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Everything posted by Sttufe

  1. Aether War set finally arrives, and I am getting it assembled soon. Playing with a friend once we get them assembled, and he has never played before. We have purely the contents of the box, and I was thinking of using some trickery. He has never played, and am planning to build out full wardens, while emphasizing how great riggers are all around. Then when he prepares to sit back at range, I charge in with my wardens. Thoughts and suggestions? (everything charges in, including the master and hauler provides ranged support with the sky cannon shrapnel)
  2. plus, on top of that consider this set of facts: 1. They are dwarves. When all's said and done they're dwarves, making them the best army 2. They have balloons. Dwarves+Balloons=Amazing 3. They have boats with ballons. I want my cool naval battles, but there is not water? Why, give it a balloon! 4. Finally, they not only have top hats, BUT THEY HAVE STEAMPUNK TOPHATS. I am just saying, tactics or whatever the heck you want included, there was a dice roll to see who would get which side. (PS, winner takes KO and I won). They are simply the most amazing factions. Also I have the naivety of never playing a game with them so WHATEVER.
  3. I am rooting for specialed out guys, as I am planning for them to be in a collapsible in a gunhauler, supporting a sky warden charge, so the don't need range because the enemy has rather more pressing matters far closer to them, and even the shorter range won't matter. (unless wardens fail their charge roll, then it's a they all die together). In the end, probably personal preference and the way you play. Edit: Names are a cool idea, and I am totally naming my ships.
  4. Hey uh, quick question, I am getting an Aether War box set and my friend and i are gonna split it. what is about the effectiveness competitively of the Tzeentch side of the set, especially the custom hero unit, as he is more a player where as I am a collector? This is in comparison to the effectiveness of the faction as a whole of course.
  5. so continuing with the list, and keeping recent ideas in mind (thx @readercolin), I want one unit which is fast, mobile, can kite, long range, and I am thinking of 6 endrinriggers (2 drills) on a gunhauler (drill) as deepstrike but also maintaining the range. Then a second gunhauler (sky cannon) with attached 6 wardens to charge screens and clear objectives, combined with specialed out thunderers, who provide long range support for the wardens in a collapsible compartment. Then followed by two frigates, loaded with 10 arkanauts each, which are kind of a boots on the ground, my own chaff and generic I gotta get something here and it doesn't have to stay there for long, and supported by the frigates main sky cannons, then paired with 3 bombers who can get the arkanauts out of a sticky situation, and then work out the command stuff and artifacts/endrinworks later. Thoughts and ideas, this coming from a person with 0 experience, would love feedback.
  6. holy heck I forgot how much I loved looking at these conversion! I love the incoporation of dragons, and the witchhunters are super cool!
  7. So I have been mulling over a list, would a unit of 3 wardens be good and wouldn't get chewed up that fast, or should I up it to 6 to kind of have that block effect? (speaking from the point of an armchair tactician of course)
  8. My financial plan right now 😅 thanks for the advice. I am looking at probably a hard and fast, high damage army build right now (6 riggers and 3 wardens, 2 gunhaulers, an arkanaut company, thunderers, and cool endrinmaster dude. (hopefully within the next few months, probably more ) Any good ideas to flesh out that build? In the end I am gonna have to go with the Aether War set because my friend would love some Tzeetch guys. (also I suck at conversions)
  9. Holy Heck. I know I am a bit (a lot) late to the party, but I just noticed the new battle tome and that got me started thinking (along with an infusion of funds) maybe I should start collecting again. Is there anything particularly special about it other than the shoot form ships and the new battleline options (and GOLD)? EDIT: Haha funny joke they raised their prices when I wasn't looking.
  10. Or, they didn't give KO endless spells. Woah! I know, very strange concept, but keep factions unique. Make it so that KO can get rid of magic like Khorne but not use their own special magic. Maybe they can use really powerful machines that have to be called down or something, but not endless spells.
  11. Sorry about the inaccurate time findings. I wasn't really trying all that hard and I didn't really know where to look for dates On another note, those guys look super cool!
  12. Super cool, can't wait to see what those other units look like!
  13. Umm... 19th of March, almost 2 years ago. Very close to the age of our battletome actually. Khorne, not any of the others. As far as I can tell, Skavens was somewhere in 2018 and FeC was somewhere in 2017, so most newer or the same age as ours. Edit: Skaven was in as far as I can tell, don't pay attention to it.
  14. But I want it nowwwww. srsly though, I have to agree. This combined with what @Ashman said makes this seem very plausible.
  15. I was being sarcastic, as in @Mordeus wanted more battline, and I said they would remove the one we have. You have to have the legal amount of battleline in order to play at tournaments*. Friendly games you're covered. *Don't quote me on that, that's my understanding of it.
  16. Aww, who needs battleline units, they'll just remove the companies battleline status. Who even wants to play at tournaments?
  17. Clearly evidence for the 100% guaranteed new IDK Endless Spell. Clearly.
  18. I dunno, that's what every squat player had to do when they died out* and had to move to other factions (*cough cough* Kharadron Overlords *cough cough*). *My understanding of what happened to the original squats is incomplete, forgive me if I am wrong.
  19. Yes, I admit it, I may be the tiniest bit cynical. However, this is not the most cynical I have ever been. Ya know, just saying. lol yah i mean make it a add on thing like - Rod of embarking - cost 15 points? . Where the navigator groups with Order alliance and uses it as a tour guide Or, a new unit: Aethermatic Tour Guide. And, while we're thinking about the most annoying jobs, Aetheric Furniture Store Employees. Jokes aside though, that would make a nice addition to any army, regardless of the way it's implemented.
  20. Whoever did this, looks like a super cool unit. Can't wait to see it disemboweling SCEs by the dozens.
  21. Could happen but I doubt it. It is very specific about skyfarers being the only one allowed onto any transport, which kinda makes sense. Although that would make the navigator semi-useful.
  22. Oh, this is easy. So you roll three dice. If ALL of them are ones, the spell disappears. But of course, you roll once a battle.
  23. Definitely Endless Grudges for Barak Thryng, and everybody else gets Endless Gadgets.
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