a copy of the Gryph-Hound [Triple] Darting Attack. I see what you mean about it being available for a larger number of fighters, though. I might nerf it to something like a [Double] bonus disengage if it doesn't play-test well. Makes me wonder how a warband of 1x Hunter-Prime with Hurricane Crossbow and 5x Gryph-Hounds would play. 🤔 Disappear from Sight - Yeah, I'm fond of this one. It was based off the Cypher Lords [Triple] Shadowy Recall. That one's a greater distance (12" + value) for a wider range of fighters but restricted by the position of the Thrallmaster/Luminate. Being camouflaged between activations is definitely a big advantage, though. Maybe something like a bonus move (+value) and +2 toughness until next activation. That or up the Chameleon's points value. Summon Seraphon - I thought the fact that it's a [Quad] would balance out not losing 1-6 points of damage. You reckon they should still be damaged? Yep, I shamelessly stole all the phrasing I could from GW's cards. 😁
  17. My 6 year old insisted I make him a Gloomspite Gits Mangler Squigs fighter card. Behold the silliness!! 😋 I'm not sure how 2.5 warbands would fair against this monstrosity, but I'd love to find out.
  18. One of my sons is into Seraphon so I made some WarCry rules for fun and thought I'd share. -- Edit: Thanks to @Revlid's feedback and some play-testing, Ive updated these and am happy that they aren't game-breaking. They are now in BETA status. I know GW has brought out Seraphon rules, but I'm keen to run with these as well because I prefer them for narrative games. They are what I call Lore-Abiding (😋) which means that fighters' movement, offence, defence, and abilities are relative to their AoS stats. I think this makes them match up better to Warhammer lore (fluff text). For example: Skinks should be as tough as Grot Stabbas; Suarus Knights should be as armoured as Saurus Guard; Saurus Warriors should be better at attacking than Skinks; etc. -- Thanks to https://waywalkerstudios.com/ for runemarks and blank fighter cards. Also, thanks to Games Workshop for the decades of awesome. Disclaimer: I haven't actually played WarCry yet, let alone battle tested this warband so it is definitely in ALPHA status. Please feel free to provide feedback and ask questions. WarCry - Seraphon (Lore-Abiding) - v0.1.pdf
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