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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. Been putting monies away for this exact moment. Such hype!
  2. I wonder if they'll be released sooner than this cool sculpt we're waiting on: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/05/08/gore-the-gridiron-in-blood-bowl-with-the-great-black-bull/
  3. I put Other as I'm more of a hobbyist/collector and I consider AoS, Warcry and Underworlds as a single source for cool sculpts and lore. I do dabble with 40k and 30k, but I find AoS as a whole seems to have the much more interesting ideas and sculpts at the moment. Like the designers just have more freedom.
  4. If they don't come with a banner and musician, I'll be kitbashing some for sure, just to complete the look.
  5. I wonder if the Ironjawz PDF is a hint that they're waiting for new Kruleboyz kits before releasing a new army book to cover everything green?
  6. Only had a quick look between waking up and work, but I love all of the Ironjawz. It's going to be an expensive Saturday if they drop them all at once. I'm more of a collector, than gamer, but the free rules update for them sounds like good news as well. The Big Trogg looks impressive and if it wasn't for the giant IJ release, i'd likly be eyeing him up alongside some rock troggs. There will be plenty of time for that in the future however. The gorgers are also very nice, they've been a long time coming and from what we can see, they've done them justice. Loving the potbellied Slaanesh deamon also, I hope they release that warband on it's own as it'll be something fun to paint as a distraction from all of the destruction. For the none AoS stuff. The marines are everything new marines should've been from the start. Nice modern sculpts for old units. They don't need to make up some special new primaris type unit, just give people newly scaled versions of the classics imo. It's sure tempting to start 1st company strike force using those new kits, again if it wasn't for the IJ release I think I'd be on that day one. Fulgrim looks amazing. I'd love to see that in person or 360 to see all the details. All in all, a great preview personally, I'll try to catch time later and go over the articles\images more closely.
  7. That was a good read for a breakdown of their thoughts going into the design process. I cannot wait to see what people do with these new kits for their own homebrew cities.
  8. This would be the one case where I actually wouldn't mind an all in one box set as I'm likely to get everything new in the first instance anyway. As long as it's not limited and so sells out super quick anyway.
  9. Very happy with what we can see. I will much prefer the Ardboyz to fit the Brute aesthetic, as someone who previously used BB orcs and the WHU warband to make a unit of them.
  10. As others have said, IKEA is your best bet in the UK. I started with 2x FABRIKÖR 81x113cm They seem to change designs occasionally and colours that are available, this light grey doesn't seem to be available any more. As my Ironjawz have expanded, I also ended up getting a MILSBO for them, which I managed to stick a LED strip in the top I also have a FABRIKÖR 57x150cm not pictured. Which is ok for small warbands and with a shelf removed can fit a titan. I try to stick to a rule of only putting painted stuff in them, but I sometimes break that as you can see.
  11. I was thinking along the lines of how dated the 1st edition Stormcast look now compared to the more recent releases. If we get a similar improvement in proportion and fine detail, then we should be in for some very nice sculpts.
  12. While to me the 1st wave of Ironjawz hold up really well, the preview of the Maw Grunta compared to the Gore Gruntas shows how much better they can do. It's very exciting times for sure.
  13. I was already worried about needing 2 of the big pigs. A whole new wave of Ironjaws though?
  14. In the past the final WarCom article has been around 18:00 GMT, so I'd wait until then before complaining.
  15. They will come out eventually, but that could be a while. I was waiting for Farsight to come out on his own and when they did finally release him, he's been sold out or awaiting stock everywhere I've checked. He's still selling for above RRP on eBay.
  16. Outside of Heroquest and Space Crusade, for Warhammer, it will have been some of the monopose plastics. Either Wood Elves or Beastman, I can't remember clearly which came first. My first "large" miniature was the Marauder Treeman:
  17. That's the perfect link between the Witch Hunter style minis and the more "traditional" infantry they've previewed.
  18. The big pig is something I'm looking forward to getting a couple of, I'm not sure my wallet could cope with anything else IJ.
  19. Whilst this is for 40k, GW have released updated Legends datasheets for the new edition: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/21/warhammer-legends-bring-your-heroes-back-to-the-battlefield-with-free-rules-downloads/ Once the Dawnbringer book comes up, something along the same lines would be very helpful for AoS, along with any other older models people might have. For me the important bit is that we should be making it common for these to be used as GW intends: In my humble opinion, we as the playerbase should encourage more general games where things like Legends are accepted and focus less on following Tournament/Competitive road.
  20. As someone pushing 30 years in the hobby now, I've seen plenty of things come and go, including new editions invalidate armies. Now that I'm older, I tend to focus less on the rules, as they can and will change. For example, I have my Legion of Azgorh force, that I'm now happy to have as a display, rather than a gaming force. Get units you like, go with the rule of cool for equipping things and don't try to chase the meta. Find friends and opponents that will let you play with "Legends" or house rules, allowing you to keep using OOP minis. Most importantly, understand nothing is static in this world. Enjoy things while you can and try not to get too hung up on changes that are outside of your control.
  21. The starter army box for CoS does look tempting. 2 units of the basic troops, heavy knights and a couple of foot heroes is a solid base to build around. Hopefully it comes with a selection of transfers for the shields, etc
  22. Labelled Underworlds, but they're talking about them for Warcry
  23. I'm aware of the two builds they showed off, but on the stream they mentioned that there was a build without the side car brutes, which I assumed would be the hero and we didn't see that, so that's why I was asking.
  24. I'm wondering if we might see another build for the Maw-grunta, as they mentioned there was a hero build for the kit, but i don't think we saw it?
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