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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. @Koradrel of ChraceYeah, good point. I’m excited for 3.0 but that’s one of the rumours I hope isn’t true. I love the idea of generic battalions, just as long as they don’t completely replace all the existing battalions. I really like the way some battalions are themed to the army and they have, up to now, served as collecting benchmarks for me mentally. In the BR series up to this point some armies have only received a new battalion. Seems a shame to only get a few months of use out of them for them to be scrapped. I’d be very happy if they just added the generic ones on top as a balancer for armies who have trash battalion options.
  2. A list I'm playing with in my head currently is Syar Teclis Cathallar Loreseeker - (Lambent light) 10 x wardens 10 x wardens 20x sentinels 20x sentinels Auralan legion Sanctum of Amyntok Twinstones Aethervoid pendulum 3 drop 1990pts List is a toned down version of the 1 drop sentinel spam list from a while back. Loreseeker replaces need for spell portal to cast Lambent light, possibly deploying mid field to benefit from Teclis +1 to cast bubble. Alternatively, Loreseeker can be deployed aggressively in the backfield to cast the pendulum through opponents backline. I put Teclis in as well for the sheer utility of his casting efficiency and range of spells. If Teclis casts twin stones and then I hop back and forth between a unit and Teclis for casting, draining and charging the stones each time should be at ave +3 to cast. Obviously depending on who the opponent is may dictate the deployment and general tactics, but I think it's not bad for flexibility.
  3. I've wondered if there is mileage in using him with the sanctum of amyntok, for -1 to hit, +2 to save (+1 from sanctum, +1 from lone agent (+3 if you snort a quartz)). In melee he has the chance of doing MW's back to attackers for a bit of extra damage. Or sanctum and blade lords for -2 to hit, +1 to save (+2 with quartz), and wound shrug ability.
  4. The back banner is very reminiscent of the cathallar back banner, but more organic/tree-like? Could be Sylvaneth. The vines, or tentacles could even be shadow tendrils? Could this be the first look at a shadow aelf?
  5. I haven’t got the model yet but just had a look at pics of the sprue. I think I would assemble her completely and glue her foot to his back banner (assembly 1) Then assemble him but leave his head off. Attach head to a pin vice for painting. (assembly 2 & 3) Should be able to get into all the detail. That’s how I would do it anyway. Really want to pick up the twins, think they will into a lot of the order lists I have in my head.
  6. You can jump around. You do not have to roll all casts for one wizard before moving on to the next one.
  7. I’ve avoided this thread for fear of spoilers, but I’ve just finished reading BR:Belakor, so I thought I’d share some comments. Firstly, just want to say how much I enjoyed it. The highlight for me was the takedown of the silver tower, it was epic! The book felt like more of a direct continuation of plot lines started in BR:Morathi. The gaunt summoner, varanite, realm gates, even the Ven Brecht saviour reveal. I did really like BR:Teclis, but this felt more connected to the earlier book. Also set up some interesting plot lines for the future, the vision of excelsis in ruin, the stormcast’s reforging issue, Gromthi. As some have already mentioned, why did the Seraphon even get involved? The book says basically they couldn’t tolerate the gaunt summoner messing with realm gates so they had to stop him, allowing Belakor......to mess with realm gates!?! Could Kroak not foresee that they were playing into Belakor’s hands? Seemed a bit weak to me, but maybe more will be revealed in time. Really looking forward to Kragnos!
  8. He definitely does! The description of spell in a bottle, says "...the bearer may automatically cast that endless spell..."
  9. It’s worth noting that you could take the Seraphon bound chronomantic cogs. The wording of the bound version of the spell says “the caster(not wizard!) ...can manipulate”, meaning a khemist could use it in a bottle. It is more expensive than normal cogs tho. Someone pointed this out to me over in the KO thread. For the second part of the Q, if I understand what you are asking correctly, yes, if you cast it in the hero phase, it can then be manipulated at the end of that hero phase. Meaning you get the benefit in the move/charge phase of that same turn. As @jamie.white pointed out, you can’t cast or manipulate the cogs in the movement phase.
  10. I think they can be taken in any lumineth army, they just wouldn't gain the great nation keyword and benefit.
  11. Just watched GMG's rules review, so the guild triumphs can be used instead of the normal triumphs.
  12. Been itching for TGA to come back online to see discussion of the new KO Guild triumphs. WarCom article I wonder if there is any limitations army composition for taking them? Also, there could be more triumphs. This is just the Aether-Kehmists Guild, I'm hoping we see rules for Nav-league and Endrineers Guild as well.
  13. So glad TGA is back up, been having withdrawal 😆 Surprised at the price of Belakor, thought he would be more expensive given his size. £89 seems like an odd price point too. Shame about the cursed city situation, though maybe they will bring it back at some point. Space Hulk 2009 was meant to be a limited edition, but it didn't stop GW releasing it a few more times over the years. Cursed City was never labelled as limited so they could always do another print run in the future (in time for xmas perhaps?). Didn't pull the trigger on CC, as I couldn't justify it with the backlog of projects. I did buy Dagnai from eBay tho, as it's the one mini I really didn't want to miss out on (he just arrived this morning!).
  14. Even giving their pistols an extra 1” of range would make them immensely better. As much as I would love it, not sure how likely a new warscroll is, KO tome is only just over a year old. The only units to get new scrolls so far have been much older. Just hoping we get a decent battalion for them!
  15. Maybe Skywardens will get a new warscroll, or a decent battalion buff at least!
  16. No, as hand of gork description says - “It may not move in the subsequent movement phase.” There is nothing in the allegiance ability section about the bad moon that would override this.
  17. Yes, only once each per turn. It’s on page 8 of the core rules - “You cannot attempt to cast the same spell more than once in the same turn (even with a different wizard.” Any exceptions to this (like power of Hysh for example) are noted on the warcsroll.
  18. Yes, as pictured above the user list is the only thing that has changed. LoE has been taken off the list and Cathallar has been changed to scinari wizards. Shame they didn’t add this page to BR Teclis for sake of completion.
  19. I only ordered the Warcsroll cards from this wave as it's the only thing that I may not be able to get later on. I've got such a backlog of minis to assemble and paint! Got 1000point armies of deepkin, KO & lumineth to get through plus other misc projects. I'm being strong and not buying more minis until I'm further on with things (or unless it's limited release or a great deal). On a plus side, I've changed my mind a few times now on which nation to go with, so glad I've waited a bit. Currently leaning toward Syar. I did pick up BR:Teclis tho as that doesn't count. Man! Teclis value for points just went up massively with access to the new spell lore.
  20. Just downloaded BR:Teclis through iBooks. Cover page is for the wrong book?!? For a split second I got excited that it was actually the whole Belakor book, but it’s just the cover page that’s wrong.
  21. I wish they had sold reference cards for the updated battletome😕 Maybe they’ll do another ltd army box when Broken Realms: Tyrion comes out at the end of the year 😂
  22. I don't own malign sorcery, so don't have access to the rules in full. Can I ask, what is the context of the wording that non-predatory endless spells cannot move?
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