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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. It has been a while since I updated this thread. Ie been working on all kinds of models, painting all those models that are lying around waiting for some color... But this project had always been fun to work on and I've made some new things. I always love to think about the narrative. This means I'm thinking a lot about the city my Slaaneshi elves (and humans) live in and how it works. I've been toying around with the idea that the city is building up to some large event where the vale drops and the city bursts apart in a grand feast to celebrate that Slaanesh has returned. Obviously I don't know when that will be but I'm building models that are more obviously followers of Slaanesh.

    One of these creatures is a Slaangor I'm currently working on. Slaangor have been in the fluff but haven't really ever had models, allthough there are some really old 'realm of chaos' Slaanesh beastmen. I've been thinking a lot about how Slaangor would look and how I could build one. The result is below. He is isn't finished yet, he still needs more detail and armor. But I'm pretty pleased with the conversion. maybe one day I'll make a unit of six, but currently I don't have the time and I would have to get multiple kits to make it work...

    Let me know what you think of him!

    0Di3rFvl.jpg zaCPVG9l.jpg M3xI9Wbl.jpg


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  2. Thanks for leaving a comment @KnaveOfScribes. I find it always helps to keep the hobby juices going:P

    I got round to painting some of my oldest models. A high elf repeater boltthrower and a mage. These guys have been on the table a lot, when I still played (around 6th ed. of warhammer fantasy). It was a lot of fun re-painting them. Here they are:



    waedgEml.jpg lPtmFwTl.jpg


    after this I went back to my Slaaneshi creations, I'll be updating my other thread sometime in the near future.

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  3. Really cool to see some slaanesh models teased and the bits look really cool. I’m still hoping they redo the daemonettes or at least the steeds. But I doubt it. 

    I was just considering converting some ‘Slaangors’ but maybe it is better to wait and see what comes next. 

  4. It's weird the most green skin related article is about shadespire, while it is supposed to be Orktober (40k orks)...

    but the goblin warband seems great. I've been wanting to paint some greenskins so this seems perfect. The shadespire warbands are a great opportunity for painters to try something different with a bunch of mini's for a very reasonable price. Looking forward to the new races like Sylvaneth, Kharadron and Darkoath warbands

  5. So the beasts of chaos are released, but over half their troops are webstore exclusive... some units are even out of stock. Bestigors are only available in the get started boxes. It seems weird GW didn’t repackage more units on rounds before this release. 

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  6. @Easygrin thank you very much!

    My holiday is over, so my hobby time will be diminished... But I got some stuff to show you: I painted one of the fantastic Ellyrian Reavers from the Island of blood box. I really like these models, but I wasn up to paint the entire unit. I altered the reins somewhat, I think they look better without the 'curtains' on them...

    I tried to paint this guy really clean. I think the NMM turned out pretty good. The helmet was the biggest challenge. I also added a little texture to the leather. 

    Let me know what you think.




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  7. If the artwork is still something to go by, there is definitely a blood hound in the background of the khorne v/s slaanesh video, biting into something large slaaneshi (fiend?).  Too bad daemonettes still look the same, I don’t really like their current look. 

    I hope we’ll get some mortal slaanesh warband in the Warhammer underworlds. It would make sense, fluff-wise for seekers to go into shadespire... and as far as I understand the nightvault is inside the city of shadespire. 

  8. So I guess the warherd units will be re-boxed? I hope they don’t raise prices, they are pretty afdordable right now. It would be great If there will be khorgors, slaangors or prestigors released, but it looks like there won’t be any new models apart from the spells and idol. 

  9. @Easygrin thanks!

    At the moment I'm enjoying several weeks of holiday, so a lot more hobby-time than usual. I took a look at my 'backlog' to see if there was something I'd like t paint. I find I sometimes lose my enthusiasm for painting something, but it often comes back later. I still have some Skaven and High elves from the Island of blood lying around. It's been a while since I painted Skaven so I assembled the Warlock engineer still on the sprue. I wanted to try a slightly different color scheme, inspired by Technasma (check him out on Instagram). although the color scheme is unusual it makes a lot of sense, with the copper armor contrasting with the blue/green warpstone and the bright yellow contrasting with the subtle purple tones in the robe and skin. It was a lot of fun trying out some of the colors I have but hardly ever use...

