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Everything posted by Naem

  1. I dont think you need to get rid of the Arcanum list. Sequitors are just waaaay better then Liberators. Just swap the Heraldor for an Incantor. But to be fair I am not a great fan of a list where you have almost a third of your points in just one unit. Seems to be kinda risky and if you lose them you will be in a lot of trouble while a list with two big units of Sequitors and two units of Evocators do not collapse when one of the unis gets wiped out.
  2. You are right but that is not a bad thing. If you look at the graph of the GW shares they almost flat lined for a looong period of time until 2017. If it went on like that chances are our beloved game would have died. So I guess the bottom line is: there is no free cake. If you want awesome minis and good lore and a lot of support for rules etc someone has to pay the bills. And lets be honest, yes its not cheap. But its not like "I have to sell my kidney" kind of expensive. If you spend like a hundred Euros (or Dollars, I am not familiar with the prices of Minis in the US) you get a ton of stuff to paint and can afterwards play with the minis forever. I got my SCE (3000 P atm) for less then 300 € via Forums and ebay and I will need probably the rest of the year to finish painting them. Add like 200 € for paints and supplies and you have a spending of 500 Euros for at least a year of hobby. That's not to bad.
  3. It seems to me that the Meta is pretty different in Germany anyways (then in the US at least). Here SCE are considered pretty strong from what I hear in my local GW and I also have a pretty good run playing the Sequitors/Evocators combo with Cleansing Phalanx. A block of 20 fully buffed Sequitors who re-roll all to hit, to wound and saves and get +1 save by the Castellant is a pretty tough rock to bite on. At least they stop almost everything and when the 2x5 Evocators hit, they blow everything up. Ballistas with Ordinator firing from the back and this is how the cookie crumbles most of the time
  4. Well I like big, massive armors and full helmets. Also I like Paladins, Dragons and Hammers...soooo yea SCE it was But as I also like trees, you can already guess my next army
  5. Just wanted to share my work in progress with you guys. I have been working on this army for a couple of month now, but I am a slow painter Plus it is my first project since 15 years or so, so all the tipps I can get are appreciated. My command squad: The Idea is to have that steel armor + dark green cloth plus the brass/bronze armor parts. But to invert the colors on the characters with "heave armor" like my lord relictor and the paladins. For the "magic guys" I tried to sprinkle some color into it with red feathers. I am not very happy with the purple on the Lord Arcanum though...Do you have any ideas for another color? It feels too "fantasy" and I would like to go for a more realistic look And here are some basic Liberators: I also do have some Evocators and Sequitors ready and coming up soon - but first I want to take on the guys on Dracoths...Ideas for a Dracoth color scheme are very much welcome
  6. Looks like a pretty interesting and unusual list. Would love to hear how it competes in a game. I would also love to make a more magic based army but feel like it is not very competitive in comparison to the standard Lord Arcanum/Sequitors/Evocators lists I usually go with. Esp. Knight Incantors don't seem to be powerful enough for their points.
  7. Haha nice so remind me so much of myself. I also have started like 10 armies, esp when I was a teenager. Then I took a small break of 15 years and now I am going strong with my Stormcasts. 1000P. are already painted and based and I hope I can finally finish an army.
  8. Moin! I am also new to the Hamburg Warhammer Community and looking for a group to play regularly. I am a Warhammer Veteran but had a looooong break of 15 years and picked up AoS half a year ago. I am playing Aos only right now, but when I'm finisched with my Stormcast I am open for 40k as well. are you guys still playing @Sternschanze?
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