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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. 1 hour ago, MOMUS said:

    That's not really a equal gain.

    The reason slaanesh players are eagerly awaiting StD updates is because it gives them access to something they currently don't have, it gives the list more options. Khorne already has warriors, mauraders etc it's just redundancy for us.

    The debate is slaanesh has better buffs. If they drop points on StD it will increase the difference in power level between slannesh and khorne.

    The only way it could improve our list would be if it the units are redesigned to fulfill gaps in our extensive current army list or if GW allocated different points to different marks. (I don't see this happening).


    I see some negative posts in here and agree, some i disagree with. Negative citicism is part of the natural to and fro of conversation and debate. It helps formulate new ideas and further the thread. To try and censor one aspect is in itself unhelpful, you can't have one without the other.

    What we can all agree on is unconstructive criticism and personal attacks don't have a place on this forum.

    Yeah, you’re right. I’m still new to this forum thing, and I’ll admit, negative criticisms are fine, and definitely helpful, and a balanced discussion is better than blind optimism (which is something I do admit I’m guilty of in this thread, i’ll Definitely try to temper it more).

    I’d say only when the criticisms/complaining gets excessively personal (definitely Slaaneshi), that’s when we probably shouldn’t go there. 

    About slaves to Darkness, i do agree,, although there are some I do feel there are subtle differences that the StD range  offer us . For example, chaos marauders are more durable than reavers, while chaos warriors have  interesting  interactions with Blood Tithe. Plus manticores lord, daemon Prince, and Warshrine. Knights and chosen are the ones I feel that are redundant, in that aspect I agree, same with Chariots compared to our Khorgoraths (they feel really similar)

    But you’re definitely right about Slaanesh, who really need the Slaves to Darkness units more than us to give them their mortals (I do actually feel bad for them, since the Slaanesh theme for mortals is really cool and unique, especially that Persian themed daemon prince)

    In terms of allegiance abilities, you’re right that the Slaanesh one is downright incredible especially with both hosts and the exploding dice, although I’m just wondering if our Bloodbound buff units are able to make up for that, since the Slaanesh release seems quite focused on its daemon units , that MAY not be able to buff mortals..? 

    And that locus of diversion thing does look incredibly powerful, although at least it’s not guaranteed. 

    Of course, at the end of the day, we are all still warriors of chaos, so those order, destruction and death Gits are in for a SERIOUS pummeling from ALL the dark gods when the Slaves to Darkness release comes round 🤣 

  2. 6 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

     Lol, this is great. Don't forget Khorne despises fear tho. His blood would be seething and his rage would erupt if he seen his followers so scared of the Slaaneshi, of all!

    One thing I will say is: The Slaanesh thread are comforting each other, saying that the Slaves to Darkness Battletome  will “certainly” be the book for them.

    well I laugh at them in response, and cast them my contempt in the name of the Blood God! 

    Why? Because we get those Slaves to darkness boys as well... and Archaon is not just for Slaanesh! He belongs to us as well, mwahahahhahaha

    on that note, @Slebodahow do you use Archaon? Any good? He’s incredibly intimidating for me(and my wallet) but I might actually grab him and try. 

  3. For the brass Despoilers... 

    So 1 unit of 6 Bullgors is incredibly strong and seems the main reason to bring Despoilers. Do you guys wanna bring more units of Bullgors, or is 1 enough? 

    Ghorgon also works great. Hasn’t tried a Cygor, but theoretically he seems useful... but between a ghorgon and a Cygor... which would you prefer? I’ve tested a single ghorgon, but would you guys double up on Ghorgons and max out Warherd big guys allowance? 

    Then between Gors and bloodreavers, which would you guys prefer for battleline? Gors are more ex, but are more durable, but seem to do less damage. Both are really vulnerable to battleshock. 

    Bestigors are amazing. I never buff them because they're Amazingly self sufficient. 

    Dragon Ogors seem like budget Skullcrushers, their Damage is WAY less, but their durability is a little bit less (it’s better than a Bloodcrusher for the same points). They feel like an annoying big roadblock that can clear tar pits  and low armor gits really well. 

    For centigors and Tuskgor Chariots, do you like them? Haven’t tried them yet. centgors look crazy fast, with meh damage that can hurt low armor, while Tuskgor seem like great bacon missiles. 

    And for the hero: A Doombull or a Beastlord? I’m leaning towards a Doombull, he hits REALLY HARD. Plus, that Khorgorath doombull conversion on reddit I saw looks sweeeeeet.  


    Overall, for brass Despoilers, what are your thoughts on the optimum units for it? 

  4. 49 minutes ago, shoutenraku said:

    Hmm.....Bloodsecrator for Warmongers is interesting, the buff effect is similar and a unit of mongers are a lot tankier and killier.

    But why a unit of reavers? I'm very wary of them just dying without contributing much and having only 1 hero is risky to hero sniping causing me to be unable to hold objectives.

