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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. they're KIN but i'm not so sure we can say they're "akin" when we've no real idea what Malerion's been doing. I'd argue all of these examples work together though; we're just not sure which side Malerion falls onto. Ironjawz and Tyrion are the martial (brutal) side Teclis and KB are the cunning side Malerion could be cunning with his shadow daemon pacts, but Morathi also has her cults and the Shadowstalkers (as well as the whole lying about Khaine thing) Morathi could be martial with her melusai and gladiatrix, but Malerion *from TOW* was a warrior king with his Blackguard. IMO it feels like the Khaine ruse would have to fall for DOK to truly get souped with Malerion.
  2. that witch aelf is so randomly placed that I didn't understand what this artwork is for. Maybe supposed to be a 2-page spread in 4.0 tome?
  3. also... is this first confirmation we have that the 'Ardboyz are actually a dual kit?? choppaz or spears?!?
  4. counterpoint: for books that we're going to be opening and flipping through often for rules, the ring-binding doesn't have the softback issue of worrying about the spine coming apart from overuse.
  5. let's hope that "some" is a correct descriptor...
  6. the only way for the duardin to truly move on into an era of strength, prosperity, and possible unity (not soup, unity)
  7. WAIT A SCENE EDITOR TOO?????? Thank Sigmar they're really earning the pricetag 😍 got even more good feelings about this now
  8. now that the 2nd book is coming, does anyone want to put the full lore-lowdown under a spoiler in here to help catch up?
  9. i appreciate he kept at least some kind of vibrant colors. idk if it's age or the oversaturation in Warhammer content (compared to early aughts) but seeing "grimdark" in relation to paint schemes just makes me roll my eyes now. I like that he layers the grit and dirt OVER the otherwise-lighter primary colors.
  10. AOS stays winning. Really stunning models all around here. Underworlds box is gorgeous, though I do wish each warband had an extra model (critter or otherwise). Warcry came out absolutely swinging!!! Ironjawz with spears AND a big pig... TBH this would pull me to collecting IJ for Destruction I think.
  11. already taken by the Shardspeaker 😂 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Hedonites-Of-Slaanesh-Shardspeaker-Of-Slaanesh-2020 also LOVING the new vampire. the helmet version i agree looks androgynous for making it Your Own, and the full face looks pretty much how I would imagine a centuries-old vampire warrior-noble. the armor fits with Blood Knights it looks like, and i'd be surprised if this didn't precede new grave guard
  12. LMAO i was thinking to myself "this is probably SC2 wildness" 🤣tbh i don't mind if the game doesn't play like SC2. I was always terrible at it even against AI skirmishes...
  13. oh... I am not sure what you're talking about TBQH i don't play RTS competitively and it's been a while since I even touched AOE4. i guess i'm not familiar with the full range of terms in them
  14. anecdotal evidence but the Warhammer shop manager gave me the same pitch he gave anyone returning to the hobby or looking for a gift: starter set gives you a choice between two armies plus the rulebook (if you get the full starter) you can immediately play with someone else you get two different playstyles and paint jobs to try you can sell the other half you don't end up wanting I would say pretty dang common for these reasons. Start Collecting boxes are fine if you specifically are only going to hobby, but if you want to try playing? the tiered starter kit value is too good to pass over.
  15. 100% agree, one of the Steelhelm preview articles even mentions spears among the weapons used fingers crossed for mixed-race militia pike unit, though i wouldn't be surprised if it's just aelves.
  16. I was able to rotate my ranged units by holding down right-click, was that bugged for some people?? the fights completely tying us up felt like a nod to tabletop, for better or worse... should be possible to counter-charge at least, if not sacrifice some health to move around
  17. sometimes there were issues with units actually accepting commands, keybindings were weird, and ranged units would also walk into melee. that last one plagued TWW3 at launch though so apparently it's a warhammer curse. attack move and the basic micro commands for RTS were present. special abilities were costed very strangely/expensively which i hope is balanced.
  18. again, this is most RTS though. it is a gameplay loop. the price tag has me raising an eyebrow 100%, but tbh the gameplay/animation looks like how DOW did. they seem to want to slow combat down a little which is fine because this genre can easily get overwhelming. the mechanics had a nice interplay in the beta, and i'm sure the devs are fixing the AI and reaction issues that were the main pain point of utilizing these skills.
  19. Tzeentch might be likely, however one of the main campaign characters is a human mage so the thaumaturge being attached to any sort of Chaos force is also possible.
  20. unintentionally a great video to help my point... this guy calls the Incarnate a wendigo, and while that may not have been the developers' intent, it is truly wild that a specifically Slavic faction has a unit design that is immediately recognizable as an American "wendigo"
  21. Discworld or Mork Borg? well considering the real life folklore of the wendigo is rooted in spiritual possession and delusional psychosis... but it is not something intended to be used in fiction, and has been heavily misrepresented by the antlered-skull look. Invoking the name alone is thought to invoke the attention of malevolent spirits. https://backstoryradio.org/blog/the-mythology-and-misrepresentation-of-the-windigo/ Using the antlered skull is fine, GW should just shy away from likening it to a wendigo. There are other antlered monsters to choose from, here's the slavic bukavac The Leshy is straight up and down deer skull evil spirit and the Bes looks like it too
  22. looks like algae to me; like the creature came out of a swamp and the algae from the surface stuck
  23. i could see this being propped up a couple ways: -Hammerhal being Sigmar's de facto capital means anything happening in/with it will likely spread out to other Cities. -Tahlia exposing traitors absolutely means those loyal (to Sigmar/Order/the people) will be inspired by her, and those not will likely suck up to be spared her watchful eye. however something that really bothered me... they keep saying she killed 4 traitorous city leaders, but now the text is acting like her 'coup' is bad??
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