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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. In the phase your unit is destroyed (in your opponents hero phase as an example) you can use 1 CP max to try and bring the unit back. If he wipes multiple units from his spells, too bad, you can only use it once. At least that's how I read it now.
  2. It was 100% broken before but to state it was changed to how they originally intended the batallion to be played is just wrong. Before the new unit was capped at 10 model size, and it was also added to the batallion which made infinite cycling possible throughout the game. The batallion is completely different now. It's pretty clear they just didn't think the Ardfist batallion through or play tested it at all with mass CP and 5 MSU Ardboyz units in mind.
  3. To be fair it sounds like you just had an awful game all around. As stated by multiple of us in the previous posts, a marker with a non-fantasy friendly print isn't what we are after.
  4. Well I got 2 out of 3 right 😄 https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/55c2cd0c.pdf
  5. Their website is pretty much chaos atm. The Skaven FAQ appeared under the 40k section. Multiple others only appear depending on how you sort by - If you sort by A-Z some appears, where as others will appear if you sort by Z-A etc. I'm pretty sure in a couple of days it'll be fine and you will be able to find all the correct FAQs where they usually are.
  6. The trigger is “when” a unit is destroyed. So if a unit is wiped by enemy spells = You can use a single CP in your opponents hero phase. He wiped another in the shooting phase = You can spend a single CP. So it is a single 50/50 per unit. Unless he wipes multiple units in a single phase.
  7. They might not have to change warscrolls at all. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a change to: Locus of Diversion, so it goes off on a 3+ from Keeper of Secrets and 5+ on the other heroes. Change to how depravity points are gained Change to the cost of summoning or the way summoning works (maybe increase costs or can only summon 1 unit like Khorne, then rest of the points are gone. Those kind of changes can just be FAQ'd since they are alligiance abilities.
  8. Ardboyz is still an amazing unit - I'll just be going Ironfist now instead of Ardfist I think.
  9. I mean we all knew it was cheesy as hell to run 5x5 Boyz and spam CPs to flood the edges of the board and it was 100% not intended to be played that way. I could still see it being worthwhile in a BW army with bigger sized units where you don't have *that* valuable CP spenders. I would have liked it to be spmmable until you succeed in a 4+ roll though, just to combat bad streaks.
  10. Change to the Ardfist batallion: So it can no longer be spammed. Small units is being discouraged since a unit of 5 boyz can't suddenly turn into a 10 man unit. Also can't recycle infinitely since the new unit isn't added to the batallion, but to the army instead.
  11. Saw this on the FB page - Not sure which PDF it is from but it is nice to finally have a FAQ on this. Edit: Found it in the Core Rules designers' commentary.
  12. It could have been handled better, sure, but it is hardly the end of the world. I have no idea why they aren't all released at the same time. Your guess is as good as mine. It could be to create hype (chaos - people talk about it on all platforms atm) or they simply push them out as they are approved in the different languages or whatever.
  13. I honestly don't see it as that big of a deal and expect it to be fixed within a day or two. I get it that people are excited to see their army buffed/nerfed right now and that is why it is annoying.
  14. They used a marker that was transparent. Seemed like a good middle ground for not ruining the table/fluff too much yet indicating range.
  15. If you were talking about lists with 2 MKs that is a different story for sure. Why are you going with 2 Weirdnobs? Are you banking on doing a lot of work with Wrath of Gork? If I was going BW with multiple casts I would for sure grab a Wordokk at least to dabble into the BS spell lore. It is honestly quite insane.
  16. I did a 2v2 not too long ago where we both fielded 1.000 pts. each. My friend brought his Seraphon so magic was his thing and his job was interrupting casts/removing endless spells. I did the killing in the combat phase. Do you know what his list will look like? Having some casters to counter armies that rely on buffs or on the magic phase is nice. Otherwise I would go with the second list you have and maybe reconsider the clan. You likely have little to no CPs so turn 1 combat is unlikely unless you both just move max distance ahead. I would personally skip Ironsunz (you wont really have CPs to make use of the countercharge CA anyways) and if you don't count on turn 1 combat, Ironsunz doesn't give you much. I would go no clan and grab Brutish Cunning + Ethereal Amulet on your Megaboss. It will make him hard to deal with in such a low pts. game imo.