    True actually. The mongers are faster, actually do damage, and are more wounds, and have more board presence. 

    Naturally the Bloodsecrator being a hero matters in quite a few scenarios, and his 3+ save makes him immune to most Missile Fire, especially with Look Out Sir. The secrator also has access to artifacts, and can be a general, which could increase his utility. His speed is 1 inch slower, but his buff has a longer range, thus it’s imo easier to get lads within range. Plus, Loathsome Sorcery CAN be a life saver at times. 

    It depends on your list. If your list has multiple hammers already, I’d say Bloodsecrator. If you feel you lack punch power, go for Wrathmongers. And also depends on whether you can fill a Battalion with whichever. 

    One ting that should be remembered is that mongers are extremely vulnerable to shooting, unlike the secrator

    I agree about reavers tho. If bringing reavers, I’d bring more. And in this case, it’s best to have at least 2 heroes imo

    18 minutes ago, shoutenraku said:

    2x10 Warriors sounds good but unfortunately I only have access to 1 x 10. I do have access to 40 man reavers though.

    While the juggerlord is not very killy for the price, I'm hoping the +1 dmg from hew the foe will make it a bit better and since crushers, juggerlord and warshrine all have the same movement speed, coordinated attacks are easier to pull off.

    I don't really think I will be using the lord's command ability since I will be using the CP for the goretide's.

    Anyway thanks a lot of your input. I think I will need to think of how to make the battleline killier, maybe swap out crushers for reapers.


    As far as a Juggerlord is concerned, I dunno about y’all, but do you guys prefer mighty Lord to the Juggerlord? Both seem absolutely awesome.

    do you guys prefer the insta kill’s threat, or the sheer DPS of a Juggerlord? And between a mighty lord’s re-roll for charges, or a juggerlord’s re-rolls To wounds of 1? 


  5. @Ravinsild@Battlefuryhey guys, I’m not exactly the voice of reason, though I’m equerry to Primarch Angron, so hopefully that means something.

    i love this thread, because of all of you guys and your sheer passion. The complaining is honestly not THAT bad, and personally, I feel that your complaining kinda shows your sheer zeal for Khorne (he appreciates it, a bit)

    Yet, one of the greatest strengths of us champions of khorne is the fact we’re not petty. 

    The Slaaneshi thread has them groaning about how they don’t have mortals, and then dissing Khorne about having so many mortals (boo we don’t have mortals, it’s the end of the world! Something like that), despite the Slaanesh lads getting great rules!

    Don’t forget, we’re blessed with a supremely cool Battletome and range, and look at what we’ve done so far. 

    Judgements give us supreme tactical flexibility. We laugh at magic. 

    Blood Warriors are actually worth using. We have more viable Battalions than ever before

    our Bloodsecrator moves, we aren’t limited to just wrath of Khorne thirster because the rest are actually good

    korghos Khul is worth using

    slaughterhosts are awesome new tricks for us

    So, when we do whine, we are feeding NURGLE, the fat sack of pus and disease. When we wishlist for things that will never happen, we feed TZEENTCH, the weakling lord of magic! When we jump into playing or hating on them slaanesh just “cuz they got better rules bruh”, we feed SLAANESH, The ARCH ENEMY OF KHORNE! 

    So on our salt, the other gods dare encroach on our territory, and become empowered. We must fight them back! And how can we do this, you may ask?

    Battle reports, tactics, discussion, occasional roars of BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! And the occasional dose of inspiration when one of us is feeling down! The rumor thread fears us brothers, we think we are weak, yet they fear us (I’m not kidding, I think someone was talking to Sleboda that time)

    That has to mean something right? 

    As such, let’s be happy our Slaaneshi foes get something new, why? Because we have worthy blood to offer Khorne! And it will mean more people come into this glorious hobby, keeping the game alive and sating our hunger for fresh skulls for the skull Throne!

    the other gods will batter us, the bastions of Order will force us back, the hordes of destruction will drag us down, and the servants of death will resist our rage. 

    Like Khârn said at Armatura, when the Nails took over... 

    “Our Turn”. 

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  6. 10 hours ago, Chocolate Obturator said:

    List for the above post

    Allegiance: Khorne
     - Slaughterhost: The Skullfiend Tribe

    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280) - General - Command Trait : Master Decapitator  - Artefact :  Crowncleaver  
    Bloodsecrator (140) - Banner of Khorne (Artefact) : Banner of Wrath
    Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing : Bronzed Flesh
    Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing : Killing Frenzy
    Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing : Resanguination

    5 x Blood Warriors (100) - Gorefists
    10 x Bloodreavers (70) - Reaver Blades
    10 x Flesh Hounds (200)
    10 x Chaos Knights (320) - Ensorcelled Weapons
    4 x Khorgoraths (400)

    Gore Pilgrims (140)

    Bleeding Icon (40)

    TOTAL: 1990/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1     WOUNDS: 139
    LEADERS: 5/6    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)    BEHEMOTHS: 1/4    ARTILLERY: 0/4
    ARTEFACTS: 2/2    ALLIES: 0/400

    Thanks brother for the battle report! Just some questions: Do you feel the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is worth without being buffer? What do you feel is the minimum amount of buffs for him to work? 

