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Everything posted by Indecisive

  1. Feel free to. Though, left seems to be in such an awkward position if they aren't cavalry. I'm like 90% it's something mounted even if it isn't BKs.
  2. I tried to use some basic image editing tools to see if I could yield anything useful. Accidentally added something to the left mini's butt.
  3. Orks: Second wave geez, combine IJ and BS sure but come on give them some new units to become a more well-rounded and new range. Not just Black Orcs the one-off and forgotten. Ogors: Refresh finecast, Butcher and co. Maybe some more elemental Ogors, aforementioned refresh of Firebelly, got chilly ogors, maybe some lightning flavouring/seasoning or does that step on a certain someone's shoes too much
  4. The real strong tie-in to CC and lack of "Soulblight Gravelords" makes me think CC expansion. Guess GW is dipping into the expansions ahead for mini-preview content while the release spigot is jammed due to reasons we need not mention.
  5. You wouldn't know it looking at the ballerina-thirster they've got for sale
  6. 100,000? We'll need to have a shop clerk in every LGS force a survey on everyone that wanders in
  7. that'd be bizarre given the wight king looks like they'd tried to pull stuff out of 1980s art
  8. it'd be confusing to have multiple shadowy figures that sound the same running around, but yeah you are right it'd be weird for him to rescue stormcast
  9. the zombies are explicitly called "deadwalker zombies" and the bats called "bat swarms", so those two seem to literally replace prior models I feel like nagash, arkhan, and morghasts will leave the book, it seems obvious it's shifting back to more faithfully being vampire counts bloodknights seem like an absolute guarantee, it'd be nonsense to finally do the soulblight thing and skip them
  10. I wouldn't mind seeing something new soon, but yeah, the army is utterly massive already. With stuff already being basically rendered obsolete within 3 years (libs -> seqs and paladins -> evos) the deluge of kits needed to be shut. Dialing it back to Vanguard-ish smaller releases every few years would be nice. There is a stupid amount of SCE, let's not drown in redundancies but there is space to carve out if you go the LRL temples path of interesting niches. Niches to explore could be: mortal allies of SCE that work closely with them but aren't actually SCE. failing stormcast that are falling apart from many deaths a big guns crew, like a super ballista or lightning tank smaller releases with that stuff could be neat
  11. elves look pretty neat now, feel like a proper faction now with exotic special choices as options (temples)
  12. Yep, Slayers: the army really is the most one-note army premise they've made. IJ were basically Black Orcs: the army but they've got more room to play if GW decides to not overly lean on bigger black orcs as the theme for aos orruks going forward
  13. Lumineth element things seem to have a nice template established. -elite troops -mage -elemental spirit Mountain had hammer troops, mage on ridiculous perch, cow god. Wind is shaping up to have the special heavy archers, mage on cloud which may or may not be ridiculous, and likely the wind spirit which was the windy rumour image. Sword dudes seem to be base units, and vanari regent finally gives a melee hero, generic. Maybe they'll toss in artillery tomorrow too.
  14. close up picture but utterly atrocious resolution? yeah, I'm betting GW is doing another potato cam leak, been a while since the last one
  15. Hasn't every single teaser been for the Direchasm starter that we already saw the box of so we know what's inside? Not the most riveting teaser week by GW...
  16. I like the diversity/dieversity that LoN provides so no I do not want it replaced, gives a nice smorgasbord of undead that calls back to the older style of big factions rather than AOS's inclination towards narrow in theme and range. Get to run ghouls, skeletons, zombies, ghosts, and vampires together which makes for some real fun from a collection, painting, and conversion perspective as you have so many options.
  17. I think people should give a look to what else is available, there is other miniatures stuff out there. If you're feeling not so hot about GW, take a step back and look around and peruse other stuff for a while. See where that takes you.
  18. I think GW pulled some strings, some shipments seem to have no interesting info in Panjiva manifests.
  19. It does feel like they're really pushing it with the price jumps, annual price hikes and kits price creeping upwards at the same time? Honestly, people will pay up quite a bit but everyone has their limit. The worst part is, it hurts factions differently. Space Marines for example have enough inertia and plenty of people already collecting so a price hiked character is easily absorbed or ignored due to sunk cost. Trying to pitch a brand new army to someone with that cost creeping on the other hand? Likely to get less people buying it which bodes poorly for new factions. The recent prime example is obviously Lumineth. So it seems like it leads to a dark end of tripling down on space marines and stormcast since those will sell, but they sell because people are already invested enough to accept price hikes and steers people away from new armies.
  20. On the subject of Stormcast and space marine parallel-ing. Have they yet expanded on the chapter master equivalents anywhere? Lord Commander I think is the title.
  21. I hope it is sooner, 9th month of the year makes it so the elves were spread out in some form over 75% of the year! Post Indomitus box there isn't much going on in 40k until multiparts since the new edition is iterative and minor.
  22. I'd rather less redundant stuff and more... interesting things. Don't need more stuff in the liberator/judicator niche but strictly better or worse. Sure they are space marine analogues, but geez, do some more fantastical stuff. Why are all the stormcast the same size, why not add some unstable soul powered machines? This of course being a small release since they have a plenty big roster already.
  23. 40k 7th -> 8th, 3 years AoS 1.0 -> 2.0, 3 years 40k 8th -> 9th, 3 years Bit of a trend shaping up here, 40k 6th to 7th was only 2 years.
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