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Everything posted by Liquidsteel

  1. Feedback from my side is that you seem to have everything figured out, lists look good for sure. Definitely good to take two Terrorgheists, before a Zombie Dragon, for the Mortal Wounds potential. 2-drop is legal as you say and is something I toyed with in Azyr myself, though haven't had a chance to run it myself. I would opt for the extra CP in list 1, as you will be looking to Feezing Frenzy with both Terrorgheists as much as you can. You could also try the list out as Gristlegore, as the Strike First trait is really valuable, along with the exploding 6s, and being able to safely charge in and delete something, knowing that if the opponent counter charges you in their turn you can activate when you die, is really strong!
  2. Yeah, I'd like to see the Mortarchs go to 15/16 wounds, maybe Mannfred to a 3+ save also. Up the damage and they can be in the 480-500 points mark. They should be scary to engage / be near.
  3. As for the Horrors, I really liked them! They can do decent damage with just a hero nearby and make for a good counterpunch unit.
  4. I actually wouldn't change it, though I'll see how I get on with it. I have tried gristlegore with 2x TG and 1x ZD mounted kings, plus AAR and 3 x 10 ghouls. It's certainly very fun also. Running Royal Family battalion for the 4 drops. As to which I prefer, still too early to say. I only have around 20 games with FEC overall and the new lockdown measures here in Liverpool aren't helping.
  5. Both would probably work. Blisterskin gives you that crazy speed and allows you to relocate flying units for a CP. Vs shooting armies or those with threat of double turn you can null deploy at the board edge then reposition as needed. Feast day gives you freedom on the traits and artefacts and also up to 10 CP a game. Try both! Also look at two varghulfs, and 20 more ghouls for summoning. With 2 varghulfs you can bring the 9 flayers back to full time and time again.
  6. 4 battle line at 2000? Interesting... why have they decided that? I would drop the horrors and go deadwatch with the below maybe? Any chance you can go back to Blisterskin? TGA.PDF
  7. As FEC my understanding is that you build to kill the opponent and/or pin him in his deployment whilst you win the game over the first 3 turns. That way if you don't kill them they only have 2 rounds to score and can't catch you up. Theres no reason you can't have two terrorgheists (or a TG and a ZD) alongside a block of 40. In your current list you have points tied up in units that you don't want (2x3 flayers, foot King, crypt infernal) but you can ditch them going forward if you plan to stick with the army. I have 3 lists I'm experimenting with, all slightly different and its a blast.
  8. Basically your options are awkward (as I'm sure you know) because you have redundant parts of the list regardless of how you change it. I would get a second Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, because after this escalation is done you will want to run two of them at some point. Buff them with the extra attacks and hope for 6's for those MW's. Once the league is done you can write and take more cohesive lists.
  9. Ah yeah okay I understand now. Do you have an example of the list you are planning for 2000 points? Deadwatch is an option (never played it myself), as is Royal Mordants (stick the 6 horrors back in). Are you allowed to merge the 6 flayers in to one unit?
  10. Your list isn't very well structured, in that you've kind of just taken a random bunch of things. You haven't mentioned what spells you're taking, nor the mount trait for the Ghoul King on Terrorgheist. I would recommend Feast Day with Ghoul Patrol with 2 x Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, Archregent, Crypt Ghast Courtier, 40/10/10 Ghouls and Chalice as a relatively simple and balanced starting list for FEC. You get a big block of ghouls which can be surprising punchy, and two huge threats with the Terrogheists. Make the Archregent your general and stick the casting trait and artefact for a reliable caster. Feast day means you can do all of your summoning without worrying about CP for Feeding Frenzy, or clutch battleshock immunity/charge reroll.
  11. No I haven't actually, though I do have one painted as I was using it in my Feast Day/Ghoul Patrol list for that +3/+2 Archregent and helping the two Terrorgheists get off their spells at +1. Adding it would push the list to 5 drops, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Most lists that go for low drop are 3 or less, so going from 4 to 5 doesn't make a huge difference I suppose. FEC are still super CP hungry even with Hellish Orator as Blisterskin, and I daresay I'd prefer the safety net of an extra CP than +1 to cast, though it does offer an extra model to cap a home objective.