    And how are the skullfiend tribe and the Khorgoraths at their current points? Was the re-roll to hits of 1 coming up often? And was the command ability efficient? 

    Also, when the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage activates Outrageous Carnage, and vaporizes 2 unfortunate enemy heroes (let’s imagine them to be lords of Slaanesh, to vent our fury), is that counted as being slain by an attack for purposes of the Skullfiend command trait? That would make the Insensate Rage thirstier really cool 

    9 hours ago, shoutenraku said:

    Hmm....for sacrifice maybe we can go with chaos warriors for the 5+ ward against mortal wounds?


    I usually would go with the slaughter priests, but I'm not quite sure about them in my list as I intend to rush in fast.

    Personally if I bring chaos warriors I’d rather send them forward as a roadblock, instead of having them pick daisies around the skull altar, especially since the MWs that get through the shield WILL ignore their  good armor saves. 

    Personally, I could foresee my priests stabbing a skull Cannon... 

    9 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    Yeah good point... Havn't really considered that scince new tome. I could get behind this idea cuz i really like the idea of not having to devote a unit or points towards something im going to sacrifice. I'm cautious tho because it does make Priest more vulnerable while at lower health and the Resanguination could probably be put to better use or another prayer entirely. I'm gonna give this a try tho at some point.

    I can't speak highly enuff of the Warshrine's Favor of Khorne prayer. First off you only need a 3+ meaning you don't have to rely on altar as much. It doesn't hurt you on a roll of 1. And in combination with Blood Stoker's reroll all failed wounds it turns ordinary units into powerhouses. Its excellent on Reapers who are fighting a behemoth, Blood Warriors whether they are holding off a mob of attackers or long bomb charging, and i would imagine Skull Crushers. Also the shrine its self is just great for a number of reasons, just don't expect it to punch much to death.

    Very good points there, my only hesitation is that the Warshrine night get changed in the upcoming Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath Battletome. HOWEVER. Re-rolls to hit for gorefist blood Warriors are a godsend, just as Bloodreavers would love it too. Combine it with Bloodstoker’s whip, you get a super blender (how to make a smoothie from the viscera of your foes, especially slaaneshi ones)

    1 hour ago, DMMP! said:

    In general would running 3x Skullreapers with Slaughterhost be economical? Or is that too much point investment? Or is it really just dependent on your list and match up?

    Personally I dislike 3 units of Skullreapers. That would be very ex. If I could, I’d swap that for 2 5 Reaper units and 1 Wrathmonger unit, in a slaughterborn

    If i used a bloodmad warband, then I use a 10-man reaper

    overall, I prefer having multiple hammers, in separate units, because other factions rely on deathstars, that can be tarpitted, debuffed or focused super hard

    one of our greatest strengths is the self sufficiency of reapers, such that we can put down multiple threats

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    @Kaz Hmm thats interesting. I like the Blood Sacrifice + Resanguination combo... Never considered it because killing your own stuff with Sacrifice generates even more Blood Tithe but i could see how this could be good because instead of devoting units to Sacrifice your devoting 2x Prayers.

    I prefer Bronzed Flesh over all of them to help keep my behemoths in the fight and basically any other unit hammer or anvil can benifit from it meaning there is never a bad target in range.

    I use Blood Sacrifice probably more than Killing Frenzy because the Blood Tithe table is just so good. Especially when i know i wont get many BT throughout the match. But im usually looking to pull off Murderlust or Apocalyptic Frenzy as many times as possible and i have a tendency to go overboard and waste Blood Tithe when im using Sacrifice.

    I really like Resanguination on the Warshrine it can turn him into a tarpit for far longer than it should and if there is any Korgoraths or monsters nearby even better.

    I run a lot of list with 3 Priest (usually 2 Slaughter and 1 Warshrine) so Killing Frenzy usually makes it in there but its one of those things i don't count on... If i get it off then good but if not oh well doesnt change my plans.


    One thing to take note of is that I don’t like sacrificing reavers. Their low bravery makes it a risk of accidentally killing the unit too quickly, hence why I prefer having the priest stab himself, then stab his buddy once he runs too low (if his buddy isn’t using resanguination)


    21 minutes ago, shoutenraku said:

    Thanks, Smooth Criminal.

    I was actually weighing between a warshrine and a slaughter priest and axe but decided to go with warshrine because of the movement as it matches the juggernauts and the lord.

    I intend to double buff crushers on hit bring it to 3+ rerollable and -1 rend to make sure it punches through hard.

    For hammers, I intend for the juggerlord to be my backup puncher.

    If you are to drop a hero which will you drop and which unit will you add?

