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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. is this a general Liberator issue, or because they wound on 4s not 3s?
  2. How good/bad are Liberators with sword+shield? I have a Leena Stormspire and I'd like to run her as the Prime, since KQ statline doesn't look very appealing for their points.
  3. So I should be sleeping but insomnia has me all messed up and here I am! Returning player, after having been dissatisfied with both WHFB and 40k more than a decade ago, I finally took the plunge after doing research into AOS 2.0 and seeing how cool the Stormcast models have gotten! I'm a sucker for anything paladin and cleric so... i had to get Soul Wars and try to build a decent list for narrative games, and maybe matched at some point! I am trying to be much more researched and cautious this time around with buying figures and branching out. Too fast gave me burnout and forcing myself to get into 40k because that's what the majority of play was really gunked up the hobby for me... AOS seems like what I wanted out of WHFB (except no high elves...) and I'm glad that the Stormcast, to me, feel different enough from Space Marines that I'm interested in their lore and their army building. Still trying to figure out how the site and activity stuff works, always trying to find more advice on what unit to buy next, and keeping my ears open for narrative + matched news. Hello everyone!
  4. I know but I see more lists with liberators and/or longstrikes than I DO judicators, so before I drop 90+ USD I'd like to know which units would give me the best list-building ability
  5. basically I only have the units from Soul Wars... would Longstrikes or Judicators be a better expansion purchase? Or buy some Liberators for a cheap 3rd battleline and run Castigators until I expand more?
  6. If I don't have longstrikes or judicators, which unit would you recommend buying first? If you mean take aetherwings with judicators too, then I guess I'm picking up longstrikes first lol.
  7. How does this look for a 1k run? I have a Castellant, LAoGC, and 9 Castigators to play around with as well. I was thinking about dumping the Evos for the castis to be ranged heavy since this list is a bit static. Lord-Arcanum (160) - General Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer: Translocation Knight-Incantor (140) 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Sequitors (130) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Evocators (220) Celestar Ballista (110) Total: 990 / 1000
  8. As long as one unit is viable, I just really like the Naga look😅 Probably not, but agreed that Stormcast can't beat that aesthetic thanks to both of you
  9. I may end up using them more for 1000 pt games then, since I still need a 3rd battle line if I want to do 2k.. and at that point judis would be needed over liberators
  10. darn, I sold my other two NIB metal bois I may use it for narrative play then, since my SCE scheme is for Ghyran.
  11. Is a single Salamander (with handlers) worth fielding as a unit? It's one of my few fully-painted older models and I'd love to field it as allies with my Stormcast
  12. @PJetski this is extremely intriguing to me, as one of the painted Lizardmen models I kept is a skink priest.. however I already have a LAoGC, lady incantor, and LAoF/incantor. Would the priest even be worth the allied points?
  13. Hello fellows, I have a question about DoK as allies (specifically with Stormcast). I love the Melusai models, and I'd like to know if Blood Stalkers would be worth the points as allies, or if there is another unit/hero that would do better?
  14. Not sure if I have any extra bits, since I only have heroes and the Soul Wars set but I will keep this in mind thank you!
  15. So the LA on Tauralon also includes the on-foot version? I don't really want a Tauralon might need to proxy the Getting Started incantor as a LAoF...
  16. how many do you need to take for screening though, with a 6+ save and 1 wound, is 10 worth it at 70pts now?
  17. Hey all, so 'lucky' me I haven't really expanded my SCE outside of Soul Wars, but these point changes (and finding out castigators are bad) pretty much ruin my idea of a Sacrosanct only army. These are the models I have so far, with the 2nd Incantor from the Getting Started mag, and buying extra models to fill out the uneven Soul Wars ones. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Hallowed Knights (paint scheme at least) Mortal Realm: Ghyran Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240) --now 220? - General Lord-Castellant (100) --now 120 Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer: Translocation Knight-Incantor (140) Knight-Incantor (140) 5 x Sequitors (120) --now 130 - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Sequitors (120) --now 130 - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Evocators (200) --now 220 6 x Castigators (160) 3 x Castigators (80) Celestar Ballista (100) --now 110 1500/2000 --> 1550/2000 it seems What should I add, or replace, in this list? Which spells for LA and Incantor? I know I need more shooting and a 3rd battleline. I wanted to get the boxed sets for Sequitors for that reason but alas.. I also wanted the box of Evos, but I know I need more mobility/cav and with their increase I shouldn't buy them simply because I like those models when I can spend that money more wisely. Can the Getting Started Incantor be proxied for a LA on foot easily? I also have Leena Stormspire who could be a Knight Questor, minus helm, if KQ is viable. Lastly, which Endless Spells can be used in multiple SCE lists, and can I buy them separately? Seems like Shackles and Cogs are the ones I see in most lists, but they're not SCE specific. I'm not entirely inclined towards 2k, especially with the new 1k rules coming, but I figure I should still plan for 2k! And that would give me a better idea of 1k lists anyway. Thanks in advance, I know this is a multi-part question.
  18. Are castigators actually worth it? I ended up with 10 of them (Soul wars + the 5 from another set) and I want to try running one 6 and one 3, but people say they are terrible? The rend seems worth the 6in loss their range has from judis...
  19. Hey all, so 'lucky' me I haven't really expanded my SCE outside of Soul Wars, but these point changes (and finding out castigators are bad) pretty much ruin my idea of a Sacrosanct only army. These are the models I have so far, with the 2nd Incantor from the Getting Started mag, and buying extra models to fill out the uneven Soul Wars ones. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Hallowed Knights (paint scheme at least) Mortal Realm: Ghyran Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240) --now 220? - General Lord-Castellant (100) --now 120 Lord-Relictor (100) - Prayer: Translocation Knight-Incantor (140) Knight-Incantor (140) 5 x Sequitors (120) --now 130 - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 3x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Sequitors (120) --now 130 - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces 5 x Evocators (200) --now 220 6 x Castigators (160) 3 x Castigators (80) Celestar Ballista (100) --now 110 1500/2000 --> 1550/2000 it seems What should I add, or replace, in this list? Which spells for LA and Incantor? I know I need more shooting and a 3rd battleline. I wanted to get the boxed sets for Sequitors for that reason but alas.. I also wanted the box of Evos, but I know I need more mobility/cav and with their increase I shouldn't buy them simply because I like those models when I can spend that money more wisely. Can the Getting Started Incantor be proxied for a LA on foot easily? I also have Leena Stormspire who should have been a Knight Questor, and looks exactly like one minus helm, if KQ is viable. Which Endless spells can be used in multiple SCE lists, and can I buy them separately? I'm not entirely inclined towards 2k, especially with the new 1k rules coming, but I figure I should still plan for 2k! And that would give me a better idea of 1k lists anyway. Thanks in advance, I know this is a big question.
  20. @PrimeElectrid can you explain what you mean by max size bonus for sequitors? also is there an article I can read to see what the theories are for SCE nerfs? it's hard to search through this thread when it's topically all-inclusive and the beginning is pre-2.0
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