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Blog Entries posted by Eevika

  1. Eevika
    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table.

    I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model. 

    My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for this model I felt like it really needed another color to make it pop more so I asked some people what would be best and after many recommendations I decided to go for a nice bright orange and I think it really fits nicely. This picture also shows well the addition of mushrooms all over the model. Even though my Troggoth army is based on swamp themed bases with lots of water effects the mushrooms really tie it to my Grots and Squigs that are based on more rocky bases but with lots of mushrooms. The base on this model was definitely one of the most fun parts of the process of creating it.

    Here we see a detail shot of the base with the small Free Guild soldier hiding from the lumbering Hag. I love the base I did here. The water effects came out nicely and the base that comes with the Hag looks really nice after I added all kinds of fun stuff like mushrooms and skulls to it.
  2. Eevika
    Decided to do a quick little tutorial on how I do bases for my Troggoths. Here I'm working on a 60mm base thats for my new Dankhold Troggboss. 
    Materials used in this tutorial are.
    Cork trivet from Ikea Mushrooms from The Battleforge Skulls from GW  Sand and rocks from my yard Flock from Gale force nine Wasteland Tufts from Armypainter Vallejo Water Texture Paint and PVA Glue
    So starting out I just used a pencil to mark the size of my base on the cork trivet and then placed the Troggoth inside the circle marking out where his feet went. Then it's just kinda hacking away at the cork until it looks good. Don't really know how else to explain it  I then add the mushrooms and skulls to different places I used a bunch of mushrooms all around the base and added skulls to the part where the water goes they peek nicely from under the water when we are done. Masking the transition from the cork to base I use small rocks and sand everywhere you can see black parts or the base. 
    The entire base is Primed Mechanicus Standard Gray and then painted. It's all very basic so I'm not going to start listing all the paints but one tip I want to give is that stipling some Deathworld Forest and Skarsnik Green on the rocks makes a very nice mossy look. After everything on the base is painted I paint the rim black and add my tufts and moss flock. 

    So now we get to the exiting part. Water effects. First up you want to tape the edge where you will be applying your water. You want to make sure there are no places where the water will escape so be patient and put a good amount of tape everywhere. I use Vallejo Water Texture and it's in it self clear so I apply some Athonian Camo Shade in it and mix it in a cup before using a large syringe to apply the water effect on to the base. I usually put around 3 layers of water effect but the tape is on there only for the first one. When you apply your first layer of water effect you let it dry for around 12-15 hours and then remove the tape. You will notice the water has creeped up the tape as it dried and kinda formed a wall in it self around the base. I use this for my next two layers and just fill the base until it meets the edge that dried against the tape. On the third coat of water effect I apply some leafs before it dries so they will get stuck in the water. Now you will most likely get some water effect on the edge of your base but after everything is dry and solid I just go around the base rim with some more black paint and it looks perfect.
    And thats how I make my bases! Pretty simple and easy! 
  3. Eevika
    So I finished my first unit of Blightkings yesterday after a long break from painting stuff. Im very happy with how they came out and have two more units unpainted. Next I might work on a Verminlord Corruptor or a block of Plague Monks have to see what I'm feeling like. 

    So here is the full unit of Kings

    These two are my favourite ones I did. I really love the helmets on these guys.

    And here is everything I have ready right now. 5 Monks, 5 Blightkings, Lord of Plagues and a Glottkin. The tree behind there is still a WIP but it will be a nice Gnarlmaw proxy
  4. Eevika
    I started off my Nurgle army by purchasing a Glottkin and really making my list around that. I saw someone do this tree kitbash on reddit and decided to do it aswell and go for a Ghyran based Nurgle army. I got some tree trunks and stumps from Grabblecast and a ton of tufts from different places to make nice woodland bases and I think its coming along really nice. I still have to make the guys riding  the big dude but It's already looking pretty good!
    The back side on this model has to be my favourite part so much nice detail to do! I'm really pleased with the eyes and the banner thingy. 

    Painting the Glottkin has been really educational. I'm currently trying to just get a good method to painting figured out that requires as little edge highlighting as possible and I think i'm getting pretty close. 
  5. Eevika
    So here we see the current Troggoth situation. We have a Hag, Gargant thats made from a 6th ed Gargant and Troggoth parts and I actually have 6 Fellwater Troggoths painted already but here we see 3 in the picture. I have 3 more being painted right now and 6 more still waiting in my drawer. 

    Now my armies wont be 100% Troggoths as I'm putting in a single Madcap Shaman for some spell casting and Hand of Morking stuff around. The amazing horde clearing spell that is Morks Mighty Mushroom is also joining my army.
     I'm really exited about picking up the Troggboss tomorrow and placing a preorder for Mollog. I'm trying to finish my 3 Fellwater troggoths today so I can immediately start working on the Troggboss. I have a practice game next week where I will be playing the Troggherd and I'll be sure to do a small report on how it went here on my blog.
  6. Eevika
    Now while they arent exactly Troggoths or even playable in the Gitz allegiance I do think Fimir fit the aesthetic of a swampy Troggoth army very well. So I got warriors and a Noble so I could play them in Meeting Engagement games and I think they turned out great.