    Personally I prefer priests, mostly cuz I like keeping them under the skull Altar aura to get the re rolls, but warshrine’s Base Khorne prayer is still awesome


  8. 3 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    Im glad someone did math on this. I felt Stoker is just the better of the 2 buffs but there is a lot to unpack here.

    First the range difference. Stoker is buffing 10 man squads at best and only if you play him smart. Priest buff range is better but relies on a dice roll... Not dependable.

    Priest has an extra wound, maybe is better in combat? Realisticly you're not trying to get in a fist fight with either these guys but thats where Stokers whip range comes in as he can hide behind other units and pretend to do damage.

    So really is Blood Boil worth 20 extra points? Imho yes without doubt, however, there is tactics (long bomb charges/murder blobs) you just need the Stoker for. So objectively Priest is better but Stoker adds something unique that nobody else really does, or as well.

    Its often i can find room to squeeze a Stoker in but Priest would force me to make a hard choice. With all that said i fear any GHB 19 point increases, unless across the board things go down.

    To be extremely honest, I’m not too much a fan of killing frenzy anymore. The wholly within buff is a pain for me. Bloodstoker has excellent buffs imo, so I use my priest for other things. 

    Blood sacrifice, whack my own priest (he can stab himself). It GIVES BLOOD TITHE, which can seriously surprise your opponent or give yourself a better reward. I’ve had success bringing a second priest with resanguinarion to keep him healthy. 

    My first always has blood sacrifice 

    Occasionally, I’ve used Magebane Hex for the second priest I bring To eat endless Spells, which has proven useful. 

    Sometimes my second priest carries killingfrenzy, because my opponent can deep strike, so I keep a reaver bubble wrap, whack them with killing frenzy and use them to defend, they’ll die, but tjey’ll kill some stuff before going down. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    @Smooth criminal I didn’t pick that fight. My Bloodreavers (10 of them) were camped on my home objective for the sole purpose of scoring. ONE Dwarf Hero (The Grimwrath Berzerker) charged into them by running across the board and survived 2 rounds of their attacks (46 in total, his 5+ FNP shrugged off so many potential wounds and hitting on 4’s wounding on 4’s is just terrible) and killed all 10 in a single round of fighting, then fighting again. 

    Let me explain: Its a Grimwrath Berserker. ‘Nuff said. He’s legitimately built for combat. He’s piling in and attacking twice, with effective 8 attacks at 3+ 3+ 2 rend and 2 damage. To put it simply, your reavers were gonna die no matter what in that scenario. 

    in fact, your choice was correct: Against Blood warriors, the Berserker earns his keep easily, but against reavers ?  His powerful attacks are wasted, you get Blood a Tithe, and he suffers opportunity cost because he can’t attack your stronger heroes and units. 

    Hes also extremely durable. His 5+ FNP is very good.

    and remember: Reavers are NOT good for Damage, like @Mikeymajqsaid, I feel reavers DPS requires too much buffing to be good. What we do get, is a relatively cheap suicide unit that we can use for buff missile, or for screening. Blood warriors and letters imho respond far better to buffs, being more inherently durable and damaging. 

    Reavers are a solid unit, being similar to ungors for beasts of Chaos. Sure, ungors are a teeny bit more tanks with shields, but reavers are meant to be a suicide screen, with decent damage, seriously that rend is great, and they contribute Blood Tithe. I love them for that reason. I’ve only got 20, but I’m looking to grab 5, and add garrek’s Reavers for another 10.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Darksteve said:

    That's a fair point. I've only used them in conjunction with our buffs and Brass Despoilers.

    Yep! This is what I meant, sorry if I didn’t seem clear earlier! In boC, they are compared a LOT with Tzaangor disc Enlightened, and usually found wanting. Their 4+ to hit, their 2 attacks are actually huge drawbacks, and we actually solve it with killing frenzy AND attack buffs, allowing them to punch WAY above their weight class

  11. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    I feel like this is something ppl are often overlooking and something GW could improve. The books don't do a great job of letting folks know that there are legit, non-ally, options outside their books.

    This is very true. The Slaves to darkness will soon get a HUEG update, and I’m excited to see what it’ll bring for Khorne.

    Brass Despoilers looks like a ton of fun. I’ve always loved Beasts of Chaos, but never really wanted to jump in because of resin kits, filtny Tzeentch, and the consensus over the BoC thread that Bullgors were bad (I’m a Minotaur fanboy, especially in total War Warhammer) 

    What are everyone’s thoughts on Ghorgons and Cygors? As well as Centigors and Tuskgor Chariots and Dragon Ogors? 

    I can infer Gors, Bestigors and Bullgors are great, so what about these lads mentioned above? 

    And for a Hero: Beastlord or a Doombull? Or multiple? 

  12. 3 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I’m honestly just really bad at the game and I don’t even think I could win often with a powerhouse army like DoK or FEC. 

