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Gareth 🍄

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Everything posted by Gareth 🍄

  1. The Marauder Giant is going to be Made to Order 😲
  2. Great new range of minis for FEC, the Summerking is incredible! The Stab-ladz will find a place among my Kruleboyz, here's hoping for a proper new wave of Morruks next edition.
  3. I liked this bit about Ardboys in particular: Really love their new sculpts, I never would've fielded the old sculpts because they looked out of place to me, but the new ones make me want to start playing Ironjawz again.
  4. Big pig has a third build option without the guys on the sides: Ardboys spears optional?
  5. I wasn't a fan of Ardboys previously, but GW has finally won me over with these lovely new models! The Gorgers are also a highlight for me, a great surprise and they look wonderfully horrific 😁
  6. I'd be OK with aspects of the Bonesplitterz finding their way into expanded Ironjawz and Kruleboyz model ranges while the existing Bonesplitterz models return to the Old World as Savage Orcs. However, I'd also be OK with a complete redesign. They're just really unappealing to me as they are now though.
  7. Don't think a guardsman or another vampire would keep me subscribed this year.
  8. The basic plastic Ogor troops first appeared in late 2004 in an Ogre Kingdoms army set - Gnoblars, Yhetees and the Hunter were in that set too. Definitely due a refresh IMO, they'll be 20 next year! I've assembled a hell of a lot of those 2 body-pose Ogors over the years, the mould lines are pretty awful compared to more modern releases and I've noticed some odd lines/cracks in the models in places where there shouldn't be any.
  9. Can confirm they were always Destruction in AoS: Wayback Machine (archive.org) The Albion Zoo - Fimir & Friends (warseer.com) (1) Forge World Warscrolls : ageofsigmar (reddit.com)
  10. Yeah in the old Warhammer Fantasy lore they used to be followers of Chaos who fell out of favour with the Chaos gods, and then in AoS they were just Destruction. Like a reverse Ogroid.
  11. They were introduced to AoS as a Destruction faction. I'd personally prefer to give Kruleboyz and Ironjawz their own battletomes and expand them both rather than see another Warclans battletome lol.
  12. I'd like to see Fimir return as part of Kruleboyz, seems like a good fit to me - swamp-dwelling, slave-taking, malign creatures who use sorcerous mists to conceal themselves from enemies.
  13. Yeah I'm pretty curious to see how good these 5 morruks, 2 baboons and egg-carrying grot are at killing monsters in AoS 😄
  14. The minis are great but to be honest it's not the flavour of Kruleboyz I was hoping for either. The grot might become Mugruk da Watcha's assistant in my army though, a counts-as pot-grot.
  15. I'll be pretty damn happy if that's a Kruleboyz warband.
  16. I'd like to see Bonesplitterz get a total redesign tbh. Send the Savage Orcs back to The Old World and do something more creative and extreme for AoS to represent these feral and frenzied Orruks.
  17. Wonder if they'd do an Ardboyz Warcry warband?
  18. Waiting patiently for that commemorative series Killaboss, but I'd really love another Kruleboyz wave too!
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