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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Same in France bro. 6 hours ago, everything was already gone! Thanks Aussies and Kiwis
  2. Nope. But you only see it in the commercial way. They're a manufacturer who sell miniatures. Sure. But there's more to it for consumers. Why did a lot of people complained when Battle died ? Because they were attached emotionnaly to the Old world. A lot of us still are. They don't sell computers, they sell a whole universe, and it's normal that people want to see what grew upon them, to live on. Anyway, have a good day mate That's a big problem!
  3. And how people not owning those minis are gonna use those rules if they want to play said miniatures/battalions/Warscrolls ?
  4. Yeah, they squatted the High elves. And seeing what they did with Kurnothi and Idoneth, I really dread what they're going to do with the Dark and High Elves, aka now Malerions and the twins' elves! Those were amongst the most beautiful miniatures in WFB 8th, for me anyway.
  5. ****** it. I tried to order Skycutters as soon as I saw the messages here, around 2 hours, ago everything was already gone!
  6. He put 3 MW on my LCOD from the back of the table, in one spell!
  7. So maybe that at my local Warhammer Store everybody sucks, but the guy who won the tournament was a SCE with : Lord Aquilor on GC 2 Celestars with 1 Lord Ordinator 1 Knight incantor with the cheapest blast spell 2 or 3 vanguard hunters x5 1 5man evocator 1 5 man sequitor He had plenty of mobility with his Lord Aquilor, he moved quite around the table. He deleted monsters in one or two turns with his balistas, and evocators did hurt too. Yu guys think it's not a tournament list ?
  8. They're actually pretty cool, especially the one on the left. Some guys did some conversions with bretonnian bits, and they're also worth it.
  9. You'd have the same in the old world setting too. If you read some novels portraying some elven or human protagonist, sometimes either plot armor was 10m thick, or they were almost godlike for who they were (if compared to tabletop for ex). You've got the same problem with 40k and Space Marines. The eponym video-game was awesome, but let's be real, tabletop wise, a single SM captain couldn't defeat a whole xenos army. I don't mind the shoulderpads, but all this GW inclusivity, I dislike. But hey, I can't do anything about it (I could honestly swap all those female Sigmarines for males one if somebody wanted to mount an all female force), so I have to bear with it. Like everybody should be able to bear with your obnoxiousness (is that even a word :D). Anyway Have fun disliking Sigmar's Poster bois (n gals)
  10. Then go read old world tales and play at least WFB 8th edition before you even dare talk back to me you obnoxious giant gouda eating obnoxious punk! 😛
  11. Dude, you didn't insult anyone, people just have to get thicker skin, it's really annoying all those "I'm offended" crowd.
  12. No come back. For once, I'm not the only one being obnoxious and it feels good But yeah, SCE are developping a darker side the more the lore is being advanced. I don't really care, I'm an Old world die hard supporter anyway!
  13. Yeah well, it's just a game you know.
  14. You known there is a saying in my language : "Les meilleurs partent en premier". Meaning, the best ones always die first ;).
  15. Yeah, I wish they would be that hardy on the table top too!
  16. Is range worth worrying about with a 5 man unit or is it something we should take in account starting at a 10 man unit ? Ok thanks
  17. Hey les copains (friends in my language. Pain is bread, co-pain, people who with you share bread). What's the consensus on evocators. Prime with grandstaff and the rest with staves+blades ? Everybody full Staves+blades ? I'm looking at maximising dps output on all comers.
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