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Everything posted by martinwolf

  1. Uh, that could be nice. https://www.games-workshop.com/Warhammer-Chronicles-The-Orion-Trilogy-PB-2019?utm_campaign=BLPreOrder27072019&utm_source=Warhammer+Community&utm_medium=Post&utm_content=BLPreOrder27072019 Maybe the new Shadespire wood elf wild hunt beast warband thing could have something to do with Orion? I know, Orion is (supposed) to be dead in Age Of Sigmar, but you never know. Seems like an odd coincidence that they release this book now, don't you think? But maybe I'm reading too much into it.
  2. I just hope they announce which Order Units will go very soon because currently you can't really buy anything aelves, human or disposessed related. I'll paint up my remaining 5 wild riders and then just wait and paint some Sylvaneth until we know more. Even thought the Glade Guard kit/sculpts are really old, I can't really imagine the unit leaving AoS. It is THE (wood) elf archer type unit. I'd rather see Sisters of the Watch go. They just don't fit into the wood elf wanderers theme in my opinion. Giving them the hooded heads from Glade Guards made it better, but still...
  3. I mean, I was already building a Living City force with a lot of Wanderers in it, so that will be even better. Still sad that we will probably never see a Wanderers Battletome and most likely no Aelves Battletome. They also say some Order Units will be phased out later this year. So we’ll see if it hits some Wanderers units. But I think it’s really good to see that Wanderers are featured very prominently on one photo on the Warhammer Community Open Day Live Blog.
  4. They actually look better than I had remembered. So... they started with the Wanderers keyword in AoS? I didn’t know that, I only came back to the hobby around August last year. Too bad. Why GW, why.
  5. Thank you! I had to carve out a bit out of the Glade Guards heads. But it’s tricky, you can’t carve too much because the back of the head will hit the high collar of the cloak. But I think it looks good enough and wasn’t too much work. Yes, I’m not the biggest fan or the hearts either. Doesn’t really fit the Wanderers aesthetic (at least what I’m going for), but in the end I think I’ll just live with it. Thank you very much! Thank you! I agree 100%. I wish they would have kicked out the Sisters and just kept the Waywatchers in the Wanderers faction. I don’t even care what the rules are, tho I even like the Waywatcher rules in AoS more than the Sisters of the Watch. Not the biggest fan of the old Waywatcher models, but you could make epic conversions for them. I even have very very old metal Waywatchers and Pathfinders (?) from back in the day, they still look really cool.
  6. I finished my first unit of Sisters of the Watch. After painting the test model I decided to swap out all the other heads and use the hooded heads from the Glade Guards. It’s a theme that runs through my army, everything that can have a hood, will probably get one. The sister without the hood will act as the High Sister, even though the pose is just the regular one. Would be even better if the unique pose (second row, right) had the normal head, but I’m afraid to break too much when trying to swap the two. Hope you like ‘em! It was my first try at dirty cloaks, done by dry brushing. I like the result.
  7. They look awesome! Great job! The Lion Rangers bodies with the fur on the back really fits the Wildwood Rangers nicely. Visually and also fluff wise. Fits in with the rules nicely, too.
  8. Hey, I was wondering, when I run the Waystone Pathfinders Battalion, do I have to set all units aside at the start of the game or could I deploy a couple of the units normally and then put the rest aside?
  9. @Lord PantherThey look all really really nice! Can you tell me what colors you use for the grot skin?
  10. @Trevelyan Awesome, thank you! So I can navigate out of combat and still charge, that’s incredible.
  11. Hello fellow tree people! I have a question regarding the new Navigate Realmroots Allegiance Ability. I know, the new BT is not out yet, but I assume most of you already know the rules. I have played a couple small games with the new rules and was wondering if I can use the Navigate Realmroots to retreat out of combat. It says “Instead of making a normal move in your movement phase, 1 friendly SYLVANETH unit wholly within 6” of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD can navigate the realmroots.” Is a retreat move considered a normal move? If so, I can retreat out of a combat. If not, I think I’m stuck in combat?
  12. I have to say, I was a bit down after learning, that Glade Guard didn’t drop in points and that “extend allegiance abilities” was just a marketing phrase and that we’ll only get point changes. But seeing the influx of people here and the positivity makes me happy and motivated again. Can’t wait to field my Wanderers force in a Meeting Engagement on the weekend.
  13. @swarmofsealsThank you a lot for the detailed post and your replies further into the thread. It’s really nice to read someone who has obviously some knowledge, does critical thinking, is also grown up enough to agree and disagree and does all that in a very friendly way. Thanks!
  14. It sounds good but Glade Guard staying at 120 without a discount at 30 is really disappointing.
  15. All points updates according to a YouTube video where someone apparently has the whole profiles book. 160 Waystone Pathfinders 160 10x Sisters of the Watch 120 10x Wildwood Rangers 100 5x Wild Riders 210 5x Sisters of the Thorn 80 Wayfinder
  16. Hello and welcome! That’s awesome. I also used the hooded heads for the eternal guards, good taste! 😄
  17. @overtninjaThanks for the clarification! I played a 20 man WWR today for the first time. I proxied them for a test game. They really put out a lot of damage, especially with the rerolling 1s from the Nomad Prince. Might have to buy some models. 😄 Regarding the new GHB19, I’m really excited for any changes/improvements, no matter how small they are. 😊
  18. @overtninjaFirst of all, congrats on winning two games, that’s awesome and give me motivation to keep trying with my beloved tree elves. I really like the scribbled bat reps, even though I needed some time to make some sense of it. 😬 I only have one question about game 1 where you write “I attempted a pretty vigorous refused flank, using my WF to teleport my WWR and SotW across the field to take the flank”. How could you teleport 2 units at once? Or was it over two turns? Anyway, awesome to read and if you have, I’d love to see photos of your army on new round bases. Long live the wood elves!
  19. I just double checked with Azyr and sadly @awcamawnis right. 😢 I don’t get why GW wouldn’t make the melee unit battleline for a melee general...
  20. Uh yeah, very interested to hear about your time and results. Photos would be awesome, too. Interesting that you pick a Waystrider and even make him the General. Can you talk about the reasoning behind that decision? Also I'm very curious to hear how the 10x unit of Wild Riders will do. Are you running them with shields?
  21. Hey, since I’m a Wanderers player I can’t really help with your Seraphon-learning, but I’m confused by you opponent using the Living City Allegiance and also teleporting (Realm Wanderers Ability). If you opponent plays the Living City, he only gets the Living City Allegiance Abilities, which is deploying “in the shadows/off the board”. But he does not get the Wanderers Allegiance Abilities, which means no Realm Wandering (and no retreat and shoot).
  22. Only problem is you can’t have Wood Elves as Allies for Wanderers. You could play Grand Alliance Order to have an army consisting of Wood Elves and Wanderers, but then you lose all Wanderers Allegiance Abilities, Command Traits and Artefacts.
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