    The Fimirach Noble is a lovely model I love the cape and the pose he has going on! I am also happy that the water effects on his base came out pretty nice and smooth a few of the warrior bases werent that great. 

    Here are the warriors they look so nice in a unit I kinda want more of them giving them the super high reeds coming from the water makes them look like they are lurking in the swamps I think the hunched poses add to that feel as well. 

    I really wanted them to have a grimy look so I added some dried mud looking weathering to their robes and over all I'm very happy with the robes. I also tried Vallejo Metal color jet exhaust on the dark metal parts and I'm in love. Definitely some of the best metal paint out there. 
  7. Eevika
    I decided to paint this cheapo model before messing around with the 2 other Glott brothers so I could nail down the paint scheme for my Nurgle mortals and I think it turned out pretty fantastic. Practicing blends on this model was a lot of fun and I really how the helmet came out the darker edged really pull your eye to his face. I'm also really enjoying the color combination I have found here the green goes really nicely with the pale purple and the orange accents the green perfectly.
    I think I'm slowly nailing down a good painting process for myself just working mostly with glazing, shades and drybrushing. I really suck at edge highlighting so I'm trying to find a way to do nice looking stuff with out it. I know this way of painting doesn't pop as much but I think it still has a good ammount of depth and looks quite pleasing to the eye. 

  8. Eevika
    After looking at lists to go well with my Glottkin I decided that adding some Skaven would be a fantastic way to go so I started with a plague furnace. Using a lot of colors I used in my Glottkin I ended up at a pretty nice finish

    Even though this model is a pretty big pain in the ass to paint because of the multiple subassemblies I did love doing all the weathering on this model. Adding a lot of moss to the wood and stone and rust to the metal it does really look nice and worn.
    The part I'm most proud of is probably the smoke. I had a lot of fun glazing the nice blends on it. For basing on this model I decided to keep it quite simple just a few rocks a bunch of rats under and around the furnace and then about 3 different types of tufts to create a nice lush Ghyran inspired base for quite low effort. 
  9. Eevika
    So here it is my list build around the beauty that is the Glottkin. With a few extras I painted along the way. The list I'm currently playing is 

    The Glottkin
    Verminlord Corruptor
    Plague Priest on Plague Furnace

    5x Blightkings
    5x Blightkings
    5x Blightkings
    40x Plague Monks
    40x Plague Monks
    1 Extra Commandpoint
    I have currently played 2 one day tournaments placing second and fourth with a combined score of 4/2. Also won best army both times. 

    I got this Glottkin on sale at my LGS at the start of the year and slowly started building an army that would make the most out of the buffs he gives. My choice was between Plague Monks and Chaos Marauders but I like the Skaven aesthetic more so I went with Plague Monks. The theme behind this army started to shape up after I decided on a list. Glottkin has formed a temporary alliance with a Verminlord Corruptor after most of his own army was wiped out by Alarielles troops. Now Glottkin and the Verminlord are going on a massive raid trough Ghyran together. 

    Verminlord is an amazing model to paint and definitely one of my favourite GW sculpts. 
    Now of course when going on a massive raid you need a priest with you to pray to the Great Horned Rat and to Nurgle as well.
    Now Glottkin has a bunch or pretty Blightkings defending him at all times!

    He also needs something to summon so I made this unit of 10 Plague Bearers. (Probably need more though)

  10. Eevika
    My LGS started a slow grow league for AoS and I decided to join up with up Kharadron Overlords. I have had the models for this army for a while now but never got up to painting them. Now with the arrival of my airbrush and this league I hope I can keep up with the 250 points a month goal. My list for the first month is an Aether Khemist and 5 Grundstock Thunderers. Because Grimdark is the trend right now I decided to try playing around with it myself with this army going for a very worn down look. I also have some cool lore in the works for these guys I will be writing here when it gets a bit more fleshed out. 
    Here is a group shot of the entire crew fighting against some nasty Blightkings. 

    Here is the brave general of this small force the Aether Khemist

    The leader of my Thunderers might be my favourite model from this bunch. 

    And here last but not least the deadly Thunderers 

    I hope you enjoyed these pictures and I hope you will follow this project along with me as I slowly paint up a full 2k army! Before the next 250 points gets painted I will be painting the new Jakkob Bugmansson XI!
  11. Eevika
    Just finished this little holiday special from GW. Really had a lot of fun painting him and a few nice places where I could challenge myself a bit like the face and beer window. I really think this is some of my finest work I have never been really good at painting realistic skin/faces but I think it came out great on this little guy. 

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