    Hey man, I agree with @Mikeymajq here, I remember a while back reading a thread about what armies to pick and I think I saw you posting why you liked Ironjawz and Khorne over Nagash and seraphon. Pick an army based on how fun it is, which is EXACTLY what you did :) The Fyreslayers are an army that is strong, and you weren’t used to fighting them. Imo, they’re forgiving AND easy AND potent. Just some pointers:

    Bloodreavers are very bad without any buffs, don’t expect them to do too much m8, HOWEVER, their main strength is force multiplying, when buffed, they can do decent damage (not a lot mind you). 

    The heartguard berserkers imho are crazy strong. They’re good against armored guys (blood warriors), and are EXTREMELY durable, so don’t kick your blood warriors too hard for whiffing, besides it sounds like unlucky dice

    For Magmadroths, their Lava blood is extremely strong, it’s likely that it severely damaged your daemon Prince, since every wound you deal, there’s a 4+ chance to take a MW, and you did 11. Plus, your prince is only 8 wounds. He’s not that squishy, but runefather lizards are legitimately insane dedicated beatsticks

    note about grimwraths: they’re very annoying, because of how much DPS they do. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do about him. He takes no leader slots, has FNP, piles in and attacks twice, and has very reliable damage. All I can say is that I’d probably try to tarpit him , and sacrifice weaker units like reavers to him for more tithe

    Remember: Fyreslayers are VERY easy to play, compared to us Khorne players. They have a lot less to remember, and their prayers are easier to work with.   

    Don’t feel discouraged man! Khorne’s proud of you no matter what! This game is a longggg learning process, and that’s part of the fun! Learning from mistakes, ya know.

    Bad dice is natural tbh, I’ve re rolled 5 ones into 5 ones again at one point. Can’t really do anything about that

    besides, a powerhouse army like fec or DoK is boring, and imho, easier than Khorne to win with. There’s more satisfaction winning with Khorne’s armies :D  

    Its good of you to come here and talk it out, we’ll all brothers bound by the blood and viscera of our enemies. 

    We fight for Khorne because we love to, and as such, keep fighting! It’s what defines us as who we are, separate from those pansies who diss Khorne for being “poster boy”, “hypocrite”, or “boring”. 

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Can't really disagree on anything here.

    I think that:

    1. Warriors in 10 man units are definitely correct precisely because of the fact that you want screen to be as long as possible.

    2. Skullreaper unit size mostly depends on 5 being enough or not and it probably is enough. 10 do seem like overkill for anything that's not a maxed out blob itself, 2x10 definitely is an overkill. Probably makes sense to have 1 big unit and 1 small so you have different tools.

    SCE often use 10 evocators, but evocators have it way easier because of how their ability does not care about positioning. Skullreapers and crushers suffer greatly in this regard.

    Are wrathmongers worth it so far? Is aspiring worth it? It feels like in mortal army where nobody rerolls charges for free unlike demons he may be too CP hungry.

    I think Blood warriors are best in multiples of 10. If you want MSU, 10. If you want big block, 20 is imo best as 30 is too unwieldy. 

    As far as Skullreapers are concerned, I personally feel that  2 5 man units are best, more than 10 reapers in a  list is a little overkill. I prefer separate units because some of my regular opponents bring a LOT of debuffs , this forces them to spread it out 

    i think Wrathmongers are still solid as an alternative hammer to reapers by simple virtue of having rend, making them very reliable with a bit of buffs. They just need a screen to deliver them safely (Warrior+monger combo is awesome)

    aspiring Deathbringer is IMO really solid. Cheap, useful command, especially in a Bloodmad warband. Don’t give him artifacts or make him general, just abuse the heck out of his aura, it’s actually very useful. 

    • Like 1
  14. 45 minutes ago, Darksteve said:

    So I'm not sure why you think these things, but pre-nerf 1 cannon + wrathmongers had the same number of shots as two cannons, only one less melee attack with a hellblade and the mongers could easily buff nearby units.

    3 cannons is likewise not better than pre-nerf two cannon mongers. 


    As for skullcannon viability now. They average 2.2 damage per shot with locus and killing frenzy which isnt great for 140 points. They fufill a role just are disappointing for thier cost.

    I am in a similar boat having bought 2 cannons before the faq and have since shelved them for now

    Hm, maybe try using them like beefier Skullcrushers with Guns? 

    Right now, one nice thing is that mongers buff the Bloodletters AND the maw, and if any of those things kill, you get an extra free shot. 

    I’ve noticed that they can be disturbingly good in close combat, keep at least 1 Daemon Hero close for the locus. Give them any attack buffs and use them to attack flanks of enemy blobs. 