  12. So the tournament yesterday was a blast, and I managed to finish 2-1 with my first outing with the Blisterskin Royal Mordants. You can check the results and lists on tabletop.to here. Due to social distancing guidelines, the 10 man tournament was effectively played in two "pods", I was in group of 4 (we all played each other once) and the other pod was a 6. This meant that normal swiss pairings didn't apply. Game 1 vs Munificent Wanders Nurgle with 60 Plaguebearers, 30 Blight Kings and some small characters in Forcing the Hand I thought this one would have been harder than it was, as the army had over 200 wounds and a lot of FNP and negatives to hit. I deployed along the line with the flayers in the middle, and the Terrorgheist to one one side facing off against his 30 Blightkings. He had the Witherstave on the Harbinger of Decay with them, a block of 30 PB's in the middle and the other block of 30 PB's on the other flank with his general. He was 3 drops and gave me first turn, and I managed to get off all my spells, putting +3 attacks, 5+ FNP and extra movement on to my group of 9 flayers. He severely underestimated the 36" movement range of the flayers, which meant that after charging I had engaged both his General (Lord of Blights) and his first squad of 30 Plaguebearers, with my Flayed Pennant Varghulf and a summoned Varghulf in support. I didn't go after the Blightkings, as despite them not having a FNP up, I didn't want to engage inside the aura of the Witherstave. I managed to kill his general and around 20 plaguebearers in two activations (losing 4 flayers and wound to mortal wound bouncebacks and his return swings), the rest then running to battleshock (you can see the positioning in the first image attached). The remainder of my army advanced and scored both mine and his middle objectives, with the Terrorgheist partly screened by a unit of 10 ghouls. In his turn he moved up, electing not to engage the flayers with his second squad of PB's, and charged my Terrorgheist and Ghouls with all 3 squads of Blightkings. Unfortunately he rolled poorly and only dealt 4 wounds to the Terrorgheist, which swung back and took out 5 Kings in return. He won the double turn and took it, charging my Varghulf and taking back both his objectives plus one of mine, at this point I was scared however again he rolled poorly, and the Terrorgheist survived. In response I summoned back all the flayers and proceeded to both cap his objectives, and decimate his army. All in all I only lost 10 Ghouls and 1 Crypt Horror by the time we finished rolling at the end of turn 3 and the round time was up. Major win and both secondaries scored. In hindsight he should have gone first, activated his buffs and marched on to the objectives, would have been much harder and he won every priority anyway. Game 2 vs Mortis Praetorians OBR with 3 x Crawler, 1 Harvester and a 40 man squad of Mortek in Battle for the Pass This game was against the UK Grand Champion and my first time facing OBR, but ended up very close. Deployment can be seen in image 2. I took the turn and scored 5, charging a +1 attacks 5+fnp flayer squad in to a unit of 10 Mortek, attempting to charge a summoned unit of 3 into the edge of his 40 to tie them up. I failed the charge with the 3x Flayers, and with 46 dice only rolled 3 MW's with my unit of 9x, leaving the 10 man Mortek unit on 2 men. In his turn + the double, he shot off my flayers and Varghulf and killed the 10 ghouls on one objective. In response I summoned 20 ghouls behind him, and made an 11 inch charge to take his objective and tie up 2 crawlers, whilst engaging the third with my 3x Flayers. I also charged the TG and Horrors in to his big unit of Mortek. After some back and forth I was up 17-12 and we rolled for priority turn 4. He rolled a 2, and I rolled a cocked 5. Needing anything but a 1, I rolled a 1, and he promptly shot off my remaining units. To be fair to James, he gave me a couple of take-backs and also helped steer some of my decisions, though after the game he also explained a much better way of approaching the match up (running my flying units out of range / null deploying them then using CP to teleport them behind him after he had moved up). A great learning experience, and I still scored one of my secondaries (would have been two had I won that roll off). Game 3 vs Ironjawz with Gordrakk and an Iron Fist Battalion, lots of Ardboyz in The Blade's Edge This game was a total disaster for my opponent, who admittedly had only 3 games with the army under his belt and wasn't very clued up to what I could do. I gave him first turn and he moved up, but failed a charge in to my ghouls. In my turn I buffed my Flayers and took out his right flank, whilst lining up on the edge of my objectives across the board. I won the roll off and gave him prio, removing one of his objectives. He called a WAAGH and charged everything forward, and this proved to be a mistake. He elected to try and dent my flayers, which he did, however in response I double activated the unit of Horrors in to his Gordrakk. He failed a lot of saves and took 14 wounds, only managed to kill 4 Horrors in return. My Archregent then piled in from 2.5" away and finished off Gordrakk. I proceeded to then take his army apart in turn 2 and 3, whereupon he was left with one unit of Ardboyz and we called it. Major win and both secondaries scored. Overall I finished third, and had I won that prio in game 2 I actually would have won the tournament. Having said that, it wasn't a super serious outing and wouldn't really have been a "proper" tournament victory. Still I learned a lot about this list and have plenty to build upon moving forward. Sorry if this was a bit of a ramble, haven't tried typing up any reports before.
