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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. there is a boxed game coming featuring dark eldar gangs fighting each other on hoverboards. The harpoon piece could very well be used by a model in that game. I don't think we often see a metal shaft for a weapon in AoS.

    what confuses me on the harpoon is the blue circle, which is painted like a light and not as a gem.

  2. work took up all my time, but two weeks of Christmas holliday are finally here. I've got a lot of projects on the go, my backlog just keeps growing. But I've managed to finish some things.

    Here's what I'm working on. First up are the sisters of silence , converted (slightly) to fit in as Slaaneshi chosen. I've ordered the old female inquisitor to take the unit up to 6 models.




    after finishing the sisters I got a little sidetracked by an idea I had for Sylvaneth. I thought it would be cool to sculpt mushrooms on the faces of dryads to make them look like 'clickers' from the Last of us game. Painting dryads was also a fun break from painting NMM and dark armour.


    Right now I've started work on Sigvald the Magnificent. Always liked that model and I hope my NMM skills are good enough to do him justice. So far it has been fun painting him. When he's finished I already have more models lined up. Thanks to Made to order I finally will be able to create a unit of mounted daemonettes and I converted a dark elf sorcerer.





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  3. Chaos dwarves did use magic, allthough then they would slowly turn to stone. And there were some hints to the chaos dwarves in the fireslayer release. 

    That doesn't mean I think it is a dwarf or a fire mage. Could be either. I dont really like this piece of artwork. 

  4. @Darth Alec thanks man:) 

    I don't play so I didn't really think about it, but I guess they would be chaos warriors or chosen. The 5 sisters will form a unit of six with Sigvald. The Sigvald model carries a big sword so they look good together. The black armour fits in nicely with my Marauders and dark elves (more on those later). 

    I imagine the sisters and the Marauders forming a warband of seekers, looking for Thalion in the age of sigmar.

  5. It's your lucky day @Hagen, I just took some shots with a proper camera instead of my phone. Although I'm still not completely happy with the pics, they're not as sharp as I'd like. The mounted prince is actualy inspired by your conversion for prince Aelrik. Great to see you posted some more work on you blog!

    I finished the honour guard, consisting of princes from six different elven realms. 


    the complete unit


    Prince from Elyrion and princess from Avelorn (possibly a former maiden guard?)


    Princse from Caledor and Lothern (Eataine)


    Princes from Chrace and Cothique


    next up are sisters of silence as Slaaneshi warriors, accompanied by the Sigvald model.

    • Like 4
  6. @JackDaw thanks man, I think it is a good sign if different people choose different models as their favorite. 

    @Ademo I'm really happy with the shield design. as Cothique and Lothern are both known as seafarers, I wanted to give the Cothique prince different  haraldry, based on a different sea-creature than the Lothern Sea dragon. The kraken is also mirrored in his helmet design.

    @Hagen YES! I'm so glad you joined this forum, I'm very happy to be the one that pointed it out to you. I think you'll like it here:) It would be really great if you continued your Aestyrion. They were a big inspiration for these princes. It would only be right if they in turn inspire you to return to that amazing project. 

    My NMM and overall painting has improved I think. Allthough there is still so much room to grow. getting better brushes (Windsor&Newton series 7) and not holding the model itself while painting has helped a lot.

    This project has become a lot bigger than I intended. When I first started I thought I had enough stuff lying around to create a small Slaanesh warband. But I have bought lots of bits and models to expand the force and find myself thinking about the backstory all the time. The amount of models that need assembling and painting keeps growing... But I'm having a blast. sharing my work on this forum and Instagram is an important part of that fun and I'm very thankfull for all the critique and comments:)

  7. Time for some updates! I've been working hard on the honour guard. I finished three of them, princes from Lothern (Eataine), Cothique and Avelorn. allthough I think I need to go back to the Princess of Avelorn, her eyes don't look good and I'm debating with myself to change the colour of the sashes on her spear to green, similar to the sea dragon cloak of the Cothique prince. I've also finished the horse of the Elyrion prince. Somehow the white of the cloth was harder to paint then the NMM gold...

    I find myself facing paradox, on the one hand I'm really enjoying painting these and want to keep at it, but I also really want them to be finished... 



    mpSH6Wfl.jpg qIL8bznl.jpg


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  8. I think it is really cool to see how you are inspired by the lost and the damned book. your unit of Nurgle followers looks great, and I think it's enough WYSIWYG. you could use the paint job to make sure the look as one unit.

    the Slaanesh snake body conversion looks great. really like the head you used. maybe you could sculpt a lace collar like the model it is inspired on? I did a conversion based on the Sslyth model a while back, although it still needs paint... 


    looking forward to seeing more conversions!

  9. It was such a joy to paint this guy I already finished him (bar some static grass). This prince of Lothern was actually one of the last conversions i've done for the elven prince honour guard. The helmet is slightly over the top but I think it works. I used muted colors on the shield so it wouldn't take over the gold, white and purple color scheme. Both the inside and outsider of the cloak have some freehand patterns. 

    The pics aren't that great, i'll take better shots when I finish more of these. guys.



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  10. @Speakerdad @ElectricPaladin thanks! always nice to get compliments:D 

    a small update: I've started painting the first of my princes. 