    I’m using them kinda like Astra Militarum rough riders, but this time hellish motorcycles with a hellcannon and a HUEG jaw

    Its surprisingly useful so far. The gun can be disappointing, but not if you’re shooting twice in a turn! And they have speed and durability equal to 2 Bloodcrushers, while being more damaging in smaller numbers

  15. Hey lads, haven’t been around for a while, studies and exams are a pain in the butt. 

    Overall, I’m gonna say I prefer Goretide to skullfiend tribe, and Korghos Khul is a surprisingly strong character. I really like the guy. 

    But for unnamed characters, what do you guys like more? Juggerlord or a Mighty Lord? 

    • Like 1
  16. Also any Malerion’s fans might be interested in this: it was in the Khorne Battletome (new one)

    it seems that Malerion’s has already mobilized against chaos in an aggressive manner. Plus I’m gonna check the future Fyreslayers Battletome for any mention of “Shroudling kings” 


  17. Also, does anyone else feel “Endless Prayers” is a bit of a misnomer? Because Judgements of Khorne disappear REALLY EASILY, I feel it’s more suitable to call them, like “Favors of the Gods or something”. They usually feel like a one-use thing, since you usually have to resummon again every turn, and even then it’s not guaranteed, unlike endless spells which are definitely guaranteed and imo more reliable. 

    For Fyreslayers, don’t worry too much about the battleforge, I feel Warhammer community preview tend to be unreliable in terms of fluff. For the skull Altar and the judgements of  Khorne , the Battletome did a good job of explaining them. 

    Hence, wait for the Battletome! Even if I don’t play Fyreslayers, I’m gonna get the book anyway and read it cuz the writing style has legitimately improved a lot (Blades of Khorne book honestly was WAY better than the old ones)

  18. 8 hours ago, novakai said:

    Disspossesed Terrain: summoned on the battlefield by grumbling and grudges

    Slaanesh Terrain: summoned on the battlefield by horny thoughts

    KO terrain: summoned on the battlefield by Duardin engineering

    Ironjawz terrain: Gork threw a rock on the battlefield and now it a terrain feature

    Bonesplitterz: Mork threw a rock on the battlefield and now it a terrain feature

    BCR: the Everwinter  threw a glacier on the battlefield and now it a terrain feature



    As far as KO are concerned, I do feel it’d be pretty cool to have a scenery that is a flying airport, that can detach from the sky port and land anywhere Starcraft Terran building style. Maybe it could refuel ships (heal), resupply ammo (increase attacks or accuracy), and maybe the arkanaut admiral could have the command ability to call it to move anywhere once per battle. 

    For magmic invocations, the KO Could have Aetheric Inventions, were some crazy endrinmaster went nuts, invented some stuff that didn’t work, then after necroquake, it did, then all the sky ports invented their own. In terms of summoning, it would be pretty cool for airships to literally drop such things in

    for destruction: Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz should honestly not have terrain, it goes against their fluff imo, no offense to ironjawz players, but ironjawz mindlessly (imo) destroy any sort of order or building, making scenery would seriously contradict their fluff. Bonesplitterz are more focused on actually hunting monsters than wasting time building scenery. And to justify it with “magic”, would be lazy.  

    I do think beastclaws can do it tho. A kind of ancestor stone dragged around by the frostlord’s Mount, that has history, the names of older frostlords, and great deeds written on it. So maybe only now, after jecroquake, it’s been infused with magic such that it can actually help control and slow the everwinter’s onset. Also the everwunter ability should be changed imo, it’s too random. For endless Spells, I’d say just the everwinter, like the Bad moon, was empowered by the necroquake, so huskarda can summon “endless prayers”, channeling the everwinter through their ancestor stones

    for gutbusters I can foresee them getting a big cauldron that they carry around, to store and eat meat (heal allies), pray to the Great Maw (not that big green git called Gorkamorka #notmydestructiongod). Endless Spells is definite, and hopefully more original

    this is why I prefer ogors to greenskins, Ogors are IMO more three-dimensional since they can be mercenaries, can invent giant cannons (read: loot and repurpose), and can be nomadic without smashing everything in their way “just cuz it’s fun”-Gordrakk2019

    No offense to ironjaw players tho, but I do feel there should be no terrain piece for ironjawz, just more unit diversity (and I’m worried after seeing Fyreslayers)

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Takaloy said:

    I think most BOC players will tell you that the Herdstone is probably one of the more dysfunctional scenery pieces out there. You still need to be around it to sacrifice your ungors, the buff itself runs contrary to an army that just wants to get up the field and smash face.