  17. I used to think Big G was awesome too until I did quite a few games with him (I know you play him a lot). Sure he is a beast when he charges a hero and he wrecks face but from my experience the ordinary MK wrecks face too. The damage comparison you guys are making between them is irrelevant in my games since it is often overkill and the biggest problem is keeping him alive for more than 1 round of my opponent focusing him. That's where Ethereal Amulet or even Ignax's Scales (depending on meta/matchup) really come into play. His 6 points in BW is also irrelevant in my book since you have to go out of your way not to have all bonuses active by round 2. And Brutish Cunning is just too good not to pick in BW. It is just way too many points being pooled into 1 unit. In some of my games I even find the ordinary MK to be too many points and I often consider switching him out for the guy on foot and more bodies on the table.
  18. I was watching a tournament on the honestwargamer twitch some days ago and noticed they were using some flat objective markers with a 6" inch radius tracker. Seemed really smart to have it clearly indicate if units are within to capture an objective or not, rather than having to halfass measure it from the middle of whatever objective you decide to put down on the table. I didn't catch where they were from and google didn't give that many hits. Have anyone else purchased similar stuff? The closest to it I got was from http://3d6wargaming.com/neoprene-objective-markers-6/ My only issue is that they come in a pack of 6 rather than 8 and can imagine the looks being rather dominating on the battle field.
  19. Because Megabosses from the Orruk Warclans had a similar reflect ability that was FAQ'd. It read as any unmodified save of 6 would return 1 MW to the attacker. This was FAQ'd to only be reflected to attacks made by melee weapons. I know a lot of fluff can be questionable, but it is absurd for something to shoot 30" away only to randomly die due to blisters popping on the enemy?
  20. Sure give it a try for fun. I think you would be much better off getting some casters and warchanters instead of at least 1 big boy. Adding +1 damage to every attack is a big deal for just 110 pts. A caster doubling the Rogue Idols movement speed and giving it fly is also really big.
  21. I get what you mean but a hero like Archaon walking alongside his troops on foot - Really? That would never happen. I think it fits a demi-god like him to have a proper mount, and not just a random horse.
  22. Do you mean if you get to cast the spells? You need to field a BS caster to get access to their spell lore. If you mean if the buffs can affect IJ units, you have to look at the spell and see if it has a BS keyword or just "friendly units" in which case it'd be fine.
  23. I thought Gordrakk was gonna be a clear winner in Big Waagh, but the current top lists don't even bring him and in many lists you wont even see an ordinary Maw Krusha. It is really easy to generate at least 10+ points a turn in Big Waagh even without Gordrakk, and any additional points is kinda redundant outside of some special tactic aimed at activating the 24 pts. Waagh. - Even then, you will get to 24 pts. at the start of the combat phase if you generate 10 pts. a turn and then make charges/get into combat. So.. Gordrakk is just not killy enough, his CA is kinda lame and his defense is quite bad in a meta with units having 3+ rerollable saves and additional FNP ontop. I feel like he's in this weird spot where you sink way too many points into 1 character, but at the same time the model isn't expensive enough to make him some god-tier monster everyone has to play around. He's too easy to focus and take out, which is why people prefer more models. If he was fewer points but weaker, sure. If he was way more expensive but a crazy beast, sure. But currently? Nope. I feel like there is a space for Brutes, but they needed some unique rules, like more aimed at killing big monsters (+1 hit vs high wound models isn't enough of a benefit) or extra resilient against magic or whatever. They are tougher Ardboyz, so they should be the unit the Ironjawz field when they have to bring out the big guns to combat something truly terrifying/elite.
  24. Yeah I'm starting to think the same. You get D6 for having a general alive, 2 per Warchanter (you will field at least 2, maybe 3) and likely multiple units of either Ardboyz or maybe Arrowboyz. This results in 4 (2 pr. Warchanter) + 3,5 (average from D6) and 2-3 (depending on how many units of 10+ blocks of Boyz) if you use the 'Ere we go CA. Plently of ways to generate 10+ a turn, and that's without having heroes in combat, 10+ bodies charging etc. Generating more than 10 pts. a turn is really redundant unless you plan to spend some on +casting or plan on a big turn with the Waagh ability.
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