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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. did anyone else know a massive siege happened in the previous white dwarf??? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/09/sunday-preview-starter-sets-for-gamers-and-painters/ "Last month in White Dwarf, the Great Stomp campaign reached its finale as a horde of Greenskins reached the city of Everyquake and breached its walls with a colossal siege beyond imagining. Now, on Warhammer+, the surviving Stormcast Eternals must battle against Ironjawz to ensure the remaining citizens can escape, in this week’s episode of Battle Report. Issue 284 of White Dwarf will also be uploaded to the Warhammer Vault for your reading pleasure."
  2. you reported this all as feedback right? these are all things the devs should be able to correct
  3. Would we rather see stat improvements or ability additions instead of a points drop?
  4. yeah it's a little frustrating how paper thin our defenses are compared to both the lore and other battleline rules!! give us ignore rend or reroll saves if any kind of easily accessible MW defense is off the table.................. these going from our most useless (ranged) unit to the best fill-in-points pick is still giving me whiplash.
  5. So are Vigilors finally playable in tabletop AOS with this drop?
  6. charge and retreat are apparently on the same key (Q) for PC which may explain this gripe. Expect that to be fixed by/after Open Beta this weekend. Looks like you can buy all the heroes though which is good :3 I caught a little of the livestream and overheard that the vanguard-raptors are UPGRADED into longstrikes--so they start as hurricanes and have either a gear or tech upgrade to provide the anti-hero weapon choice.
  7. Previews abound!! https://www.polygon.com/23779815/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-realms-of-ruin-rts-preview https://www.pcgamer.com/realms-of-ruin-won-me-over-with-its-big-dawn-of-war-2-vibes/
  8. posted this in rumor thread as well but it deserves to be here. this pic is selling me on steelhelms more than the dang preview..........
  9. so there's another teaser picture of the Steelhelms that is better than the stream preview and preview article?? loving all the axes. i guess this is from instagram?
  10. it's not no, Cult Unberogen is the Cult for Sigmar himself https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Church_Unberogen
  11. egg grot might be model of the year for me, it is literally this dog 🤣
  12. for 18$ i may as well buy Gloomspite and Dynasty separately I already have Silver Shard
  13. glad to see my immediate guess was correct 👀 new marauders finally??? I thought the most interesting part is that the tribe itself wasn't worshipping chaos--but because their leader was, the Freeguild have ALSO been losing people to the creature and have no reason to parlay with the tribe. One person was preventing any kind of dialogue between the two groups. That felt more like the point than "Azyrites bad because they're (re-)colonizing the Chaos-colonized Realms." Really interesting episode and I hope we see some actual room for more Redeemed and/or parlays between Order and Chaos humans.
  14. so this is definitely coming out by Q1 2024, if not end of 2023
  15. by Sigmar I wish this meant a guaranteed AOS Vermintide... really good to see skaven being teased regardless.
  16. new acronym just dropped? why have I never heard USR before 😮
  17. huh okay, maybe like a barnes&noble type intro box with a quicker ruleset. past a new Neave I don't think we'll see Stormcast until 4.0--those Warcry boxes should cover the rest of Order easily.
  18. Was there another Warcry leak? The only one I can think of was for the new SCE vs FEC box. The other pictures looked like a rebooted Underworlds starter; it was the vamp warband vs new SCE.
  19. I would not at all be surprised if Tau allies got put on an eternal backburner because some sections of the 40k fandom thought Tau were "too good" for the setting... which does not really leave room for even inter-xenos alliances. Here's hoping Kroot at least get something new after Leviathan launches and all the awesome Cities stuff we're about to see.
  20. if Cities includes both aelf and duardin models, COS is already ahead of Tau 🤪 40k does absolutely nothing with Tau auxilia or allies...
  21. windowskey+shift+s for snip tool or type "snip" in Windows search and never use phone pics again
  22. this came to me in a fever dream (driving home from work): that was the original plan but the ogors kept enjoying the fight too much and forgot to pick the crow nest back up
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