    Yeah, I know, I spent some time in the BoC thread. What I meant is more of the aura expanding thingy, My main problem with skull Altar is the way it keeps our Slaughterpriests stuck to it, which limits their effective range imo

    for the herdstone, good point, I forgot how fast BoC are, and I agree it’s somewhat contrary to the playstyle. I do feel that it means that even if you don’t have anyone next to the herdstone, you’ve still got the herdstone aura to use. 

    for the altar, if your priests are either dead, or you didn’t bring them, then it’s effects are somewhat wasted (especially because I personally prefer the armor melting and battleshock immunity of the stone to the casting debuff of the Altar)

    I think what I want to say is more that I don’t want to have the Zharrgrim priests completely stuck to the terrain piece. I’d rather it affected more than just the priests, so it doesn’t feel like a skull Altar copy paste, I hope it’s effects are uniquely Fyreslayers

    tje problem about having so much scenery now is when the rules can seem a bit repetitive or uninspiring. For example, the Gnawhole for Skaven are amazing, but the charnel throne basically means that you want to bring at least a Ghoul King or archregent to make the  most of it or it’ll be wasted. And the lore was saying so much about how the throne could make people go crazy. Which was a wasted opportunity in terms of rules. 

  20. Also lads, as far as Slaughterpriest is concerned, what are your overall thoughts? I’m just gonna try my thoughts I’m on this one

    i feel like they’re quite worth, but i stopped using mine as buff bots. Imo too difficult to get dudes within range. 

    I’m actually using Blood Sacrifice, it’s really useful, extra blood Tithe is good, like @Agent of Chaos said, we can convert into a easy cp

    Magebane Hex I like, because I really like the utility it’s got, because dispelling enemy endless Spells helps since we’re not Relying  on a dispel roll. It helps because stuff like soulsnare shackles or  palisade can be immensely annoying 

    then if I know my enemy has no endless Spells, I just bring resanguination because I like the utility 

    as far as judgements are concerned, I honestly like all of them, because blocking footprints and charge lanes, imo is really useful in this game. They make great area control, and far more useful than endless spells which can backfire on you if your opponent goes second. 

  21. 6 hours ago, Bjornas said:

    Modelling query: As I'm re-modelling my Bloodwarriors to have something to counts-as Gorefists instead of double Axes, I'm juggling two options:

    1) Snip one Axe and put a huge dagger there instead (probably from the Bloodreaver sprue)


    2) Snip one Axe and put a buckler-ish shield there instead (probably scavenge eBay for marauder horsemen shields)

    I'm leaning towards option 1 as it's much more convenient. What do you think about a dagger representing a Gorefist though, compared to a buckler? How have you guys dealt with this?




    1 hour ago, Bjornas said:

    Thanks @kahadin however, I just remembered I had 20+ old Dwarf shield lying around, so I made a mockup using some Bloodreaver blades and spikes. Looks pretty good, I'd say! Like it way better than the standard Gorefist, atleast.


    I’d say go for daggers! Say in Australian accent, “You call that a knife? THIS is a knife.”

    jokes aside, personally, I’d go for daggers, but attack it to your fist, so your guys can bat aside blows, them punch with the dagger. 

    But that mix of dagger and shield is even better! I’d say green light unless it’s too expensive or inconvenient. 

  22. Judgements of Khorne are summoned on a 4+. So harder than the magmic invocations. Likely because for us, GW felt Skull Altar allows us to re-roll would be enough. 

    Personally, sounds like Magmic Battleforge won’t give re rolls to prayers, which is good, so your priests won’t be playing cards while sitting around the pizza oven waiting for dinner to finish cooking, unlike Khorne priests. I’d rather it be a scenery that is like Herdstone, you’re not THAT tied to it. 

    As far as Invocations go, I like them. Flame-Spitter is certainly strong in damage, plus it’s pretty cool that you got artillery on demand. Footprint wise, I think it’s good to keep enemies off. Block charge lanes, etc. Especially since it’s not unbindable

    i love the Runic Fyrewall. There’s good reason why the Cadaverous Barricade for FEC is so good. Wide footprint, you can deny space, it’s plain annoying, and that buff could be useful. Plus, it gives your Magmadroths the first charge. Denying your opponent’s shooting is very good. Especially in Age of Celestar Ballistas. 

    I like the Infernoth a lot. Random movement’s a problem, but you could summon Right next to opponent’s units. I like the AOE Attack, because MSUs will hate you. Plus, don’t forget it’s got a big footprint, while being mobile. Block lanes, threaten ranged units, block pile in movements from your opponent, basically use it as the most annoying molten piece of 💩 ever. 

    Points cost concerns, i’d Say they’ll be cheap, judgements of Khorne are very cheap, most expensive was Wrath axe at 60 

  23. 6 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    How do you fight in 2 ranks? If you charge, don't you have to come within base to base with at least 1 model to have counted it? How do you put guys out front and then wrathmongers behind without the wrathmongers being in base to base to be safe from being wiped? 

    In terms of defense, you probably already know that if ur Wrathmongers are maybe 2 inches away from the Warriors, your enemies would be within pile in range of the mongers

    so for charging? I’ll explain. It’s a similar trick with disc Enlightened and ungors. Firstly, Buff monger charged range, maybe with stoker. Let your warriors charge first. Then, get your mongers to charge. Get ONE (AND ONLY ONE) monger within 1/2 inch of enemy unit. Rest of the mongers, spread them out, 3 inches away from the warriors. 