    Let me know what you think of this guy:

    sDqydUmm.jpg EaPWpYGm.jpg

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  10. @Curry_Supreme, well the skin was a lot of trail and error. I actually painted the skin of the first thrall three times over. I wanted it to be cold and pale, but also have some realism.

    As you might have noticed the skin is different on all of the thralls, because I don have a single clear process for the skin. I use skintones (kislev flesh and pallid wich flesh) mixed with kantor blue or mephiston red (sometimes even a little yellow) in various amounts and then mixing in more kislev flesh and then highlighting up to pallid wych flesh and some white mixed in for the final highlights. 

    I start out by roughly deviding the skin areas with kislev flesh mixed with a either a  tiny amount of kantor blue or mephiston red. Raised areas or 'warm' areas of skin get the red base, the lower or 'cold' parts get the blue base. 'warm' areas are the hands, elbows, face and ears. After basing it's basically mixing in more flesh tones to build up the skintones. Sometimes I used a glaze (watered down red or blue mixed with lahmian medium) to change the skintones slightly. this way you get all kinds of different hues and shades in your skincolor.

    I hope this makes sense?

    What you need to remember is that skin isn't one color, it has all kind of different hues. Also, a shadow/shade isn just darker, it is a different color alltogether. I guess this is true for all areas of a model you paint though. If you look at the green on the thralls I glazed the highlights with yellow and enhanced the shading with a glaze of blue. 

    pictures like this also helped me a lot:MartinGuldbaek_Agent-0047_FaceColors_WIP

    hope this helps.


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  11. @terrainguy, @Tommy, @Circus of Paint, @syph0n thanks so much!

    the NMM on the banner, the gold, is mournfang brown, 50/50 mournfang brown and balor brown, balor brown and then various amounts of white mixed in with balor brown, working up to pure white higlights. followed by a glaze of flash gitz yellow mixed with water and lahmian medium, for the shading a glaze of xereus purple with lahmian medium and water. followed by a final highlight of white.

    the black was higlighted with black mixed with 'the fang', then higlighted with pure 'the fang', mixed with white for the final highlights. finally a glaze of kantor blue mixed with water and lahmian medium.

    I use a wet pallette and usually gradually mix up the colors, so the recipe may not be spot on, but you get the idea. 

    • Thanks 2
  12. It has been a long time sine I posted something, but finally I found the time for some painting. I finally got to paint some of the brand new elves (I like elves, did you notice?). the Deepkin thralls are fantastic models and I really enjoyed painting them and figuring out a color scheme.  I won't be doing an entire army of them, not even a decent sized unit. although the models are gorgeous, it has become somewhat harder to do conversions because the models are a lot more complicated than they used to be in 6th ed. when arms legs body and head were all loose components you could easily swap out. 

    I did do a conversion though, a fun idea I have had for a long time and just made perfect sense with these new elves living in the depths of the sea...


    40aC3Cdl.jpg SArpStIl.jpg QH6bk1ll.jpg

    drqXAIql.jpg 5K0j1Usl.jpg


    To fit in with the deepkin I painted and converted this scourge privateer banner. I love this banner because it is so big an that octopus banner top is one of my favorite designs for dark elves ever.

    272L73jl.jpg d7ss45pl.jpg

    j5qOBSVl.jpg sgfT14ml.jpg


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  13. 6 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Hmmm... looks interesting. I'm torn between Destruction (as it looks badly put together) and Chaos (because skin capes are in). Reminds me of Fabius Bile. 


    Fabius's cloak, for reference:


    It could be a new fabius bile mini,  to be released with new emperors children... he’ll be wanting to experiment with the primarius marines I guess? I’m not that familiair with 40k fluff though...

  14. 1 hour ago, bsharitt said:


    And for something probably not linked to the releases announced today. Looks like it could be Slanneshi.

    It was just pointed out on war-of-sigmar that it is actually incredible similar to a gene stealer cult weapon. It looks a lot like a weapon one of the current models is carrying and a new gene stealer cult model was teased this weak.

    too bad, because I would really love for it to be slaaneshi...

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