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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. She is legal. I think she's 140 points. I don't think she's worth it.
  2. Starcast next best friend : Skink oracle on Troglodon !!!
  3. Yeah balistas are unreliable. Guys, what about the Errant Questor character ? He's got a 3+ ignore rend, but can still be upgraded thanks to Staunch. He could act as another anvil in a Starcast list, what do you think ?
  4. What did he use the Palladors for ? Scoring objectives ? They're on the weak side fighting wise.
  5. Nurgle s ability to go pick nurgles rain is quite strong too
  6. The allies aren't part of the army, they're allies, that's why they can't have artifacts hence, they shouldn't count for the scions ?
  7. Isn't it about the fact that allies can never take artifacts, because they're not part of the army's allegiance. Byt the following logic, shouldn't they not be able to count for the number of units required for a scion deployment ?
  8. I've never met great success with my Javelines Prosecutors :(. I heard they're good. From a mobilty point of view, nothing beats aetherwings!
  9. I'm looking for the age of the Thundercats!
  10. Bring the Stardrake in melee with something that has either 0 or rend-1, he should survive long enough. Charge the dracolines into something you really need to delete in one turn. Celestant prime is enough to kill most heroes in two rounds (guaranteed 6 MW in radius). If you get double turn, your enemy is toast. The advantage you've got with dracolines over dracoths is that they're wizards. But going Drakes + racoths would make a better use of the few commands points we have.
  11. Hey guys, I've got a question. I own 3 set of Khorne miniatures from AOS V1, a Khorne FW daemon Prince, 30 bloodletters and that's all., a slaughterpriest. Almost none of it is built and painted. Is it a good base for a Khorne Army ? Shall I go to the trouble of building and painting those, or is it non playable for tournaments ? Cheers
  12. Nae, it was just a play on words between Hagrid and Agreed !
  13. @Marzillius Problem with your list is that you only have one unit which can use effectively a spent CA point. Longstrikes. If they're damaged, you lose power. With an evocator 10 man unit, if Longstrikes are damaged, you still have evos, and vice versa.
  14. Oh yeah, I usually use aetherwings for that :). I find crossbows juds so valuable that I always keep them in reserve. I take the libs on board sometimes though. Aetherwings have usually been my MVPs. Skyborne slayers is about surgical precision, but once you're done, you're stuck where you are (depends on the format though, you coukd have a traslocation priest). That's where aetherwings come in play with their 12" fly move
  15. Why would you start with them onboard ?
  16. So, what's the consensus on the judicators from the Warscroll. Longbows ? Arbalests ? How many of them ?
  17. Nope, it got replaced by the regukar one when the 2019 Sce BT got out
  18. As I'm poor and a terrible painter, I tend to buy second hand miniatures, to save time/money and have decently painted minis. So when I play, you can see Hammers, Anvils, Hallowed Knights on the table, and I really don't mind! So if you're bored with the gold scheme, then swap to another one and play it like I do. "Somewhere in Shiysh : - Sir, our Hammers of Sigmar's brethren are in a dire situation. How about sending a relief team? - We Anvils of the heldenhammer shall not suffer the destruction of our kin if we can do something about it. Deploy a vanguard wing! Somewhere else the Celestant Prime and a Lord Celestant atop his dracoth are debriefing the battle they've just won against forces of Chaos : - Aye, it was a good fight indeed, Optimus erh I mean my Lord Prime. - Indeed it was. We've lost too many today, but securing that artifact was worth such a loss. We've dealt a major blow to our enemies. Enters the only remaining paladin : -My good lords, we've heard about an ongoing situation. Hammers are being hammered. What are your orders ? - Hm, our infantry has taken too much of a toll today, what say you Lord xywz, shall you accompagny me ? - It will be my honor, Lord Prime. I shall take my dracoth honour guard to fight alongside us! Our dracoth are still hungry for battle. Celestant prime teleports them both back to Azyr with the dracothian guard, then hurls everybody on the battlefield. It was a sad day for the Hammers, their small scouting party comprised mostly of liberators were being overrun by filthy greenskins, but then as if the skyes shouted a defiant cry, riding a lightning storm, reinforcements arrived ... " And that's my army's narrative
  19. Joke aside it's a very risky proposition you're toying with. You're drake would be 4+ save when you use the artifact. If you use it last and got the castellant's lantern on him, why not, He'd be 2+for the whole turn of combat, then 4+ when you activate. If all enemy's units have swung without killing him, then good!
  20. I couldn't have explained Planck's Constant better!
  21. Can you really use both characteristics of the artifact and the regular LCoSD 's blade at the same time ? Doesn't the artifact replaces entirely the sword ?
  22. IF you mix the two concepts, then you have to play an Anvilcast. It's easier said then done. You lose staunch defender+ignax scale or ethereal brooch. Makes your life way harder!
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