    Now, combat phase. Choose your warriors to attack first. Deal as much damage as possible for them, then let enemy hit back. The enemy can only pile in a few models to attack your mongers, an even if said monger dies, deal mortal wounds on death. The bulk of the damage goes to your Warriors. Some die? No Respite and whack him. 

    Now back to you. Pile in all your mongers up to 3 inches (possibly 1 inch), and attack with your 2 inches range. It will actually reach over the Warriors. 

    That’s one method I’ve been trying. Reavers die too easily. Blood Warriors are imo excellent for that job thanks to No respire and their surprising durability. 

    • Like 3
  24. 6 hours ago, kahadin said:

    I think you can hit the cannons with killing frenzy to hit on 2+. 

    I feel lime more of a gunline army every day... Why not ally in some cocatrices while we are at it. 

    What chaff do you think is best to protect our cannons and priests?

    Edit: What do you think the wrathmongers do while standing still in the back line? Do they pose? Do they yell at the cannons?

    I feel like the Wrathmongers Strike heroic poses like the Verminlord Warbrjnger... or maybe they flex on Kharadron Overlords haters? Maybe they do the floss, wrath-flails whipping everywhere? XD

    i feel that we’ve become a strong combined arms force, earlier in this thread I tried making a full firepower list, and ended up making a skull Cannon death star that reached their full potential when amongst the enemy, eating them and pooping them out as flaming skulls (I love the skull Cannon models for some reason, maybe it’s my love for motorbikes and Harley Davidsons, especially infernal an hellish corrupted Ghost rider versions)

    5 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    They are costed as letters pretty much. 280 for 30 wounds that do 40-50 attacks while letters are 300p for same stuff. The trick is that you can position them behind other stuff and fight with their 2" reach.

    Or you can pay 140p for a pseudo-bloodsecrator  for those people that always wanted for secrators to stack.

    Skull cannon are our longest threating models so that should count for something.

    The opportunity cost of mongers+cannons+herald in demon army is very low. You must have several demon heroes anyway  and mongers are second best thing after secrator you can take to boost a letter brick. Cannons fit into most battalions since they are letters themselves.

    It's harder for mortal army to include cannons. You need to waste hero slot on herald. I guess you can take mounted chaos lord.

    Wrathmongers wouldn’t really carry your list alone. Tjey’re Just not tanky enough. But they are cheap, and they make great support with 2 inches range and their buff. 

    I’ve found Wrathmongers sitting behind blood Warriors makes a great double threat line, nobody wants to attack the buffed warriors, and accidentally drag the healthy Wrathmongers into the fight. 

    5 hours ago, kahadin said:

    I think killing frenzy is better than reroll 1s, so you could replace the herald with the slaughterpriest you defiantly want in a mortal army. I'm going to try skullcannons here soon and see how it goes.

    Maybe I can proxy in dwarfs for my khorne from now on ;_;

    edit: Hey maybe if I want to play a cc army I can proxy fyreslayers with my khorne! :D

    Personally I’d take both! I’ve rolled too many snake eyes to count! I even rolled 5 ones at one point :P 

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  25. On 4/7/2019 at 8:31 PM, Killax said:

    I largely agree with you, much of the above is indeed a similar vision ;) 

    On the Fleshhounds however I do agree that losing focus is a bit of a downside, at the same time however I think they are still very good and Battleline, which wasn't the case before either. The Bloodstoker and Wrath of Khorne Command Ability indeed are losses to this army, but it's because of this that ranged support feels so important. I do not really feel Slaughterpriests are stuck to the altar. To me it just means that early game there is no risk to them and lategame there might be, but it's worth the effort. They last a lot longer now, also when they randomly roll a 1.

    Let us know what your experience with the Blood Throne is, I'm interested in that. To me it seems the Skullmaster is just better, even though he has a lower wound count. To me the impact of him seems more usefull allround. I don't think the Blood Throne is worth the cost, I wish they would have given it a Blood Blessing. 

    Now I’ve checked it out a bit, I prefer the blood Throne. Not just for Gorethunder Cohort. I feel it’s hitting power is greater than Bloodmaster and Skullmaster. I also feel it’s got more utility, thanks to the 12 inch range on its command abilities (basically its new rule lets us treat it as the general for purposes of measuring range). Add that to bigger footprint, and I felt that I could spread out my Daemons more. It’s fast too, and can keep up with my Bloodcrusher hammer. It’s also durable enough to tank sniping attempts (Skullmaster should be fine too, but Bloodmaster will get squashed by the sniping tech out there). 

    Having larger bubble of locus of fury is also nice. In general, he can play double duty, buffing both close combat units and the skull Cannons following close behind. 

    I also like the fact that it’s very independent of artifacts. He honestly does not need any artifacts. Or at least he’s great with almost any artifact you want. 

    My overall verdict? For its points, I honestly like it a lot. Also, I’m looking to try a Skullseeker Host, which requires a Blood throne. 

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