    I decided to go with NMM, just like with Thalion. Allthough the recipe is somewhat different. I might add some more darker tones, but I want to see how it all looks together before doing that.


    also: don't forget to vote (for me :P) on the Slaughterpriest contest --> vote now!

    • Like 1
  11. After working on my entry for the slaughterpriest contest (watch it here, please vote here), I found some time to finish my human cultists. I got two more 40k models (old, metal ones) which seemed perfect to lead the human part of this cult. I wanted the magus, who simple goes by the title 'the marquis'  to look fancy, so I painted a freehand pattern on his coat. He's also one of the few cultists without a mask covering his face and the only one without dirt stained clothes.

    FzQ5TTjl.jpg uOag1Pol.jpg




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  12. I've primed the six princes ready for painting, but I'm currently busy with my converted slaughterpriest. I've decided that a prince from nagarythe and saphery will find their place in the army of Thalion, but not as his honour guard. I'm planning on introducing them as more important characters. But keeping them in line with the look of the 6 princes I have so far.

    anyway, I thought it would be nice to show you something different I finished before I started this plog on this site. It is one of my biggest projects to date, a keeper of secrets! I always liked the idea of a bull headed, four limbed daemon. But the official model was very much out of proportion. After a lot of repositioning, buffing out the skinny legs, slapping the weapon and sculpting a new face the keeper looks a lot more like how I wantend him/her to look. 

    I'd love to hear what you think of the finished model.

    gaCmEo7.jpg v4TtLd1.jpg GmC1lJ0.jpg QRtgugd.jpg

    And a work in progress:


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  13. @Shadowspite I was planning on converting the wracks for a long time now. There wasn't that much typical 40k stuff on them, except for the backs which i had to sculpt completely from green stuff. I am also looking forward to painting the princes:)

    @AdemoIf I still played the game it would be great to play a campaign with Thalion and his princes collecting rare items and pieces of art. I'm currently thinking about what Thalion's endgame will be in the old world. It will probably incorporate the cultural legacy of Aethis the Poet, one of the Phoenix kings.

    @JackDaw Glad you like my work. I love doing conversions. the Chracian was actually the first of the princes I did. sculpting the fur was a lot of fun.

    @M'ygnal_Wyrm_Blessed thanks! and welcome to the forum.


    Allthough I'm happy with the six princes for this army, I'm considering building 4 more princes to represent every realm of Ulthuan. I'm still missing Nagarythe (the shadowlands), tiranoc, Yvresse and Saphery.  I'm thinking about creating a mage or loremaster for Saphery. the other realms are e bit harder though. Tiranoc is known for it's chariots, but I'm not sure how to represent this in a single prince. Yvresse doesn't have a special unit so is also pretty hard. Nagarythe only has shadow warriors and I can't fluffwise explain a shadowwarrior to join a pleasure cult. maybe I can represent this realm with a Dark elf prince. any ideas?


  14. @Ademo I love flipping 40k models to use them in AoS, there are so many great 40k models.

    I've painted more cultists. I'm waiting on an order for two more models to finish the unit. I'll be adding a human magic user and the human magus (cult leader). This is what the unit look likes so far.

    L5Rrrc2l.jpg 8Nza55pm.jpg ZAyDuNvm.jpg sg1pS1Wm.jpg DFUcMSTm.jpg hn1eaQWm.jpg OiT5vQSm.jpg

    in the meantime I've started another fun project, Thalion's honour guard. The honour guard will consist out of princes from different realsm of Ulthuan, each with a distinctive look. inspired by the work of Hagen on Warseer (he also has a personal blog, but he hasn't updated for a while) I used the phoenix guard kit as a base for the princes, using bits and green stuff to create different looks for the princes of Eataine, Ellyrion, Caledor, Avelorn, Chrace and Cothique. I'm not sure of I'll make 4 more princes for the other kingdoms.  


    Princess from Avelorn and prince of Eataine (from the city of Lothern)

    Yus6LJtm.jpg 8Pi3JBjm.jpg

    prince from Ellyrion, the kingdom known for it's horses.

    GWwp8RXm.jpg 9hyQuKpm.jpg

    lords from Chrace (whit axe and white lion cloak) Cothique (a seafaring kingdom, with sea dragon cloak) and Caledor (kingdom of dragons)




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  15. @JackDaw: thanks for the compliment, nice to see you take an interest in m work. Your house of chains plog was very inspirational. 

    @Darth Alec: nice to see you here, I noticed you pretty much left warseer. I don't intend on playing the game. But nice to see it's possible to play with such a fluffy list and even gain bonuses. I love that AoS makes something like that possible. I've always loved playing fluff heavy lists, but those weren't normally very competitive.

    @Ademo the priest is consist of the legs from the high elf archers, a body from wildriders and the head is from the eternal guard. the horns are from the wildrider banner top. the rest is green stuff (extra robes, slaanesh symbol, heart)

    I've been looking a lot at the crazy kitbashes that people make for inq28 and blanchitsu. It got me excited to work on some cultists as part of Thalions growing force.  And they are really fun to paint. Especially the large areas of skin and the dirty robes.





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