  13. So I'm attending a local tournament here at our club in Liverpool this weekend, it's going to be a tough one as it's a very competitive club and I'm still fairly green. My list will be Royal Mordants in Blisterskin as below. It will be my first outing with this list and so the aim is to have fun and get to grips with what it can do, I take no credit for it, it was used by Steve Curtis to decent success in several tournaments last year. My main experience with FEC has been around 20 games with either Gristlegore or Feast Day. The list has excellent Alpha Strike potential, with the 9 x Flayers able to cover 28" before you add in the extra 4" move spell and/or run and charge. Plan will likely be to throw them forward, using the command ability to relocate the flayed pennant varghulf behind them to grant rerolls on charges and also bring them back. I can then summon in another Varghulf plus a unit of flayers and hopefully pin the enemy in place in their deployment, whilst rolling 12 dice to resurrect them each turn. Terrorgheist and 6 horrors can form the second wave or catch any units that try to move out on to the board. If I roll a 4+ for Hellish Orator turn one, I may just throw caution to the wind and relocate the TG 9" away also, but only if the opponent doesn't have any means to drop in to the back line. Anyway should be fun, I may report back if people are interested.
  14. Facehammer guys discussed a Legion of Night build leaning in to two big blocks of 40 skellies, backed up by a necro and Wight king Mannfred and some Vargheists used to round out his battalion and offer some flanking threats. Seems like a solid list, though I have no interest in painting 90 skeletons.
  15. Most abilities that can heal multi wound models also resurrect 1 wound models, more or less.
  16. So with the rise of the shooting meta (Tzeentch, KO, LRL and to a degree Seraphon) I'm considering dusting off my old Legion of Grief army but running them as Nighthaunt. The ability to null deploy troops at the start can do a lot to protect them from nasty arrows and bullets. I have never played Nighthaunt specifically, so could anyone enlighten me as to which lists are strong at the moment?
  17. I'm 99% sure that the way the Harvester works, he saves and allocates each wound individually. So every time he fails a save / death save he can roll for the Harvester, before moving on to the next save. In this instance he can do what he did no problem.
  18. I've used them alongside a big unit of 40 rasps to fill out my battleline. Usually stick them on the flanks to screen Bladegheists and/or threaten objectives, as they're nice and fast. I've had them sneak an objective or two.
  19. Reason I ask is it came up on a Twitter thread with a list containing 3 mounted kings. People saying it's legal as the mounts are subheadings/subtitles?
  20. What's the general consensus on mounted kings in Royal Family? Is it legal to take 3 mounted kings or are you limited to one? Is it a case of RAW vs RAI, considering the FAQ the Charnel Throne received? I'm sure it's been discussed before, however I'm on mobile and searching is hard.
  21. Not sure if that really holds up, you can put a Stonehorn army together for around £150 and it's definitely no slouch!
  22. My local gaming group includes one of the GW playtesters, and has still been discussing LoG in the chat, so I think we're okay. I've got my first game back tonight, vs the hugely buffed Blight Cyst Nurgle, which should be fun. I'm going to run Mannfred and Olynder as I only painted them in March and so never got to try them out on the table. With no Aetherqyartz Broach or Vassal of the Craven King, there'll be no CP farming, so I've tweaked the list ever so slightly. Removed the Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed as there'll be no more spamming +1 attack, which leaves 120 points free. I can either swap for a Spirit Torment or drop 5 Bladegheists as well and put Reikenor in. I've opted for the Spirit Torment despite the overlap with Mannfred, as with 30 Bladegheists the torment will provide value, and the range on Mannfred degrades. Additionally in the current meta, spellcasting is getting harder, so thinking to not try pushing it. Thoughts? Mortarchs of Grief.PDF
  23. Yeah, flayers could also be good. If I'm reading it correctly, the Cathalar battleshock bounceback ability has a range of 18", however can only be bounced to a unit that must take a battleshock test itself. So a heavy round of shooting but no charges (if you don't think you can wipe them out) might be the way to soften them up. I'll see how things go, but might look in to expanding my collection of flayers to try out Blisterskin Deadwatch.
  24. Cheers for the input, I've listened to a few of the podcasts and they seem to say the same; either take him out ASAP or ignore and go for the rest of the army. Either way you just have to accept it...
  25. So with Teclis hitting soon, the new realm lords will definitely be hitting us with the double command points spell. As someone who picked up FEC as my isolation army I still haven't put them on the table, hoping for a change next month as I'm almost done painting. My query is whether this threat will move Feast Day to the de-facto choice over Gristlegore, at least in tournament settings where you can't pick and choose your list based on the opponent? I'm also curious how detrimental the auto dispel of chalice will be, as Teclis gets to auto unbind one each turn. Lords of Change can do something similar; how have people found dealing with that?
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