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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Thinking about this further, surely the sentence about moving 12” and fly is there because it is a buff to the caster’s regular movement on their warscroll (most stormcast wizards are slow and don’t fly). Personally I’m still of the opinion the sanctum can move.
  2. Unless they’re a lone scinari loreseeker who’s been set up on an objective 😉
  3. Similar Q came up over the weekend.
  4. Whilst it could end up with only 1 unit affected, I still think it's worth it for the potential of more. I love this spell, it had always bothered me a bit in LRL 1.0 that a unit couldn't PoH buff another unit. The utility in her spell, either gives you a backup for a unit if PoH is failed when you really needed it to go off, or the added efficiency of being able to use other unit casts for extra spells. Plus, units like the Bannerblade need it to get empowered. I suppose it's just an extra tool to have in the box.
  5. Tho in the sanctum description it says it is "treated as being a single model using the caster's warscroll as well as the Endless Spells rules." The caster has a move characteristic on it's warscroll, so it can move. Could also be argued, that the reference to only being able to move predatory endless spells, refers only to the move made at the start of the hero phase (I don't own the Malign Sorcery supplement to check on this.)
  6. I think it can move with the caster. I agree that strictly RAW it could be argued that it can't move, but if that was the intention I think the warscroll would say. Best case comparison is the Balewind Vortex, where the warscroll description specifically says that "A Wizard on a Balewind Vortex cannot move." This clarifying sentence would be redundant if all non predatory endless spells couldn't move.
  7. No, I agree with you, I don’t have a problem with it personally, especially given the point cost. Just saying it’s not just his profile attacks. He seems pretty useful as a hero sniper.
  8. Though he could move over a unit, doing D3 mortals on 3+, then shoot and then make a move 12” over a unit doing D3 mortals on 3+, then charge (normal move) over a unit doing another D3 mortals on 3+. His shooting damage is not loads but the potential for mortals is.
  9. I think just once. Otherwise it would say “.... for each LRL HERO”
  10. Sanctum could be useful to keep the twins alive a bit longer to benefit from the increased damage in later turns!
  11. It really depends on the situation. If a unit with multiple profiles (cavalry for example where they have riders & mounts) attacks, it attacks with all of it’s different profiles before any slain models are removed, meaning the unit could not be prevented from using all of its attacks by models no longer being in range. You couldn’t remove models after the riders attack and then say the mounts aren’t in range to attack. Even tho you roll them separately, these attacks are considered to happen simultaneously. If tho, a unit is in combat with 2 different units, it would be possible to remove models so the second unit can’t attack. Apologies for my dodgy visual aid 😂 AAAAAAA B B B B B CCCCCC Unit A attacks unit B and kills 2 models, player removes models closest to unit C, meaning unit C is no longer within 3” and therefore cannot attack (unless unit C charged that turn, in which case they could still pile in 3” which might bring them into range to make their attacks).
  12. Thanks, hadn’t spotted that difference.
  13. Just had a look at the warscroll... 7 & 8. So with the Dwarf Cannon you mentioned, it would up to the controlling player where wounds would be allocated. This could leave the cannon with no crew or the crew with no cannon to fire depending on how you allocate wounds. If you are engaged with a cannon with no crew left, you would have to finish it off or retreat to move away from it.
  14. 1. Yes, if you fail a charge you don't move at all. The first model moved in a charging unit must finish with 0.5". The rest of the models could stay 2" away. 3. Yes 4. It would be possible to remove slain models so that a second unit that hasn't already attacked is no longer in range (or within 3"). A single unit's attacks are considered to be simultaneous, so a unit with multiple profiles gets to attack with everything. 5. Normally you pick which models are removed as slain but some models have abilities that can target an individual model, rather than unit (eg. Kraken Eater Mega gargants "stuff em in me net" ability). They could remove a model from the middle of a snaked out unit meaning in the battle shock phase coherency is broken and one half of the line would be removed (you would pick which half). Just something to be aware of in case you get caught out. 6. No, the alternating choose a unit to attack only happens in the combat phase. You can't cast spells or shoot etc in the other players hero or shooting phase. 7 & 8. Will have to check 11. With pile in moves you have to finish the move at least as close to the nearest enemy model so you cannot pile away from an enemy unit. You don't have to pile in so you could choose not to move.
  15. Are there separate warcrolls for the 3 named mega gargants? or do they use the same warscroll as their unnamed version? If separate, where can they be found? They're not in the app?
  16. Yes, totally possible to do this! You could place a melee unit in a line with a unit of Handgunners placed behind within 2.5" of the front of the first unit, so when the front unit is charged, the hand gunners are within 3" and can open fire.
  17. Core rules, page 10, box titled Objectives, 4th paragraph says “Once you gain control of an objective, it remains under your control until the enemy is able to gain control of it.” So, once you have claimed an objective you can move off it and still control it. Check the battleplans tho, some battleplans have different rules which replace the normal rules. Places of Arcane Power & The Better Part of Valour for example, where you lose control of the objective if you move away from it.
  18. Seems a fair price. We’re only 3-4 months away from GHB 2021, at which point the 2020 GHB will not be worth as much. And the ltd Lumineth tome is not that valuable really. I’ve seen quite a few on eBay over the last few weeks for £10-15 (including tokens). I think the news that a new tome is coming has had an impact on its value. That coupled with the saturation of the book being included in the army box. I’m guessing a number of people bought 2 boxes and sold off their spare one.
  19. A good example of the lack of consistency in GW's wording. I'm leaning the way of it being possible. Not that it means anything when it comes to rules, but from a fluff perspective, if anyone can see through Idoneth's shenanigans it would be the Lumineth.
  20. Where is that stated? I know that the Awakened Wyldwood & citadel wood have special exceptions to flying units being both visible and able to see over the woods. But does that apply to other terrain features? Like buildings? High walls etc? Rules for attacking talk about stooping to model level to check for visibility, true line of sight? Have I missed something?
  21. Does seem a bit tricksy, but RAW, I think it works. Probably wouldn't even need to use PP. If you had a terrain feature you could place the sentinels completely behind so there are no units visible to them, then make 1 visible with the lantern.
  22. Yeah, got it thanks! Hadn't realised that Teclis gains the Great Nation keyword as well.
  23. Is it specifically stated somewhere that I have missed? (Edit, just found it myself. Telis gains the Zaitrec keyword)
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