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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. It feels like this back and forth is becoming a reason people aren't subscribing? "I need to put this font and centre if you subscribed to Warhammer Stormbringer via Hachette back in Jan -March of 2022. Unlike previous Trail Subscriptions which then carry over to the later full release. you will need to subscribe again during this new Aug-Sept 2022 trial if you want to get the magazine when it fully launches. With the current ETA is expected to be around Jan-March 2023 based on the standard bi-yearly partworks launch schedule – affected slightly by Covid the past couple of years." "They improved their customer service greatly between Conquest and Mortal Realms after scathing feedback of how poor it was They greatly improved the contents of the premium sets in Mortal Realms when compared to Conquest (though I’ll deduct half a point for Stormbringers contents versus Imperiums) They have essentially delayed the Stormbringer full release so more people can now dual-run with Imperium if they wish for a shorter period They actually revealed the full contents of the Premium collection rather than the secretive stance they took during the first trial (even though it was obvious to us all what the rest of the stuff was). 5 they give us Warhammer models at 40%-70% off RRP! – this is worth at least 5 points because let’s be honest, it’s why most of us buy the mag."
  2. Can any more versed in the lore tell us how/when Tzeentch got what sounds like the mod tools for the Mortal Realms 🤔 "The Architect of Fate likes to help things along by getting his metaphysical hands dirty. He has recently acquired the Codex Astromantica, a relic of the Old Ones that maps the Geomantic Web – the mystical foundations of the Mortal Realms." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/09/22/discover-tzeentchs-plans-to-break-reality-apart-in-battletome-disciples-of-tzeentch/
  3. Correction: she's a Knight-Judicator apparently!! Still want some sleek archers without capes though
  4. New novel cover makes me want Vigilors without the capes Their armor looks great without capes in the way. Good to see a liberator still on the cover as well.
  5. I honestly expect it to be the same moulds as before, or at least an updated STL of the older files; i.e the puffy Empire soldiers
  6. Not AOS but a bundle is a bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/books/audio-tales-from-indomitus-crusade-2022-black-library-books?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_2_c_audiotalesfromindomituscrusade2022blacklibrary_bookbundle
  7. Curious to see how they'd make that work if they do want to double dip these kits... upgrade sprue maybe? Or the AOS humans, aelves, and duardin being pure elites for TOW
  8. Black Library Humble Bundle came around again, also another 40k only deal again...
  9. It's too many pieces in one kit IMO. Not enough body parts, where do all the other bitz go..? Unless this is the unnamed half of King Brodd's kit.
  10. I did not think that could happen with business inboxes wow... at least you got a warning the email bounced back??
  11. *gets out dart board* undead demons moon vampires king lizards dance boats mining goats OBR or Necro band daemons band vampire band Gitz band COS? Stormcast? band Seraphon band K.O band Wardancer band BOC band duardin band 10 with two more Chaos bands
  12. Yeah I came here to say it looks legitimately sad? Almost like it got (literally) roped into playing by some skinks.
  13. I missed the BL contest, maybe I should send in some lore for this... thank you Cubicle 7 yet again.
  14. That's our problem though: those armored knights are as much "troops" as the big dragon their leader is riding on. Have an "elites" category at least
  15. they also created an "orktober" holiday and afaik have never actually done anything with it (in terms of releases). par for the course. that squatting was what originally made me think GW was redoing artillery for AOS. however now we know that it's going to be humans, yet the Empire artillery still has rules right? So I'm again confused by that decision. It's not like K.O or other duardin army got artillery in return.
  16. I think they did too, at least after the initial release/season 1: like I mentioned earlier in this thread, the swamp Nurgle IS a cool idea but still feels flatter compared to any non-Chaos faction getting a swamp warband. It is this very weird space where expanding Chaos outside of the Big Four is kindof a huge thing lorewise, yet model/tabletop wise it can start to feel very boring. I also think naming 3.0 "Era of the Beast" and yet continuing to keep Warcry with Chaos was a huge misstep. I get that there's delays, shipping problems, blah blah blah. Still not changing the fact that all of the meaty AOS releases this year are Chaos-aligned and aside from the Ogroids have essentially nothing to do with Beasts! They're not even releasing BL media centered on Beasts either (though I am glad the few BL stuff we got introduced new characters). Why name it this...
  17. It wouldn't be that weird though--WHF always had... pockets? I guess we can call them? Of cohabitation like Marienburg or Border Princes. One of the best choices AOS made was to leave the racial grudges like dwarf vs elf in WHF. It would be a major shame if any Cities rework decided to split up such a solid lore foundation now. Heck, I'd even love to see more one-off characters like Brutogg who don't belong to an "Order faction" but have been accepted into a City regardless. I can agree that the mix of miniatures specifically is weird, which is why I'm in the camp of hoping City duardin and aelves get their due after humans do.
  18. They said there won't be any Warcry though, and with the Shadowstalkers getting an UW version well. There's Precedent 😔 Seraphon dreams dashed
  19. So this is certainly going to be some type of Chaos because I don't think there's ever been a Seraphon/Lizard with an axe......... great In that case, I think we might see more of the Horns of Hashut. The headpiece doesn't look like Khorne's usual iconography. Perhaps Underworlds is going to treat Chaos like Warcry is? i.e showing us groups that worship minor gods and/or godbeasts.
  20. This is why I'm pivoting to Warcry as well, doesn't change Vasshpit's points that those of us who'd like to see more of Ghur and less of Chaos aren't buying in at these prices It is definitely the AOS game I would introduce friends to for game nights even without a whole boxed set though.
  21. I believe GW said the non-Chaos warbands were sneaking into Eight Points for recon and sabotage; they weren't really there to fight each other. So lore-wise we could have these human bands working together overall, and on the tabletop it could be training sessions, a betrayal, city feud, etc!
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