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Everything posted by Vomikron

  1. Transparency in this case would risk a lot of blowback considering they probably don’t even know when they’ll have anything released. I’d rather they stick to releasing everything as they are with no defined dates, which has already caused issues for them with the fan base throughout the pandemic. i realize they have a roadmap for 40K, but that is their flagship game after all and is understandably their top priority.
  2. I take your point but is it really Games workshops responsibility? Radicals of all varieties latch on to so many different things and that doesn’t make the original product evil because bad actors decide to adopt it. You can’t police every persons thoughts all over the world.
  3. It used to be a lot more obvious but around 3rd edition 40K they seemed to really lean into the grim darkness and left the satirical humor behind. It also doesn’t help their case that the Space Marines are consistently portrayed as heroes. Having said that I don’t think it’s necessary for a company to take a moral or political stand. They obviously have every right to if they so choose but not for a second have I ever felt, and I can’t see how anyone could, that GW created these settings as a way to show a world that they would want to be a reality. It just seems silly that they would need to state that.
  4. Good catch. I really wish we knew a little bit more about this one. I’m not a huge fan of the Kruleboyz but this model really does it for me.
  5. Agreed. Even worse, pronouncing the acronym.
  6. Unpopular Opinion: As a Community we should really take a hard look at the amount of insufferable nicknames we use for units and characters. Off the top of my head. Dobby for Marshcrawla, Kraggy for Kragnos. Any unit just use basic adjective and add “bois” (i.e. ghosty-bois, stabby-bois) Enough is enough.
  7. Mostly just sharing but I’m open to feedback. While it’s just for fun narrative games i would still like it to be at least a bit effective.
  8. I threw this list together trying to stick to the overall beastly theme of the Avengorii. I have some conversion ideas brewing involving some centaur Blood Knights. This list is in no way meant to be competitive. Army Name: Avengorri Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords Army Type: Avengorii Dynasty Battlepack: Pitched Battles Points Limit: 2000 pts General: Lauka Vai Grand Strategies: Beast Master Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Units Lauka Vai (General) Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 285 pts Vampire Lord Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 140 pts Vengorian Lord Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 280 pts Dire Wolves Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 135 pts Dire Wolves Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 135 pts Terrorgheist Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 305 pts Zombie Dragon Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 295 pts Blood Knights Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 195 pts Fell Bats Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 75 pts Vargheists Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 155 pts Total Points: 2000 pts Valid: Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  9. That’s a really good idea. Do you have any of your lore you could share?
  10. I have a really hard time wrapping my head around AoS lore because of its lack of grounding in a real world. The Mortal Realms seem to be a place where anything can, and will, happen. I think that this has its pros and its cons. I can sit and read 40K lore for hours, though it’s the absurdly far future it’s still set in our realm of comprehension. The mortal realms are just so vague and ill defined. Game system wise I much prefer AoS but I find myself consistently going back to 40K armies for their lore and deep history.
  11. I’m not getting a Japanese feel from the new Hobgrots. Maybe I’m projecting a bit but their helmets specifically feel like an industrialized Neo-Assyrian type deal.
  12. If it’s true that Chaos Dwarfs will come along eventually I really hope they more like the AoS model they released and less like the Forgeworld ones.
  13. I’ve always thought Chaos Dwarfs should be Destruction. They had black orcs, hobgoblins, and didn’t really fit into the Chaos faction.
  14. I can’t help but think I would be more excited for Kruleboyz if they were just Hobgrots and not weird toothless Orcs. the Hobgrot aesthetic really does it for me. Maybe when the full battletome comes out we’ll see some enough Hobgrot units for a full army.
  15. Did they mention what their source is for this info?
  16. To each his own. As a western civ history buff I liked WHFB for the European setting. The unknown regions hinted at a bigger world and that mystery was cool.
  17. I hope is not true personally. One aspect of WHFB was the somewhat limited scope of the world. There were whole continents that were completely unexplored and the sense of the unknown adds an extra weight to the setting. I loved the small rumors and stories that existed within the narrative about Cathay and Ind but adding them as an army would really throw off the feel of the Old World. What is Cathay doing roaming around in the Reiklands?
  18. Just had a thought. If these Hobgoblin rumors are true could it be that we’ll see a proper Chaos Dwarf release? With proper big hats, black orcs, and hobgoblin gits? I’ve always said they should be part of destruction instead of Chaos.
  19. Agreed. I don’t think they can sustain releasing 2-3 new factions a year.
  20. I really don’t the think the red is important. They’re just embers to give the trailer an atmospheric effect. Just look at nearly every movie poster for action/thriller/superhero movies from the last 5 years. They all have these glowing cinders.
  21. I wonder if this is a sign of a new edition which spreads things out narratively a little more. Some new terrain sets would be welcome. I just have the feeling that, as far as physical releases go, Warcry is going on the back burner. Still pretty great that they’re adding new digital content.
  22. I think this is a good point. They also teased the return of square bases, which Warmaster would need, way back when and for some reason I find it hard to believe that they would go back to rank and file units, it just seems so outdated for 32mm scale. Considering how popular Age of Sigmar has become im worried The Old World will be a step backward. I suppose you can easily make the argument that nostalgia by definition is a step backward though. I would much prefer the Boxed Games crew to take over The Old World in 10-12mm and have Forge World do supplementary units.
  23. I think this would be pretty cool actually. Lots of cool design possibilities from a modeling perspective.
  24. I would like to see Malerion make an appearance but I’m not sure I’m sold on the shadow-demon-Aelf thing yet. I would like to see Gnoblars make a comeback in some way but im not sure how you can effectively differentiate them from Goblins. One thing I’ve learned from Age of Sigmar is that GW has been very capable in making me want factions I would have no interest in on paper (Idoneth and Kharadron come to mind) so I am sure that whatever they come up with will be great. Ossiarch are about the only exception. They’re a faction that I live the lore and basic idea of but absolutely hate the models.
  25. I would like to see a Warcry influence on Age of Sigmar. Warcry has by far been my favorite GW game and I think wandering beasts would be a great wild card in games. I would like the game to move away from Heroes and big monsters and centerpieces. I understand that this is a huge draw for a lot of players so I don’t hold out much hope for that.
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